
It’s as if there is a game of hide and seek sometimes with prospects.

When you want prospects, they can’t be found, and then at other times, when business is good, new prospects are falling out of the sky.

I know it’s crazy, and yes, there are a lot of theories as to why this is the case.

Sometimes it can simply be the economy, the seasonality of a product or service or a change with a competitor.  Problem is most of these you really can’t control.

What you can control is your own momentum and your attitude.

Momentum drives a lot of sales. I believe it drives a lot more sales than people realize.

When you have momentum, the objective is to use it, and when you don’t have it, well you get the picture… you need to get it.

One of the biggest ways people lose sales momentum is by not acting fast enough when they do get sales.  Too many people go and waste the momentum of making a good sale by partying and celebrating their success.  Sure, it’s great to celebrate, but the best time to find your next best prospect is right after you just closed a sale.

It’s at that point where your sales momentum is at its peak.

It’s amazing how it comes through in your voice, your actions, your attitude…everything, really.   If you have an asset, then use it, and at that time your best asset is your sales motivation and momentum.

Conversely, if you’re not making it happen and your sales motivation is anything but stellar, then what you need to do is to associate with people who do have a high level of sales motivation and sales momentum.  It’s amazing how one person’s positive drive can and will rub off onto the next person.

The worst thing you can do is to allow yourself to start believing that you don’t have any prospects because of things you really can’t control, such as the economy, your competition, and so forth.  If you’re going to succeed, you have to take control. Nobody else is going to take control over your situation.

Prospects will fall from the sky when you’re ready to catch them with your sales motivation and attitude, which will quickly start resulting in sales momentum.

Copyright 2012, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog.





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