

It happens every year. Summer comes, and for some reason, sales slump.  If you allow summer to take over, your sales will slump.

If, on the other hand, you’re proactive, you can enjoy a summer sales bump!

Certainly, you have to accept that customers and prospects will take vacations.

Accept also there will be those perfect days where the customer simply disappears, not out of trying to avoid you, but merely as a way to enjoy the weather.

Below are 5 things you can do right now to make sure you don’t fall into a summer slump:

1. Build into every timetable an extra one to two weeks to allow things to get done.

Since vacations will occur, don’t be shocked, but rather be ready for them.

2. Don’t think for a moment holiday weeks aren’t a great time to be prospecting.

I find holiday weeks are an excellent way to show people you’re dedicated. Chances are your competitor is not out prospecting.   When you fail to prospect the 3 holiday weeks that occur each summer, you’re automatically throwing way 20 – 25% of the summer.

3. Use Friday afternoons to make key phone calls.

You may think people don’t want to talk, but the focused people are working and making it happen.   It’s these busy people who you want to talk to anyway, so reach out on Friday afternoon. Join their club by being seen as one of the dedicated folks.

4. Call earlier in the morning.

Many people make it habit to start work earlier in the summer so they can wrap things up earlier in the afternoon.  Make it a habit to start your calls minimally 30 minutes earlier than you would during the rest of the year. If people are working, take advantage of this. Worst case you’ll get their voicemail, but even that is an opportunity.

5. Schedule your vacation time proactively.

You can certainly still take vacation, but just plan your selling schedule a good 90 days out. This will help minimize the probability of you having a big deal closing as you’re on vacation.




Copyright 2016, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of High-Profit Selling: Win the Sale Without Compromising on Price.
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