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    Membrain's award-winning CRM is now free - here's how to get it

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    As of October 2020, Membrain is operating under a brand new pricing model that makes our CRM free with the purchase of any one of our award-winning workflow modules.

    Now, instead of purchasing a traditional CRM database plus 3rd party tools stacked on top, you’re free to choose the workflows and tools you need, love, and want to use–and get the integrated CRM database and productivity tools at no additional cost.

    Here’s why we made this decision, and how to get Membrain’s tools and CRM for yourself.

    The traditional CRM + tools model has turned the sales stack into a "Frankenstack"

    Historically, the CRM was simply a digital Rolodex designed to keep track of information, and not much else.

    As I wrote about in my book, CRM companies have innovated upon the core product to include a wide variety of tools and "app stores" – but the inflation of loosely connected tools haven’t always resulted in performance improvements, and can sometimes actually slow your teams down.

    As sales teams have used more and more technology to enable various aspects of their work, the stack of technology has grown.

    And grown.

    And grown.

    An enormous variety of point solutions, add-ons, customizations, and integrations have turned most CRMs into a complex jungle of tech that sometimes causes more harm than good. A good term for it is Frankenstack (kudos to Alan Trefler for this expression.) The Frankenstack leads to two key problems, which I’ve written about elsewhere: The Hydra and point pollution.

    The tech stack has become a Frankenstack
    Alan Trefler, Pegasystems

    We built Membrain to be an all-inclusive sales effectiveness tool for complex b2b teams, to eliminate the Frankenstack and get your teams back to doing what they love to do, rather than bogged down in technology.

    As such, while the database is a critically important component of your system, it’s ultimately not representative of the true value of our platform. So it’s not what we want you paying for. We want you to pay for the parts that give you the return on your investment.

    How our new pricing works

    Our pricing is always completely transparent and easy to navigate and understand. There are no hidden fees, surprise add-ons, or runaway customization costs. Combined with our Clearpath Promise and the assistance of one of our partners (or a sales consultant of your choice), it’s easy to see exactly how much it will cost your organization to choose Membrain’s award-winning suite of tools.

    Plus, you can choose exactly the capabilities you need right now, for exactly the people who need them, with a significant discount for team members who don’t need full access.

    Our flexible pricing model starts with two pricing tiers, full user accounts and lite user accounts:

    • Full users take active ownership of one or more workflows, or accounts.
    • Lite users can actively engage with full users within the workflows via steps, tasks, meetings, and other activities that are assigned to them. And have full access to the CRM database and the productivity tools.

    The Lite users makes it easy for you to involve more stakeholders and foster a truly collaborative environment without breaking the bank.

    Next, you can choose one or more of our three signature workflow tools:

    • Prospecting
      The prospect engagement playbooks helps you set up the most effective way for your salespeople to manage inbound and outbound prospecting activities. This workflow  also includes a structured way to ensure that all prospects are qualified before placed in the pipeline.
    • Active Pipeline
      The active pipeline provides industry-leading opportunity management capabilities to improve the win rate for the prospects that convert into sales projects. 
    • Account Growth
      Once you bring in a new client, you need to make sure you deliver on your promises. The account growth projects are used by customer success and key account management teams to prioritize customers, and to create and execute plans to and ensure mutual growth.  

    Each one provides all of the workflows, checklists, and process tools you need for a different aspect of your sales process. Choose all three to access the full suite of Membrain tools, including all of the add-ons, at a substantial discount.

    If you choose only one or two of our workflows, you may also want to choose one or more of the add-ons, which are included in the full suite:

    • Dynamic process tools, which include situational playbooks to guide your team through complex situations, and tools for stakeholder mapping.
    • Sales  Analytics+, to enable a data-driven approach to improve forecast accuracy, assist coaching, and iterate your workflows.
    • Content Hub, to track engagement and access sales enablement content as well as sales collateral in context.

    Finally, you’ll choose the Membrain Clearpath Promise to access everything you need to implement Membrain at one fixed price and agreed-upon timeframe.

    Regardless of which tools you choose, your CRM is included at no extra cost, including productivity tools like the integrated email and calendar capabilities. Also, if you need to build custom integrations. beyond the ones already included, you can add a fully documented and easy to work with API.

    Our interactive pricing tool allows you to calculate your cost in real time

    Wondering how much it will cost to purchase the workflows and tools you want from Membrain?

    We make it easy and fun with our interactive pricing tool.

    I’m excited about this new model as I believe it makes the decision to use Membrain as your sales platform a no-brainer. If you have spent too much time and money with a traditional CRM system, it's time to overcome the sunk cost bias and leave it behind.

    I would love to hear what you think about it.

    George Brontén
    Published October 14, 2020
    By George Brontén

    George is the founder & CEO of Membrain, the Sales Enablement CRM that makes it easy to execute your sales strategy. A life-long entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in the software space and a passion for sales and marketing. With the life motto "Don't settle for mainstream", he is always looking for new ways to achieve improved business results using innovative software, skills, and processes. George is also the author of the book Stop Killing Deals and the host of the Stop Killing Deals webinar and podcast series.

    Find out more about George Brontén on LinkedIn