Don’t Forget Your Accomplishments!

While striving for success, it’s important that you don’t forget about your accomplishments!

It’s common, as we all work toward new heights and achievements to focus almost entirely on how far we have to go rather than how far we’ve come.

Let’s face it, we all do this.

What, at one point, would’ve been a big win just to get an opportunity to close a sizable deal, we now beat ourselves up when we don’t close multiple of those opportunities each day, week, or month.

Some people might start out in sales being nervous or anxious to conduct their first presentation or meeting, only for six months down the road to get frustrated they can’t fit enough of them in their schedule.

A seller might 5x their results one year over their previous, but feel like “they fell short” when they only 2x their results the year after that.

Yet another salesperson might be the top producer for a particular year across the entire organization, but scoff at their own results because they didn’t beat the all-time company record held by another rep.

Look, salespeople are competitive. I’m not advocating a need to slow down our collective drive to become better and produce more. But, there’s something to be said about not just focusing solely on the journey ahead, but reflecting on how far we’ve come.

Building a Buyer-Focused Pipeline

This “tunnel vision” on the journey ahead is to be expected and is acceptable within varying degrees. But, when you’re so focused on what you haven’t done or what hasn’t happened that you, as a result, give in to feelings of negativity, jealously, inadequacy or even angerto the point that you actually hinder your own resultswell, that’s the point where some self-reflection might be necessary.

Take some time, as often as possible, to reflect on what you’ve accomplished. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a month into sales or a 20-year veteranyou have something to celebrate and to be proud of.

And, the more we are able to focus on what we can do, the more we’re able to produce the results we’re seeking.