Take a moment and think about the last time someone you knew well mustered up the courage to ask you for help. No doubt, you displayed kindness, and probably empathy as well.  As a matter of fact, my guess is that these behaviors came naturally to you because you sensed that person’s vulnerability.  That’s how good people treat others they care about, and I’m going make the assumption you’re a good person.

So, let’s stay with the assumption, and go a little deeper.  Another trait often found in good people is an inherent generosity to others. Even if these people don’t know those who are reaching out for help, it’s not uncommon for these good people to be generous with their time, their words, and even their feelings.  Generosity manifest itself as thoughtfulness that good people tend to extend to everyone they know… well, not exactly everyone they know.

There’s a wonderful scene in one of my all-time favorite movies, Defending Your Life, a 1991 American romantic comedy-fantasy film that illustrates this point.  The film is about a man who finds himself on trial in the afterlife.  Written, directed, and starring Albert Brooks, there is an exchange between the Daniel Miller, the person on trial in the afterlife, and his defense attorney Bob Diamond.  This attorney asks him about his acts of generosity in his former life. After listing various examples of generosity, he nervously asks his attorney if he had done enough for others.  Without missing a beat, his attorney tells him this:

Bob Diamond:   There was one person you were really cheap with. Over and over again. I wish you’d been more generous with him.

Daniel Miller:    Who?

Bob Diamond:   You.

Sometimes, it seems that we have the most difficulty being generous to ourselves. There is so much we’re happy to do for everyone but ourselves.  For instance:

  • When we talk to those who are struggling, we tend to increase our level of compassion. When it’s us who are struggling, we tend to increase our level of disappointment.
  • When we provide actual feedback about how to improve to those we care about, we tend to balance that feedback. We do this to spare the other person’s feelings, and because it provides our best opportunity to create progress.  When it’s us who need feedback, we tend to heap on the negatives, provide little to no positives, and crush what little spirit we have.
  • When others make mistakes, we tend to display empathy, and provide a lending hand. When it’s us who make these mistakes, we tend to look at ourselves with disdain and disappointment.

This isn’t the first time I’ve written a piece that involves how tough we are on ourselves.  Perhaps one of the reasons I seem fascinated with this topic is because, like many, I can fall into the same trap.  But, by golly, you and I need to stop it!  We deserve the same level of kindness, generosity, compassion, balance, and empathy we provide others, particularly when things aren’t going as well as we’d like.  It’s the least we can do.  So, here goes:

Well said, Rob!


What do you get when combine energy, enthusiasm… and great content?  You get a “Pocket Sized Pep Talk!”  Tune in and you’ll hear a collection of BLArticles®, conversations, and interviews that are sure to teach, motivate, inspire, and dare I say, entertain!   https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pocket-sized-pep-talks/id1497772972



I Zoomed my way to India to speak with Motivational Diaries, and Ashish Janiani.  We spoke for about 30 minutes about sales processes and training for success.

Sales Process To Sales Success || Interview With Robert Jolles – YouTube

If you want to read some “Life Lessons” I was able to share in a recent interview, you’ll find them here:  https://worldclassperformer.com/short-life-lessons-from-robert-jolles/

I had the pleasure of appearing on Robert Miller’s, Follow Your Dream Podcast and thoroughly enjoyed the discussion.  We go way back in this conversation to my first memories of performance… at age four!  I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!  https://follow-your-dream.simplecast.com/episodes/rob-jolles-superstar-salesman

I also mixed it up with a wonderful podcaster, Terry McDougall on her Marketing Mambo show.  As she puts it, we “Cha-cha-chatted!”  If you want to hear sales and marketing go toe-to-toe, you’ll enjoy this show. https://www.buzzsprout.com/1569061/8172686-the-art-of-influence-in-sales-and-marketing-with-rob-jolles

I recently did a podcast with a wonderful, new, and up-and-coming star named Jahmaal Marshall.  His podcast is called, “Listen Then Speak.”  I’ve done a lot of podcasts, but we got into topics I rarely talk about, and I’m quite sure you’ll enjoy the show!  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/listen-then-speak/id1550684472

I’ve appeared on the “Small Business Advocate Show” with Jim Blasingame for almost 20 years now, and you’ll find dozens of our conversations on his website.  We just sat down a few weeks ago for a great conversation about selling fundamentals and the strategic use of stories.  Here’s a link to over 100 interviews done over the years, including my most recent interview that explores our many behaviors we display that are based more on a default mechanism than actual logic. https://www.smallbusinessadvocate.com/small-business-experts/rob-jolles-134

We posted a video series on delivering amazing online presentations with my friend, Jeremy Webb.  We go over some great stuff including:

  • How to Select the Best Equipment for Online Presentations
  • Pro Tips for Sustaining Interest in Online Presentations
  • How to Look Like a Pro!
  • Public Speaking Anxiety Tip
  • Virtual Office Setup for Online Presentations

You’ll find the whole playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRO7BsBDl6oL-6ZPW3O01x-g5PiR38ljL

I was recently interviewed on the “Salesman Podcast,” which was a lot of fun. If you’re looking to Change Minds, check out this podcast: https://www.salesman.org/the-simple-step-by-step-process-to-influence-anyone-with-rob-jolles/

I loved talking about the book, Why People Don’t Believe You on a podcast that I’m sure you’ll like called Onward Nationhttps://predictiveroi.com/podcasts/rob-jolles/

After 30+ years as a professional speaker and trainer, one of the most common questions I get is this: “How do we make sure the training sticks?”  Take a moment and listen to this podcast; “SalesChats” with John Golden.  If you want to know why most training fails, listen up! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR3dDOlTK7U&list=FLxBXKhqz0xBwbUPMqNthAJA&index=2&t=1293s