While we were all looking the other way, Facebook quietly introduced reviews to Facebook Pages for Places with very little fanfare. If you haven’t seen them yet, you’ll probably see them soon. It takes a while for a new feature to be rolled out to almost 1.5 billion users. We saw the new review buttons on many Facebook Pages for Places recently and thought we’d give you a peek under the hood.

In the example below, we check out the Facebook Page of our favorite hotel in Las Vegas, The Cosmopolitan.

You’ll notice that a review button has made its way between the Like and Message buttons right under the cover photo. If you click on the review button, you’ll be served up a review box where you can provide a 1 to 5 star rating, write a review, see other Facebook friends that have liked the page and you can even Like the page directly from the review box.

Before you hit post, you also have the option to choose who sees the review. Similarly to your other Facebook posts and status updates, you can select the following groups to see the post: public, friends, friends of friends, friends except acquaintances, custom or chose from one of your lists.

After you click post, you’ll be served up other Pages to review. These might look familiar to you because they’ll be places you’ve either checked into or have Liked on Facebook.

If you chose “public” when you post your review, your review will live on the Page you just reviewed and look like this:

What are your thoughts on reviews on Facebook Pages for Places? Do you think you’ll use them? Do you think they’ll have any impact on Yelp? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

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