Ghosted? Here’s what to do…

Ghosted—just the sound of this is chilling.

But when you’ve done a presentation and then don’t hear back from a prospect, it can often mean the kiss of death.

What to do?

Here are three things I do to avoid being ghosted:

#1: Because prospects are pitched all the time, and because the majority of them are not going to be a buyer (at this time) for my services, a way I get them to reach back out to me is by offering them a way out.

That’s right. While it seems counter intuitive, I’d rather know up front if I’m wasting my time or if this is a real prospect.

So, I always include in my communications (voicemail, email, text) the following “out”:

“{first name}, so I know how to follow up appropriately, please let me know if this is something that isn’t of interest to you right now, or when would be a good time for us to discuss this further.”

That’s it.

And guess what? By including this sentence my communications, I not only get more responses, but I remove the “beg” in my pitch/follow up. Nobody likes hearing from a salesperson who has “commission breath” as a manager once told me. And this method not only allows prospects to disqualify themselves, but it also gets those interested buyers to respond back to me with a time to reach them.

#2: Make more calls without leaving a message. Speaking about prospects hiding behind emails, etc., sales reps hide behind them, too. They send email after email or leave a couple of voice mails and then give up.

I take the opposite approach: I call.


For weeks.

And I don’t leave a message.

Oh sure, I send emails also, and I leave voicemails once in a while, but in between, I’ll call five to seven times a week—at different times, different days—and hang up if I don’t reach someone.

This kind of persistence has paid off (and still pays off) Big Time. So be relentless—remember: “The harder you work, the luckier you’ll get.”

#3: Send a card—or 12. In my book, Power Phone Scripts, I’ve detailed the success I’ve had using a greeting card campaign to send a personalized card every month for year. I’ve made hundreds of thousands of dollars doing this.

Visit this link to try this service for free, and then do what other sales reps are too lazy to do: Send a card, every month, and you’ll reach the buyers you’re looking for.

And don’t forget: The beautiful thing about this system is you create the cards and then forget about them! All you have to do is add a name and address and press a button. Then your cards go out automatically without any other effort on your part!

Remember: You want to be in front of your prospects when priorities change, and when they need your product or service. Sending a card and being in front of them each month will ensure they think of YOU first…

So, there you have it. Three sure fire ways of avoiding being ghosted. Follow them and watch your contacts—and your sales—go through the roof!

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Perfect for reps dealing with the following issues:

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  • Giving successful presentations and dealing with objections
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