
islandAn outcome of having the privilege to speak at conferences and sales meetings, not only around the United States, but also around the world, is the number of relationships I’ve developed with CEOs, VPs of Sales, and other senior people.

I value each one of them, not just because of the title they have, but also because of the people they are.

At the core of each relationship is a desire to have discussions where critical issues can be discussed in confidence.   No, I’m not going to share any of these discussions — not here and not with anyone else.

My reason for writing this is to share with you the reader the importance of having an outlet to discuss things, knowing it can be done in confidence.

Regardless of the position you have or the company you work for, you cannot allow yourself to be on an island.   Too many sales managers are on island,s and by this I mean they have no one they can turn to for input and to discuss critical topics and gain insight.

If you’re on an island, you have to get off of it.

It’s not that you have to develop a relationship with the best and the brightest.  What it means is you need a comfortable relationship with at least one other person with whom you can discuss key issues openly.

The beauty in being able to have someone to share things with is the other person will feel comfortable in sharing ideas with you.

The value is huge. You will both gain insight from being able to help each other.  Being able to discuss and share, you will find yourself building confidence with the outcome, regardless if it was an outcome you developed.

Who can you connect with?

Take the time to develop one or more relationships away from your company.   The time you spend will payout immensely over time with better decisions and more confidence.

Copyright 2014, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of High-Profit Selling: Win the Sale Without Compromising on Price.

Click on the below book cover for more info on boosting your profits!

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