Adaptive Business Services – New Sales Programs and Offerings

In an article earlier this year, I announced “Craig 4.0 – My Final Work Chapter”. Well, here it is. I figure that I have five more years left in me and, as hard as I want to try to fully retire, work continues to be my main hobby so … I’m stuck. This does not, however, mean that I can’t have any fun.

I have given a lot of thought as to what aspects of my work give me the most joy and here they are. With the exception of NetWorks! Boise which launched my journey into self-employment, I’ve dabbled with the other two through the years but, it was always a case of “too many opportunities, too little time.” . Call it my triad.

NetWorks! Boise

NetWorks! (we have openings) was my original baby and, after 10 years, it is stronger than ever but, I’m never satisfied. Complacency is a well-recognized ass-biter. We will always continue to seek to improve our member services and, now that I have a partner, we have more time to do so and I have more time to focus on …


I love doing workshops and have now fully developed six and have two more under development. We can do these at your location or online. I will be doing workshops for companies only. In the past I offered open workshops and lining up the people, the location, and the services drained 100% of the fun out of any session that I ever did.

Certainly, I can develop custom workshops, provided that your needs match my expertise, for individual companies. You would need to pay me to create something unique. However, as each of these programs will only be presented to one company, your company, they can all be easily tweaked to address your primary goals.

My focus is on B2B selling and these workshops all support this focus. They are …

LinkedIn for B2B Sales – 2 hours

If you are in B2B sales and you are not maximizing LinkedIn to increase your revenues, you are missing out on a ton of new opportunities. In this session we will discuss everything that you need to do to get started.

Introduction to Nimble Social CRM – Two parts – 1 hour each

Nimble is the groundbreaking Social CRM that is designed to increase your revenues. If you are in B2B sales and you are not using some sort of CRM, you have to be crazy! In Part I we do a complete overview of Nimble. In Part II we address getting setup on Nimble along with some of it’s more advanced features.

Nimble regularly conducts free webinars and I have a free YouTube Channel. Why pay for what you can get for free? We will be one-on-one vs. a cattle-call group session. I will answer your questions. We will cover only what is important to you. I will not try to sell you anything and that includes a Nimble subscription.

Behavioral Selling Skills – 3 hours

I’ll let you in on a little secret and we have all been there as salespeople. There are some people who we call on and we just seem to click right away. We are immediately in sync. Others … not so much. Then there are those calls that start of great and then, for no apparent reason, they go straight to hell.

Everyone has their preferred style of communication but, that can quickly change to a secondary or even tertiary style. You also have a preferred style and that works well with people who share the same style but, it can be disastrous with those who don’t. You must to be able to recognize these styles and then adjust to meet them.

Beginning DISC Workshop – 2 hours

This is a quick review of the principles behind DISC behaviors. We will discuss how to easily identify each behavior and then how to adapt your own personal style to maximize your effectiveness in communicating with the different DISC styles.

Behaviors in the Workplace (Dynamics of Communication) – 4 hours

This program is the turbo version of our Beginning DISC Workshop. With a basic understanding of DISC assessments, this workshop can be used for hiring, promoting, position reassignment, team communications, and selling.

Using Assessments As a Part of Your Hiring Process – 2 hours

If you have decided to add the use of assessments as a part of your hiring process … awesome! You have made a very wise decision. However, there are right and wrong ways to do this and we will talk about both. We want to see you maximize your return on this investment!

Mini LinkedIn Workshops – 30 to 45 minutes each

Perfect for sales meetings, I have eight full hours of workshops which cover all aspects of LinkedIn and this content has been divided into 30 minute sessions that can also be combined to meet your specific needs.

Salesperson Hiring Assessments

I have access to, and have been certified in, a large number of behaviors, driving forces (motivators), and competencies assessments that are offered by a well known leader in this field (TTI – Target Training International). While TTI offers assessments that are suitable for all members of your company, my focus is on salespeople.

How expensive is it to find a salesperson, bring them on board, and then find out 6 months later that they are not going to make it? You don’t have to ask me because I already know. I ran sales teams for over 25 years and it is damn expensive! Or, would this salesperson be a good choice to assume the sales manager position?

These types of assessments are available in many places at prices as low as $0.00. You do get what you pay for. When you pay for mine you will get a report from an industry leader and you also get me. I am here to guide you to the correct product for your expressed purpose as well as to assist you in interpreting the results.

These assessments are only one part of your total selection process but, the beauty of these is that …

  • The results are based on the applicant’s own answers.
  • Since these are their answers, questions generated by the reports are valid.
  • The reports will trigger topics for discussion (pro and con) that you would never think to ask of the applicant.
  • When choosing a new salesperson, there is no such thing as too much data from which to make that important decision.

And, particularly if you are running a larger sales organization, wouldn’t it be great if you could clone your top performers! You can by establishing a position (job) benchmark and then compare new applicants to this ideal profile.

Download this free calculator, “The Cost of a Bad Hire”, to get an idea for yourself. Now add, lost sales and maybe even customer relationships, to that total. Next … call me!

Special offer!

I’m excited about my new offerings and I want to share this with you. For the first 10 people only, if you reach out to me at and reference this tag … #GetMeSome, I’ll give you one FREE TriMetrix DNA assessment which measures behaviors, driving forces (motivators) and core competencies.

I will even throw in one hour on Skype, just you and me, to discuss your results. This is a $545.00 value and there are no catches! I’m not even going to add you to my mailing list because … I don’t even have one. My only goal is to introduce you to my services. Even if you don’t need them, you might refer me to someone who does.

Craig M. Jamieson
Craig M. Jamieson is a lifelong B2B salesperson, manager, owner, and a networking enthusiast. Adaptive Business Services provides solutions related to the sales professional. We are a Nimble CRM Solution Partner. Craig also conducts training and workshops primarily in social selling and communication skills. Craig is also the author of "The Small Business' Guide to Social CRM", now available on Amazon!
Craig M. Jamieson

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