thank-you-227344_640Thanks to readers like you, 2014 was a great year.

I recently told a colleague that I’m not currently mentoring anyone. She immediately corrected me and said, “Joanne, we mentor everyone by the words we write.” I had never thought about it that way. But when I took the time to review all the great questions and feedback readers sent me this past year, I realized she was right!

Thank you for taking the time to write to me. Hearing about the impact my words have on your success blows me away. Every time. So I’m starting this New Year with a great sense of gratitude and purpose because of the sales professionals I reach, and who reach out to me.

Here is what you told me:

  • My wife just read your Salesforce article about PITA clients and shared it with me this evening. Extremely helpful and timely, and we are opting out of an equipment sale to a client that just isn’t right. The money is not worth it! Your article and knowledge confirmed our thoughts about this “potential client.”
  • I’ve just read your book, Pick Up the Damn Phone!, and I really enjoyed it! I agree with you regarding all the subjects you wrote about, especially the importance of technology! I do use Evernote and Pipedrive CRM, but they only help me to be more organized! They don’t sell for me! I really have to pick up the damn phone!
  • You know, Joanne: I think technology is now acting in our favour! The more power the technology has, the more people or companies need us (good salespeople) to connect and to do what has to be done!
  • I cannot express how much your note meant to me. As a woman salesperson in tech, I’ve been at a professional crossroads.Your quick note recognizing my efforts helped me to reset and focus on what matters, and to believe in myself and trust my choices. So thank you!
  • I’m going to order your book about referral selling! I do use referral selling but probably not in a very systematic way! It will be good for me and my corporate clients! Maybe I’ll do some workshops about referral selling in the future based on your book. I hope one day I can meet you in person! Let me know in case you need anything from Portugal!
  • Joanne, I must say you are a pit bull and top influencer! I love following you and reading all of the great content you post. I’m always trying to learn and get better, and having leaders like you in my network allows me to do that.
  • Your book is fantastic. The “Clients Buy You” chapter is so spot-on. Perfect timing as we pivot to both accelerating my expert authority in the business and speaking more concisely to our target market. The book is an electronic mentor!
  • I liked your article on “Do Your Leads Suck?” Most leads tend to these days. I find our biggest competition is the status-quo people who don’t want to rock the boat. Second place would go to people who know “who” they want to do business with, but are required to do due diligence, so they waste a company’s time to show they followed procedure. Highly frustrating.
  • I’ve really been enjoying your conversations on YouTube. I saw your conversations with people on LinkedIn, talking about the importance of using it to start a conversation rather than pitching a product, and I thought it to be a very profound statement.
  • Wonderful call this a.m. Love the reminder that it is still all about relationships. I have begun to respond directly and comment on LinkedIn, and it is helping build those relationships. So thank you!!!
  • Koka Sexton brought you to my attention via the @socialselling Twitter account. I have seen the video interviews this morning, and they have been so helpful in preparation for my speech.
  • I want to let you know how much everyone enjoyed your presentation to our sales and marketing teams yesterday. Your personal observations and best practices resonated with the team and gave a great boost to our efforts around social selling. Also, thank you so much for signing your book. I’ve already started reading it.
  • Your referral training has forever shaped much of what our company teaches today.
  • I am a huge fan of your work and I am completely absorbed in your approach. I utilise social media to maximise sales every day, and it is very effective.
  • I’m not great on my cold calls. That’s why your book is a good motivator!

I’ve received many more great messages from readers like you this year. While I couldn’t include them all in the list, know that I read and appreciate every one.

As we start off another sales year, know that I’m here to help and that I want to hear from you. Please keep sending me your feedback, suggestions, and questions. I love hearing from you and being inspired by your kind words and great ideas.

Here’s to 2015 being your best sales year ever!







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Follow Joanne on Google+ or Twitter @ReferralSales, or connect on LinkedIn and Facebook.