business woman pointing at Best Sales Tips 2019

2019 Best Sales Tips from the Vengreso Leadership Team

Practice makes perfect, and when it comes to sales, the leadership team at Vengreso has a lot of practice under its belt. Even so, they continually strive to be better. There’s always something new to learn from one another, from books and webinars, and from those outside our industry or circle.

Vengreso’s leaders, or the “Fantastic Eight” as Mario calls them, share their best sales or sales leadership tips for 2019 in the video below.  Watch it, or keep reading and let their words of wisdom help you rock your sales goals in the new year.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”The Vengreso leaders, or the ‘Fantastic Eight’ as CEO @M_3Jr calls them, share their best tips about #Sales and #SalesLeadership for 2019. Catch it here! #DigitalSelling #SalesTips” quote=”The Vengreso leaders, or the ‘Fantastic Eight’ as CEO @M_3Jr calls them, share their best tips about #Sales and #SalesLeadership for 2019. Catch it here! #DigitalSelling #SalesTips”]

Vengreso’s Best Sales Tips for 2019

Here are their sales tips in order of appearance:

  1. Chief Sales Officer Kurt Shaver – Referrals are the number one way to start a sales cycle because you’re trading trust between mutual parties. Mine your mutual LinkedIn connections to target prospects, and then reach out to them and ask for introductions.
  2. Director of Training and Coaching Stan Robinson, Jr. – Utilize LinkedIn Updates. 60% of users are on mobile, so you have to grab a reader’s attention in the first 3 lines!  Remember, most algorithms on Social give more visibility to new features. Be sure to use native video and share documents to get your posts in front of more people.
  3. Director of Training and Coaching David Goad – Leverage your sales and customer service team to extend your PR on LinkedIn. The average employee has ten times the social reach of a company page so use that fact to your advantage. Get them to contribute their blog posts to your website, and you’ll increase the chance of them sharing your content.
  4. Director of Training and Coaching Angela Dunz – Look at who’s viewing your profile and reach out to them. This tactic opened up many business opportunities for me and even landed my first speaking gig. Here’s the message I advise you send:  “Thank you for looking at my profile. Is there anything I can do to help you out professionally? Let’s at least connect.”
  5. Sales Director Chuck Shaver – Use video! It’s the leader in online content and lets you deliver a ton of digestible content through one-on-one messaging quickly. By 2020, Gartner reports that 85% of the buyer’s journey will be completed without interacting with a company. With so many people consuming video it’s important that you’re getting valuable video content in front of them.
  6. Chief Visibility Officer Viveka von Rosen – Understand who your buyer is and speak to them. 62% of prospects look at your LinkedIn Profile before making a decision. Make yours a resource and not a resume. Add media to your profile, create a branded background image, and write to help your buyer.
  7. Chief Marketing Officer Bernie Borges – Create a short explainer video about the problem you solve, and then build a connection by sharing it through any channel (email, text, private message, etc.).
  8. Chief Executive Officer Mario Martinez, Jr. – Ask yourself this:  Is it awesome? If you don’t think something is awesome, neither will anyone else. Make this short question a part of your company culture and your personal mantra.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Here are the 2019 Best #SalesTips from the Vengreso Leadership Team! #Sales #SalesLeadership @BernieBorges @KurtShaver @LinkedInExpert @M_3Jr @outdrangel @ChuckShaver @davidgoad @StanRobinson” quote=”Here are the 2019 Best #SalesTips from the Vengreso Leadership Team! #Sales #SalesLeadership @BernieBorges @KurtShaver @LinkedInExpert @M_3Jr @outdrangel @ChuckShaver @davidgoad @StanRobinson”]

Still looking for more sales advice to help guide you into the new year? Check out Viveka’s eBook on the 7 Deadly LinkedIn Mistakes. Download it now and find out how these seven issues could be costing you money! Also, be sure to check out our sales manager tips for leading in a virtual world!

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