How to Lead Your Sales Team in Times of Business Uncertainty
Home 9 Leader's Digest 9 How to Lead Your Sales Team in Times of Business Uncertainty

by | Mar 11, 2020 | Leader's Digest

COVID-19 has led to a lot of uncertainty in our current business environment. As a sales leader, it can be difficult to know what strategic actions are necessary to keep your teams ahead of their goals.

While some things are out of your control, like the instatement of organization-wide travel bans or work-from-home policies, you can control the direction you give your sales team. As a sales leader, it is up to you to keep your sales team’s business moving forward in challenging times, and always.

So, what exactly can you do to ensure your team’s business doesn’t come to a halt?

  1. Encourage your sales professionals to be proactive about customer relationship management. At Carew, a foundational element of our sales training programs is the importance of building and maintaining customer relationships. This becomes even more important in times of uncertainty or crisis when customers are concerned and unsure about where things are headed.

Encourage your sales professionals to reach out to their customers to provide reassurance and insights, or just to check-in, and you will be helping them make a deposit in the relationship-bank. Customers want to know that you genuinely care about them and their business and are constantly thinking of ways to help. They don’t just want to hear from you when you want a sale! Relationship-building is integral to establishing trust and proving your value to a customer, and at no time is this more important than in times of crisis.

  1. Show your commitment to your team. If your sales team members see you acting deflated and halting your work because of business uncertainty, they will do the same! Ensure you are keeping any promises you made to your team, and continually demonstrate to them your commitment to their success. In turn, this will motivate them to persevere towards their goals despite the challenges they face.

At all times, but particularly in times of uncertainty, it is up to us as leaders to ensure our teams have what they need to be successful. Guiding your sales professionals in customer-relationship building skills and demonstrating your commitment to their success will motivate your team to continue working towards their goals through challenging times.

To help our customers stay on track with their sales goals in the current business environment, we are offering our renowned training programs in a virtual setting.

Click here to learn more about Carew’s virtual training programs

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