Voicemail Techniques Sellers Should Use

BY Jessica Helinski
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Buyers won’t answer every phone call. Sellers need to use effective voicemail techniques to get their calls returned. But research shows that most sellers don’t ever get a response. 

SellCell reports that “The average response rate for voicemails is only 4.8%.”

They also share that sales companies have found that just by incorporating scripted voicemails, return rates jump 22%.

There’s opportunity to get your sales calls returned by simply being prepared. So, when your call isn’t answered, you leave a voicemail that inspires a call back. As Steli Efti writes for Close, sellers can entice buyers with a sneak preview of the conversation to come. 

Think of your voicemail as a teaser for the actual conversation you were hoping to have…,” she writes. 

Try These Voicemail Techniques To Get Calls Returned

First, keep in mind that this voicemail should not be a sales pitch. As anxious as you are to share your value, a voicemail isn’t the best time. Most importantly, you want prospects to know who you are and why you’re calling. Then, add in the teaser. 

You should give essential information, then tease the interesting bits for a future conversation,” Efti advises.

Hubspot’s Michael Halper agrees, writing, “You need to give them a reason to reach back out.”

While you shouldn’t give a sales pitch, it’s a good idea to briefly highlight the value you can bring. This keeps the primary focus on the buyer and your interest in helping them. Use the short amount of time to personalize the message rather than pitch. 

Hopefully, you’ve done research on the prospect prior to the call. You’ve learned about their business and identified at least one way they could benefit from your solution. 

Narrow down points that you feel are the most important before picking up the phone. Practice calling out these points to keep the message down to about 30 seconds. And make sure to avoid jargon and sale-​sy cliches to reinforce you aren’t pitching. 

Manage Your Pace and Tone

Sellers may not realize that one of the most important voicemail techniques is leaving a message that sounds good. How you deliver your message can impact how a buyer responds. 

Sounding professional immediately makes a positive first impression. Make sure that you remain conscious of your cadence. It may feel intimidating to have only 30 seconds to leave a great voicemail. But rushing through your speech won’t help.

As Efti adds, “Don’t rush through your message, but speak at a normal pace to ensure clarity.”

She also encourages sellers to speak at a normal volume. You don’t want to be too loud but you also should sound confident and engaged. 

If you haven’t ever considered how your voice impacts sales, consider these tips to develop your voice skills. SalesFuel’s Tim Londergan shares why voice matters and how sellers can work on their own vocal delivery. 

Training your voice to project professionalism, friendliness and confidence adds to the tools that you already possess.”

Don’t Rely Only On A Call to Action

Most sellers end their message with a call to action, asking for a call back. But one voicemail technique to try involves another element. 

Don't put all of the responsibility of reconnecting on the buyer. Take initiative to say you’ll try to connect again on a specific date. But, also invite them to return your call if they’d like to connect sooner.

This maintains forward momentum and provides a higher level of service,” Halper explains.

Consider adopting these voicemail techniques to leave more effective messages. You’ll inspire more returned calls thanks to creating a connection that demonstrates value. 

And when you do connect, make sure your first discussion is a success with these tips.

Photo by Antoni Shkraba
