Outbound Expert of the week – Carl-Johan Larsson

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Outbound expert of the week – Carl-Johan Larsson

There’s no one right way to do outbound. That’s why each week we ask an expert to share their perspective on this channel. They share their tips on how to build it successfully. In each will answer a few questions about:

  • outbound use cases
  • preparing an outbound campaign
  • writing a killer outbound sequence
  • and more…

Meet Carl-Johan, founder @ we-send.email

“I have been doing cold emails for about ten years; it started with me doing it for myself; think “mail merge”, which was the only option back then if you wanted to scale. But a couple of years ago, some really good tools started to pop up, so I have been an early adopter of pretty much any cold emailing (and related) tools out there. When I managed to streamline my process more and more, people started to reach out for help, so it all started with me helping out friends with their cold emailing, then friends of friends, and so on. That’s still my number one source of clients, someone that spoke to someone that spoke to someone.

Around a year ago I decided to formalize things a bit more, hire some staff on a permanent basis, extend my network, and partner up with the best tech and knowledge providers out there”

What outbound is good for?

When you have something to say!

That’s the key, sweet and simple.

You have to treat emails as a conversion opener, enabling you to have meaningful conversations with people you want to talk to.

Think of it like this, if you are in a room with potential clients, can you do a 15-second elevator pitch and get people to talk to you? If the answer is yes, then you should do cold emailing. Of course, that doesn’t mean that every email we send out is like a short elevator pitch, it’s more complex than that, but that’s the core message.

What to pay special attention to while preparing an outbound campaign?


Everything has to be perfect; you need to:

  • Fix and then monitor your domain reputation

  • Make sure that DKIM is set to reject

  • Analyze your wording, so it doesn’t trigger the spam filter

  • Keep warming your email addresses

  • Watching your sender score

  • Check your images so they don’t get classified as spam

  • Checking your IP to see if someone else has gotten it blocked

  • Keep testing new messaging

  • Validate emails

  • And so many things more…..

If any of the things mentioned above fails, everything fails; cold email works like a chain; if one part is broken, the whole chain is broken.

What are your 3 golden rules of writing a killer outbound sequence?

When it comes to messaging, there are a couple of rules you have to follow:

1, Your email(s) have to be relevant. This is a must, and you should test this, first on your friends in the industry, then on unknowns. And do your homework, call people, ask them why they read or didn’t read the email, then go back and adjust the messaging.

2, Make sure people want to get back to you (one way or another); you could send your entire stack of marketing material and a quote upfront, but then there wouldn’t be a reason for the prospect to get back to you. So, make sure the prospect will have a reason to get back to you after they have read your emails.

3, Think long-term. You need to contact each and every prospect lots of times before they get back to you, so don’t bet the farm in the first 3 or 4 emails; make sure you plan for more.

What makes your approach to outbound unique?

Attention to detail, we handle everything, and we measure everything. This allows us to maximize our clients’ response rate (and the revenue).

We don’t take on jobs where we are not in complete control. Since everything is connected, we need to be able to measure everything, this allows us to maximize our client’s response rate (and revenue).

If you’d like to work with Carl-Johan, use this link to schedule the call


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