PipelineThe best sales reps are 250 percent better at qualifying leads than their peers.

As salespeople, the most important indicator of our success is the state of our pipelines—whether they’re full of qualified leads that will keep us hitting our numbers in the months to come or clogged with prospects who will never pay off as clients. Yet, research from The TAS Group shows that:


•    46 percent of reps feel their pipelines are accurate
•    Two-thirds of all salespeople miss quota
•    Over half of all salespeople close at less than 40 percent

Those are pretty dismal statistics, I know. But the same study shows that the best reps—the rainmakers who always make or exceed quota and keep their sales pipelines overflowing with business—are 250 percent better at qualifying leads than their peers.

Contrary to popular belief, your marketing department can’t help you qualify leads, and cold calling certainly won’t do it. But referrals will.

Check out the latest from No More Cold Calling for more on how to pack your pipeline with nothing but HOT, qualified leads:

You Can’t “Fit it In”?

Referral selling isn’t just something you fit into your schedule. It’s the most effective business-development strategy there is, so shouldn’t it be your No.1 sales priority? (Read “You Can’t ‘Fit it In’?”.)

Message to Management: Get the Rocks Off the Road

We’re salespeople. We like simple. Don’t overcomplicate things with a long, involved sales process. As a sales leader, your main job is to get the rocks off the road so your team can quickly and easily do what they were hired to do—sell! (Read “Get the Rocks Off the Road.”)

Don’t Let Your Buyers Take Control

Many buyers think their role is to be the judge and jury in sales situations. Nancy Bleeke, president of Sales Pro Insider, Inc., suggests a more collaborative selling approach. She explains how to guide buyers through the sales process and make them advocates for their own solutions. (Read “Don’t Let Your Buyers Take Control.”)

Don’t Tell Me—Show Me

Today’s skeptical buyers don’t want to hear about the value of your product. They want to see how it can transform their businesses. In this guest blog, Megan Totka, chief editor of ChamberofCommerce.com, explains the importance of demonstrating how your solution gets results. (Read “Don’t Tell Me—Show Me.”)

No More Cold Calling Audio Book

Joanne’s one-of-a-kind sales guide shows you how to stop wasting time calling people who don’t want to hear from you and boost your close rate to 50 or 90 percent! Send your commissions soaring, work less, and enjoy it more—all without ever making another cold call.

By following Joanne Black’s proven referral-selling system, you’ll discover how to turn current customers and your myriad of contacts into a rich referral network. Qualified prospects, ready to do business, will call you asking for help.

Download the audio book today on iTunes or Audible.com.