
Why Change?
Why You?
Why Invest?
Why Now?
Why Pay?
Why Sign?


Why Stay?
Why Evolve?

The Customer Deciding Journey

It’s tempting to believe that prospects and customers will all follow a set of repeatable steps that eventually lead them to choose you. But in reality, your buyers are asking weighty, specific questions in, what we call, the Customer Deciding Journey.

The Customer Deciding Journey includes five Value Conversations. These are pivotal moments for both you and your buyers because in each of these conversations, they’re asking difficult questions that your team must answer if you want to win and keep their business.

While most training programs teach a more internally focused sales process, the Customer Deciding Journey reflects what’s happening in your buyers’ minds—how they think and behave while they’re deciding whether to buy from you.

When you understand how your buyers frame value and make choices, you can tailor your approach to match their specific motivations and psychology within each moment.

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Initiate Value™

Your buyers are being inundated with contact requests, robocalls, and irrelevant sales messages. To secure a sales meeting with a new prospect or former customer, you need to get their attention, ask the right discovery questions, and ignite their interest in the potential of your solution.

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Create Value®

Selling to new prospects is more about change management than it is about selling. As the outsider, you’re fighting inertia—your buyer’s natural tendency to stay with their current situation. So to persuade them to change and choose you, you need to disrupt your prospect’s status quo, drive the need for change, and create a buying vision that favors you over your competition.

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Elevate Value®

What about when you need to justify the value of your solution to executive decision-makers? In these conversations, your goal is to demonstrate the urgency for change by highlighting the risks affecting their situation, introducing previously Unconsidered Needs, and providing a solution that will have a positive and tangible impact on their business.

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Capture Value®

As deals advance, it becomes harder to handle pricing pressures and avoid unnecessary discounting. Your sales reps need the training to deal with that pressure and close deals profitably. In complex selling scenarios, they also need to learn techniques for guiding conversations through multi-party buying committees and avoiding any “last mile” challenges to reaching agreement.

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Expand Value®

When your prospect becomes a customer, you become their status quo. Your salespeople won’t win these conversations by using the same provocative approach as they use for winning new business—keeping and growing customer revenue requires entirely different messages, content, and skills. To keep and grow business with existing customers, you need to reinforce your value early and often, and actively defend the relationship against your competition.

Strengthen Your Skills, Shift Your Style

One-size-fits-all messages and skills won’t hold up across the range of buying decisions you need to influence in the Customer Deciding Journey.

To win all five Value Conversations, you need to master a diverse set of messages and skills, sharpened with the situational awareness to know when and how to adapt to each situation.

Corporate Visions is the only sales training provider that has rigorously studied the invisible forces that shape human decision-making in each of the five Value Conversations. And from this research, we’ve developed a scientifically tested suite of sales training programs called The Customer Conversation System.