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Weekly Recap, September 24, 2023

Miss one of our sales blogs this week? Our weekly recap will get you caught up and prepared for success.

Weekly Recap, September 24, 2023

Here are our sales-enhancing tips from this week's Selling Energy Blogs...

Weekly Recap, September 24, 2023

Monday: Digital business models are changing everything. The Network Imperative will position you as a sales professional who can provide managers and executives with what they need in the most timely and pragmatic fashion.

Tuesday: PowerPoints are more than sharing bullet points, words, and graphs. When they're successful there are elements of storytelling and persuasion, letting your prospect in on a new point of view.

Wednesday: When you’re going to market with a new product or service, what niches and value propositions would allow you to stack the deck in your favor? 

Thursday: A continuation on stacking the deck in your favor and getting the wheels turning for your sales process. 

Friday: Bite-sized wisdom can go a long way. As some bonus content and a pick-me-up, here are the top 20 quotes we’ve shared in the recent past.

Saturday: Sales professionals must research your prospect and organization and consider what key metrics they might be using to measure success before stepping into the meeting room.

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Mark Jewell

Mark Jewell

Mark Jewell is the President and co-founder of Selling Energy. He is a subject matter expert, coach, speaker and best-selling author focused on overcoming barriers to implementing projects. Mark teaches other professionals and organizations how to turbocharge their sales success.


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