Sometimes all it takes to seal the sales deal is a live conversation. Not email, not a text: a phone call.

Email thread after email thread…and nothing gets settled. One Friday afternoon I decided to take action, pick up the phone, and call three people. All three had been emailing back and forth with me, and still there were loose ends.

I reached all three. Many people don’t use the phone as their primary business-communication tool. My calls went right through to my contacts. (Yes, sales success can be sealed with a real, live conversation. Read, “Pick Up the Phone and Guarantee Your Sales Future”.) Here’s how it went:

  1. The first was a client. We wrestled with an outstanding issue, and we had never spoken on the phone or met in person. Within five minutes, the situation was resolved, and we had an understanding about how to work together in the future. She told me she was glad I called.
  2. The second was to my publisher about my rights on a certain issue. It seems I opened a can of worms with my emailed question. I was amazed that a large publisher didn’t have a policy. They had to go back and forth with legal, and my contact explained why I received the answer I did. She told me she was glad I called and that we got everything resolved so quickly.
  3. The third was to a new editor at a publication to which I contribute articles. In a short period of time, we agreed on the best content for me to contribute, and the deadlines. She told me she was glad I called.

Pick Up the Phone, Pick Up Your Pipeline

There’s a direct correlation between your personal connection and your sales success. Email is terrific for setting appointments and exchanging information. But when the situation becomes complex and the going gets tough, pick up the darned phone. You’ll be glad you called…and so will your contact.

Make a Difference

Pick up the phone and connect. What rewards are you reaping?