readingabookWhy not put the technology away and curl up with a real book every once in a while?

Something special happens when we read a real, printed book. We disconnect from technology and all its distractions. We retreat into our own heads to think, reflect, and enjoy a break from our always-connected world.

My first book—No More Cold Calling™: The Breakthrough System That Will Leave Your Competition in the Dustwas published in hardcover by Warner Books eight years ago this month. Even when clients read it (or my other publications) in digital formats, they still ask for signed copies to include in their libraries.

Books vs. Ebooks

These days, we can consume books anyway we want—with an eReader, via audio, or on a printed page.

Do you like fiction on your eReader and business books in print? Do you put sticky notes on your favorite passages, dog-ear pages, or highlight text? Yes, you can do that with an eReader, but there’s nothing like holding a book in your hands.

Different Formats, Different Experiences

I resonated with Mohsin Hamid’s New York Times article, “How Do E-Books Change the Reading Experience? As he puts it:

In a world of intrusive technology, we must engage in a kind of struggle if we wish to sustain moments of solitude.

I couldn’t agree more. Digital books certainly have their advantages, but it’s not the same thing as curling up with your favorite hardcover and escaping reality … if only for a few minutes.

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