In an era powered by technology, connecting with the person still matters

Perhaps you remember Edward R. Murrow and the show, “Person to Person”.

The Private Lives of Public People

Beginning in 1953, the Person to Person program developed out of “Edward R. Murrow’s belief that human beings are innately curious. That curiosity was intense regarding the private lives of public people, or visiting the extraordinary in the most ordinary environment—the home. For his television program, then, Murrow, sitting comfortably in the studio, informally greeted two guests a week, in fifteen minute interviews in their homes, talking about the everyday activities of their lives. The interviews avoided politics, detailed discussion of current events, and a line of questioning that delved deeper into one or two issues. The more general the question, and frequent the change of topic, the more satisfying the process of revealing different facts of the private figure.”

“On Person to Person, people conversed with Murrow, and, starting in the fall of 1959, with Charles Collingwood, as host. Almost every year, for nine years, informal chats positioned the show in the top ten network programs. “

“Murrow wanted the series “in spite of television,” to “revive the art of conversation.”

Person to Person Is Back

And now, after more than 50 years, Person to Person is back—in the form of Charlie Rose and Lara Logan continuing the conversation (the new “Person to Person” is on CBS). The inaugural show was a shining list of celebs: George Clooney, Warren Buffet, and John Bon Jovi. The technology has changed—Rose and Logan take us into the homes of today’s biggest names via a giant wall of video—but the connection, insight, and person-ness is the same.

We are—regardless of executive or entrepreneurial success (or struggle)—people. We wake up to meet the day’s challenges, thrills, disappointments, and successes. And we do it day after day.

Our days are busy. Technology powers a great part of our businesses and personal lives. But in truth, it is people who power the technology. We create it. We use it. We decide.

The person-ness of our lives (personal and business) makes all the difference (read, “Toss the Technology: Relationships Still Rule”).

The Personal Touch Never Left

There is nothing like a handshake, a hello, or an in-person smile. Skype, iChat… all great tools. But nothing beats the real thing. We are people.

We connect by talking to each other—in person, over the phone, via text, or email. But nothing sounds like the in-person voice. Nothing delivers like the in-person handshake or hug.

Having a real conversation in a day busied with email and texts is refreshing. Try it. I think you’ll like it.

Get Personal

Look for a whole series of person-to-person blog posts over the next month or so. I’m committed to the personal connection: How are you connecting?

Comment here and continue the person-to-person conversation.