Check out my NEW online sales training course on LinkedIn Learning.

It was time. Time to make my introductory referral program accessible to as many sales organizations as possible. I couldn’t decide on the best platform. Then a colleague suggested LinkedIn Learning, a new platform for online sales training.

I checked out the platform and spoke with a colleague who’s already a LinkedIn Learning instructor. She agreed my course would be perfect. But I wasn’t going to complete an online application. Who knows how many of those they get? My outreach would have been just like cold calling. Maybe I’d get a response … maybe not. Instead, I used my referral process and contacted a close colleague at LinkedIn. He dug in and found the right person at LinkedIn Learning who introduced me to Sue, the person in charge. As the saying goes … the rest is history. It’s also yet another example of the power of referrals.

So, now all the powerful methods and systems I’ve been speaking on for years have been condensed into an online sales training course you won’t want to miss! In this LinkedIn Learning course, you’ll discover:

  • Why referrals work where other prospecting methods fail
  • How a referral guarantees a one-call meeting
  • Specific tactics to use social media to get introductions
  • Real-life examples (with actors) of asking for referrals

My LinkedIn Learning referral program is perfect for sales teams looking for lead generation techniques to ensure a consistent stream of qualified leads. The course is a series of 15 short videos (three to four minutes each). You’ll get worksheets, quizzes, and access to role-playing scenarios where actors ask for referrals—the right way and the wrong way.

How to Benefit From This Online Sales Training

Your success with the lead generation techniques in this online sales training depends on your commitment to the three steps in my referral methodology:

Step #1: Benchmark Your Referral Selling Skills by taking the Referral I.Q. Quiz 

Step #2: Take the Referral Selling Course on or

Step #3: Integrate Referral Selling into Your Sales Process

Ready to get started? Click here to learn more about referral selling on LinkedIn Learning and