Videos on Popular Social Media Sites are Invaluable for B2B Marketers

BY Rachel Cagle
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If your B2B client’s target audience includes technical buyers, they may be focusing on the wrong types of ads. According to a report from TREW Marketing and GlobalSpec, your client should be focusing more on popular social media sites. Here’s what you need to know.

Videos on Popular Social Media Sites are Invaluable for B2B Marketers

Technical Buyers Rely on Social Media


According to the report, technical buyers aren’t just performing Google searches when looking for work-​related information. Popular social media sites are also helpful sites that they take advantage of. These buyers say that these social media sites are valuable to them:

  • YouTube: Extremely valuable (23% agree), very valuable (33%), somewhat valuable (24%)
  • LinkedIn: Extremely valuable (18%), very valuable (26%), somewhat valuable (27%)
  • Facebook: Extremely valuable (16%), very valuable (21%), somewhat valuable (22%)
  • X (formerly Twitter): Extremely valuable (15%), very valuable (22%), somewhat valuable (22%)
  • Reddit: Extremely valuable (14%), very valuable (21%), somewhat valuable (24%)
  • TikTok: Extremely valuable (14%), very valuable (21%), somewhat valuable (19%)
  • Instagram: Extremely valuable (13%), very valuable (19%), somewhat valuable (21%)

No matter the age group, YouTube remains the winner of the most valuable social media platform for work:

  • Technical buyers ages 25 and under: 69% agree that YouTube is the most valuable
  • 26–35: 56%
  • 36–45: 54%
  • 46–55: 61%
  • 55–65: 55%
  • 66 and older: 54%

Personal Lives

Not only are technical buyers using these popular social media sites for business purposes, buyers also use them for entertainment. This spells opportunity for your client since most Americans have a habit of thinking about work after hours.

The top platforms they use in their personal life are dominated by, you guessed it, YouTube again:

  • YouTube: 51% of technical buyers use YouTube in their personal life
  • Facebook: 42%
  • LinkedIn: 38%
  • Instagram: 28%
  • X (formerly Twitter): 24%
  • TikTok: 23%
  • Reddit: 19%

Want to figure out which social media platforms your client’s target audience(s), in particular, spend the most time on? Look up their profile(s) on AudienceSCAN on AdMall by SalesFuel.

Did you notice what a lot of these social media platforms have in common? People go to them to watch videos.

Technical Buyers Value Informative Videos on Social Media

When technical buyers are looking for their next product or service, they need information to fuel their decision-​making process. The forms of content that they find the most valuable when researching to make a significant purchase for work include:

  • Product Reviews/​Testimonials: 26% agree
  • Product Demo Videos: 24%
  • Instructional/​How-​To Videos: 22%
  • Case Studies: 18%
  • Webinars: 15%
  • 1:1 Interviews (Audio or Video): 13%

The categories that aren’t listed as videos can still be made into them for easier consumption by potential buyers. This is important because 33% of these buyers say that they learn better by seeing. That’s more than those who learn by reading and writing (29%), doing something themselves (26%) or strictly listening (12%).

Social Media Videos Help with Future Purchases

Your client doesn’t even have to make the video fully available on social media for potential buyers to be interested. They’re willing to fill out short forms before gaining access to these types of videos:

  • Video Tutorials: 35% are willing to provide their name, email address, etc. first before watching
  • In-​Depth Case Studies: 31%
  • Webinars: 29%

These types of videos on popular social media sites can give your client information on potential customers. So, it doesn’t matter if they don’t decide to make a purchase immediately after watching the video. Your client can use the information the viewer gave to easily contact them later with follow-​up offers.

So, if your B2B client wants to boost sales, they should be posting videos on popular social media sites.

Photo by: Christina @ wocintechchat​.com
