Four Proven Responses to: “We’re all set”

overcome sales objection. sales scripts,

Many sales reps still have trouble handling the initial resistance statement: “We’re all set,” or “We already have a dealer/supplier/vendor for that.”

If you struggle, too, then you’ll love the proven response below. Adapt them to your style and product or service, and start getting past this common objection.

“We’re all set”

Response One:

“That’s great, and I’d just like to see if we could get on your vendor list for the next time you’re in the market. Let me ask you…”

Now get into your qualifying questions…

Response Two:

“Most companies I speak with are ‘all set’ and that’s why I’m reaching out to you now—I want to give you an option for the next time you’re in need of this. Let me ask you…”

Back to qualifying…

Response Three:

“I understand—I didn’t expect to catch you in the market right now. Instead, let me get an idea of your perfect profile, and then I’ll send you some information you can keep on file next time you need this…”

Now re-engage by asking a qualifying question.

Response Four:

“Got it.  Let me ask you: the next time you are in need of this, are you the right person to speak to about it?”

If yes, then qualify them for that next time – especially asking about time frame, budget, etc.

As with all selling situations, it’s easy to handle objections and stalls if you’re prepared with a good response.

If you’d like over 500 more responses to the common objections and stalls you face, then invest in my bestselling book on phone scripts: Power Phone Scripts.

You don’t have to keep struggling!