Improve Your VM Callbacks with This One Simple Fix

It happened just this second. . .

I checked my voicemail and found two messages.

One was from a business owner who wanted to speak to me about training for his sales team.

The other was a vague message from someone named, “Ty” who just said, “Hey Mike this is Ty; call me back when you can. . . “

Now here’s the problem: They both left their phone numbers so quickly that I had to listen back to the message four times—all the way to the end, by the way—before I was able to write down their whole number.

Guess which one I did all that work for and which one I deleted?

Yep—the business prospect, of course.

But even then I didn’t want to. I mean, why should I have to listen to a message four times, just to write their phone number down?

If you’re leaving voice messages and not getting call backs, consider whether you’re making it hard for your prospects to write your number down.

If you’ve identified yourself as a sales rep (like in the second example above. . . where do I start?!), then there’s no way someone is going to go through the hassle of replaying your message to figure out your number.

So here is the quick fix: Leave your phone number SLOWLY and twice so your prospect doesn’t have to replay your message a bunch of times.

It’s the simplest way to give yourself the best chance of being called back!

Need More Proven Responses to the Selling Situations You Face Every Day?


If your team is struggling with call reluctance and is tired of the endless rejection they face, then get instant access to our On Demand training today. We provide the exact talk tracks, templates, and proven tools your team will be motivated to apply, all structured around an award winning comprehensive inside sales approach that gives your team the confidence to succeed in every selling situation they face today.

Unlimited License: One to 100 reps can attend for one low price!

Perfect for reps dealing with the following issues:

  • Reps struggling with call reluctance
  • Getting screened out by the gatekeeper
  • Overcoming blow off objections like, “Just email me something”
  • Identifying decision makers
  • Qualifying prospects
  • Setting call back appointments that stick
  • Giving successful presentations and dealing with objections
  • Staying motivated