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Tips to become successful as a new real estate agent

It is nerve-wracking for many to take the real estate agent test. However, that’s just a sneak peek into the challenging real estate world. 

You might study and pass the exam, but surviving and being successful as a realtor would surely be a challenging task.

87% of Real Estate Agents Fail in the First 5 Years.

Well, that’s scary! Isn’t it?

I don’t intend to scare you, but we can’t even ignore the truth.

If you look at the brighter side, 13% of new real estate agents do succeed. That just shows winning is possible in the challenging real estate industry.

So how to succeed as a realtor?

Being a new player in the competitive real estate industry, you just can’t jump in the field without any preparation.

Learn about the market you want to target.

Explore various tips and tactics that can help you succeed as a realtor.

Keep pondering over the critical question, “How to be a successful real estate agent?”

Most of the new real estate agents think about this in the beginning, but after a few years, the thought just evaporates. They keep moving even after experiencing failures and ultimately fall.

As a new real estate agent, the first few years are very crucial. Do all that it takes to move on the path of success. You’ll find some tips in this blog that can help you succeed as a realtor. 

Success is the sum of efforts repeated day in and day out
– Robert Collier

Succeeding in real estate- tips for beginners

Real estate is without a doubt, one of the most competitive industries. There are many agents out there who are waiting to grab every opportunity they get. So, you need to play your cards right to succeed in this highly competitive market.

Here are a few real estate agent tips for beginners that can help you in taking the spot of success:

1. Be proactive and take control of your time

You might be familiar with the adage “time is precious”.

As a new real estate agent, you cannot afford to waste a single second. Little carelessness, and you might miss out on a lucrative opportunity. 

We all are aware of the fact that real-estate experiences extreme fluctuations. Suddenly the market is at a peak with sky-high property prices and low mortgage rates. After peak even comes the period of market contraction with a rapid reduction of property prices.

As a new real estate agent, you need to be cautious to make the most of every opportunity you get during these market fluctuations. In real estate, you need to manage your time efficiently.

Schedule every activity and keep track of them to avoid missing any of them. 

Thankfully due to the modern advancement in technology, you can put most of the time-consuming tasks on autopilot. 

For instance, when the market is at its peak, you would want to approach the buyers to get the best value.

With a lot of things going on like setting the appointment and showing property, you might forget to follow-up with the prospect. So, such tasks can be automated easily. Using the best CRM for real estate agents, you can automate your follow-ups with features like sequences. You can automate many other processes. This helps in saving time for other important tasks. 

2. Put relationships before money

The best real estate agents are the ones that give importance to the relationship and put it first.

Well, real estate is an industry where you need to build strong relationships to be successful.

Focus on establishing and maintaining relationships rather than focusing on money. 

Building good rapport and providing utmost satisfaction will not only help in converting current prospects but also acquaint you too new opportunities. 

When people are happy dealing with a real estate agent, they often share their positive experiences with others. This positive word of mouth helps in finding new buyers and sellers. 

If you build a good experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful.

So, ensure you focus on building a strong relationship 

  • Try to understand your buyers and sellers. Find out what they are looking for.
  • Ask questions and ensure you listen to the answers attentively. 
  • Stay calm and be polite while communicating with potential real estate buyers and sellers.
  • Try not to be late for a meeting. Even avoid canceling the meeting at the last minute. 

3. Develop a business plan

One of the mistakes that most of the estate agents make is working without a business plan. The majority of real estate agents are independent contractors, so they work the way they want. 

It is like wandering in the wilderness without a clear goal. For achieving success, you need to know where you want to go, have a clear business plan of what you want to achieve, and how you will achieve it.

Create a roadmap for success.

  • Think like a small business. 
  • Have a business plan that helps you maintain sustainable growth. 
  • Define the process of how you will generate and convert leads.
  • Set a clear budget for your daily operations. 
  • Set a process to measure your profits regularly. 

4. Be a storyteller

Being a new real estate agent, you need to do something different to stand out from the rest of the real estate agents. Rather than just going and showing properties, try to capture the interest of potential buyers.

 Whether it is a commercial or residential property, wear creative hats, and use the art of storytelling. 

Communicate in a way that people can relate to what you are saying. Stories help potential buyers picture themselves in homes or offices that you are selling.

For that, you need to put little efforts to create a powerful story. You just can’t say something for the sake of saying. It should hold some truth. 

For instance, if you are selling a pre-owned home, then ask questions to the owners about the memories they had with each room. Use that memory to spin a story. Like if you are showing the house to a young couple. Tell them how the previous owners used the backyard for BBQ parties and how they can make the most of the pool and backyard to throw excellent parties for different occasions. 

5. Go that extra mile

Yes, you are a busy real estate agent, but you should be willing to walk that extra mile to provide a satisfying experience for your potential buyers or sellers. 

Most potentials buyers, even after viewing the property, might want pictures and videos to show it to their family or partners. So, stay calm and try to provide everything they require. 

Even once the potential buyer agrees to invest in a property, do not just take the signature on the contract, leave and forget. Try to help them in every possible way until they switch to their new house or office. 

Maintain a network with cleaners, plumbers, interior designers, etc. Such contacts will be useful in helping the prospects while they move to their new property. Even make connections with moving companies to suggest them to potential prospects. These are little things, but they make a big difference to your business. 

6. Sharpen the saw and keep improving

Attempt the impossible in order to improve your work
– Better Davis

You’ll witness a lot of change in the real estate industry. To deal with the changes, you need to keep improving yourself and stay updated with the change. 

  • Work on self-confidence and communication. 
  • Brush-up your skills.
  • Find what new are your competitors doing to find opportunities on social media sites.
  • Explore new technologies.  
  • You’ll find many Ted Talk videos for real estate agents so view them to get some tips.
  • Read books and blogs for new real estate agents. 

Wrapping up

Being a new real estate agent, do all that it takes to shine in the challenging real estate market. Try to get in the good books of your buyers and sellers. They are the ones who can suggest your name to their networks and help you in reaching out to more opportunities. 

Make use of the various tool available to ease your work, for instance, a CRM for real estate agents. Salesmate is one such CRM for the real estate industry that helps in organizing data and maintaining day-to-activities related to real estate sales. 

As a real estate agent, you can create different pipelines for buyers and sellers to avoid confusion. This advanced CRM helps in reducing workload and increasing efficiency. It keeps data organized in a consolidated repository. With smart filters, you can find anything you want with just a few clicks.


An avid writer who likes to explore new fields and research about interesting subjects. She is a versatile content developer who plays with words to express her thoughts. Calm, carefree and creative are the words that describes her the best.

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