MessagetoManagementIf your sales reps are overwhelmed, they might decide the job’s not worth the stress.

The job of sales reps is to sell—to maintain strong sales pipelines and spend their time talking to clients. When you force them to spend hours entering data, coaching new hires, and attending long, boring meetings, they’ll leave.

More than 60 percent of organizations report that a top priority is dealing with “the overwhelmed employee,” according to Sales Benchmark Index. Sales leaders who fail to address this issue run the risk of losing top performers. They also miss the opportunity to increase sales productivity for their teams.

The High Cost of Turnover

Retaining top talent has been a priority for years. We all know the huge expense when salespeople leave. The cost of losing a talented employee can be 1 to 1.5 times that person’s salary plus benefits. Others need to take over until a new hire is found and brought up to speed. And customers resent having to “train” a new salesperson once again. Not always addressed is the danger that other top performers will follow them out the door.

Keep Your High Performers Happy

Check out the Sales Benchmark Index report, “Top Priority: Retaining Top Sales Reps.”  It includes a diagnostic tool to help you identify the time-management challenges of your top performers, and strategies for addressing the problem.

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How do you ensure that your top sales reps aren’t overwhelmed?