Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
🎧 The 7 Secrets to Selling More by Selling Less
Podcast Sales Performance / PodCast / Jan 21, 2020 / Posted by Allan Langer / 1705

🎧 The 7 Secrets to Selling More by Selling Less


We are interviewing Allan Langer who can deliver memorable keynotes for your events, or sales training seminars and workshops for your teams; supporting three decades of selling excellence and award-winning performances. He has three decades of award-winning selling excellence and is the best-selling author of one of the top sales books on Amazon. He has turned his experiences and knowledge into a bestselling book – The 7 Secrets to Selling More by Selling Less – and has turned that into a highly successful speaking and coaching career.

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About Author

With close to three decades of selling excellence and award-winning performances, Allan Langer can deliver memorable keynotes for your events, or sales training seminars and workshops for your teams.

Author's Publications on Amazon

It’s time to reinvent your sales life.…your sales career is good, but not great. Your customers like you but don’t love you. Every potential customer does not want to talk to you, even if they need your product or service.
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