The 19 Best CRMs to Integrate with Gmail

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Lestraundra Alfred
Lestraundra Alfred



It’s no secret that sales reps spend a lot of time sending and responding to emails. In fact, most sales reps spend over one-third of their time working in their inbox — and for many professionals, Gmail is their email provider of choice.

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Since its launch in 2004, Gmail has become one of the most popular email systems with 1.5 billion active users in 2019. With so many active users, chances are you’re sending and interacting with Gmail-generated emails daily.

Wouldn’t it be helpful if you could harness powerful CRM technology to organize contact data and streamline the sales process from within your Gmail inbox? We thought so too, which is why we’re bringing you the best CRM tools to integrate with Gmail.

1. HubSpot CRM

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HubSpot CRM Gmail Integration

Bring the power of HubSpot CRM to your inbox with our seamless Gmail integration. By connecting HubSpot CRM to your Gmail account, you can log emails sent from your inbox in your CRM with just one click so you never lose a valuable message again. You also have the ability to track email clicks and opens in real-time, and you can access powerful HubSpot tools including templates, meeting scheduling, sales sequences, and more without leaving your inbox.

2. Streak

Streak CRM

Image Source: Streak

Streak was designed to keep your sales pipeline moving from within the Gmail interface. This CRM is highly customizable, giving you and your team the ability to search, filter, and sort your data to create custom views. You can also easily share details of your deals including emails, notes, and call logs with your team for the seamless transition of information between reps.

3. Salesflare

Salesflare Gmail SidebarImage Source: Salesflare

Salesflare is an easy-to-use CRM meant for small businesses selling B2B products and services that connects directly to Gmail. With a visual pipeline feature, it reminds sales reps about upcoming tasks so prospects don't fall through the cracks.

The CRM pulls all contact information it can — from email signatures, social media profiles, emails, and past conversations — and automatically adds it into your records so you have all of the details about each of your contacts at your fingertips. It also connects with your calendar and mobile phone to help you manage and log your meetings and calls with leads and customers.

4. Copper

Copper CRM Gmail Integration

Image Source: Copper

Copper CRM is designed to integrate directly with all of your G-Suite programs. Using Copper, you can manage leads, update contact and deal records, and track tasks within your inbox. Additionally, you can use Copper to drive productivity with powerful automations that eliminate the need for manual data entry.

5. Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM

Image Source: Zoho

Zoho is designed to bring all the tools your sales team uses for daily operations to one place. Connect Zoho to your G Suite to access files stored in your Google Drive through your CRM, automatically import your Google Contacts to your CRM, and sync your Google Calendar to CRM events and activities.

6. Agile CRM

Agile CRM

Image Source: Agile CRM

Agile provides CRM sales automation software that offers contact and project management capabilities for your sales team. Manage your entire customer’s journey using their contact timeline feature to easily retrieve all of your communications with specific contacts. Their Inbox Sales CRM integration connects with your Gmail account to fully access your CRM tools from within your inbox.

7. Freshsales CRM

Freshsales CRM

Image Source: Chrome Web Store

Freshsales by Freshworks is a CRM that offers AI-based activity capture, lead scoring, and sales tracking. Through their CRM for Gmail integration, you can activate two-way sync to track email opens and link clicks that are automatically logged in your CRM. You can also sync Freshsales with your Google Calendar to manage meetings and record your sales calls with contact records

8. Pipedrive

Pipedrive CRM Gmail

Image Source: Pipedrive

Pipedrive is designed to make your sales processes more efficient. Within this CRM, you can track communications with all of your contacts, automate repetitive tasks, export custom analytics, and manage all of the deals in your pipeline. With their Gmail Integration, you can perform sales-related actions from within your inbox, and create interactive to-do lists to help you prioritize the tasks that matter.

9. Capsule

Capsule CRM Gmail Add-On

Image Source: Capsule

This CRM is designed to help you build meaningful relationships with your customers. Using their G Suite add-on, you can access contact records, message history, tasks, and sales opportunities from within Gmail. Integrating Capsule with G Suite also makes accessing your contact data from mobile seamless for sales reps on-the-go.

10. Nimble

Nimble CRM

Image Source: Nimble

Nimble is a simple CRM that can be effectively integrated with all of your G Suite systems. With Nimble, you can manage contact records, send trackable emails, and manage your open deals in one place. Your CRM records can auto populate based on your G Suite data including calendar notices, saved contacts, and your email history, cutting down on time-consuming admin.

11. Teamwave

Teamwave CRM Gmail

Image Source: Teamwave

Using Teamwave’s CRM integration with Gmail, you can turn your inbox into a powerful sales tool. With this add-on, you can automatically create new CRM contacts from emails you receive in Gmail, auto-sync your emails to save conversations to share with your team, schedule activities directly from your inbox, and instantly access the sales history of a contact when you receive an email from them.

12. Monday CRM

Monday CRM

Image Source: Monday

Centralize all of your customer communication and task management by integrating Monday with your Gmail account. With this integration, you can transform emails into tasks without leaving your inbox. Create action items with your team to keep your sales reps and contacts connected and on the same page.

13. Teamwork CRM

Teamwork CRM

Image Source: Teamwork

Teamwork CRM offers sales reps visibility and control over the sales process by splitting leads and opportunities into two separate pipelines. This can help your team better organize and manage deals. Using the Gmail integration, you can create leads, opportunities, and contacts from within your inbox.

14. NetHunt CRM

NetHunt CRM Gmail

Image Source: Chrome Web Store

NetHunt is built to live within your Gmail account, and is designed to be intuitive for Gmail users. This CRM allows you to log emails that can be made visible to your team for easy information sharing. NetHunt also brings full lead management capabilities to your inbox — you can collect leads, qualify them, capture relevant details, and segment contacts all from within Gmail.

15. Keap

Keap CRM

Image Source: Keap

Keap helps sales teams streamline their sales processes for efficiency. You can set up automated customized messages to incoming leads so no contacts fall through the cracks. Easily store client information, conversation histories, files, and proposals in one interface. By connecting Keap to your Gmail account, you can have your contact records automatically updated with incoming and outgoing email messages.

16. Arcade CRM

Arcade CRM

Image Source: Chrome Web Store

Arcade offers a CRM geared towards small to medium businesses that use G Suite. With Arcade, you can manage all of your customer communication within Gmail. Key features include task management, calendar management, an interactive dashboard that shows the health of your business at a glance, and a sales pipeline module that allows you to visually customize your sales and business pipelines easily.

17. HoneyBook

HoneyBook CRM

Image Source: HoneyBook

HoneyBook is a CRM geared towards those with creative client-facing businesses. This tool helps creative entrepreneurs streamline their business activities, keeping their client communication, project management, proposal and invoicing functions in one place. HoneyBook can be integrated with Gmail allowing you to respond to emails from within their platform.

18. Salesmate

Salesmate CRM Gmail

Image Source: Salesmate

Salesmate CRM connects directly with your Gmail account to keep you organized and on track to meet your sales goals. This platform keeps your emails filed and easily searchable so you don’t miss important conversations, lets you track when an where emails have been read, and allows you to quickly sort through your sales data to find the information you need when you need it.

19. Nutshell

Nutshell CRM Gmail Integration

Image Source: Nutshell

By integrating your Gmail and Google Calendar accounts with Nutshell, you can centralize your email and calendar activities to reduce jumping back and forth between programs. In addition to syncing capabilities, Nutshell allows users to create tasks, document notes that can be shared among teammates, and track communication timelines without having to leave Gmail.

Get the most out of your CRM by integrating it with your inbox. On the fence about implementing a CRM for your sales team? Check out this post to learn how using a CRM helps your team grow better.

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