Sales Mindset – The Way Successful & Rich Salespeople Think

Do you ever feel like there’s something holding you back from reaching the top of your sales game?

It could be as simple as your sales mindset.

I’ve had the chance to collaborate with some of the most successful salespeople, and one thing stands out: They all share the same sales mindsets that set them apart as top performers.

In this video, I’ll teach you the 9 sales mindsets of the most successful salespeople out there. Check it out:

Why Prospects Push Back on Price Sales Web Training

1. I am the best.

1. I am the best.

This sales mindset is crucial, not only for sales but for any pursuit of success. You must believe that you’re at the peak of your game, even if you currently don’t feel that way. Starting to think of yourself as the best is essential because you’ll never reach the top unless you believe you belong there. Successful salespeople firmly believe and know they are the best.

2. Prospects need me.

2. Prospects need me.

Recognizing that there are people who currently need what you offer is vital. Many salespeople feel like they’re intruding or bothering prospects. However, successful salespeople understand that some prospects genuinely need their products or services. Shifting from feeling like a bother to realizing you fulfill a need changes your perspective to selling as a service. This sales mindset builds confidence with prospects because you understand their need for you.

3. This is just a game.

3. This is just a game.

One of the most important sales mindsets is viewing sales as a game, and successful salespeople enjoy playing this game. If you constantly feel stressed or fearful, you won’t reach the top. When prospects act up, it’s just part of the game, and you allowed it to happen. Recognizing sales as a game or a sport shifts your perspective from a life-or-death scenario to a more enjoyable activity.

4. I can go toe-to-toe with any CEO.

4. I can go toe-to-toe with any CEO.

Feeling nervous when selling to high-ranking executives is common. However, they’re the ones with the decision-making power and money. Treating the C-suite and high net worth prospects as equals, not as superior beings, is essential. To reach true sales success, you must have the sales mindset that you are comfortable engaging with anyone, regardless of their status.

5. If I lose a sale, so what?

5. If I lose a sale, so what?

Losing sales is part of the game. Getting angry or frustrated won’t help, and it will ultimately cut your sales career short. Successful salespeople accept the sales mindset that losing deals is inevitable and move on without dwelling on them.

6. Activity and process > closing.

6. Activity and process > closing.

Focusing on sales process and activity is more important than obsessing over closing deals. Successful salespeople prioritize filling their pipeline and ensuring their sales process is effective. Winning and closing naturally follow when you focus on the foundational elements that make up this sales mindset.

7. I’ll see if you’re a fit.

7. I'll see if you're a fit.

Successful salespeople don’t try to sell to everyone but instead focus on determining if prospects are a good fit. If they’re not, they move on without hesitation. Spending time with qualified prospects is a crucial sales mindset for reaching unparalleled sales success.

8. I have a clear plan to my sales goal.

8. I have a clear plan to my sales goal.

Having a clear plan to achieve your sales goals is an essential sales mindset. Knowing your target, deal numbers, average deal size, and required meetings ensures you’re on track to meet your sales goal. Without a plan, consistent sales success is unlikely.

9. I love what I do and sell.

9. I love what I do and sell.

Loving what you do and believing in your product or service is a fundamental sales mindset. Top salespeople genuinely enjoy their work and believe in its value. This sales mindset is critical for consistently closing deals and achieving success in sales.Marc Wayshak is a sales motivational speaker

So there you have it. Now you know the top sales mindsets used by the most successful and rich salespeople. Which of these mindsets did you find most useful for reaching the top of your game? Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments section below to join the conversation.

As always, if you found this helpful, I would be grateful if you’d please share it with someone else or many others. People can get my weekly emails and free eBook, 25 Tips to Crush Your Sales Goal by clicking here. And be sure to check out the Sales Insights Lab Accelerator.

Why Prospects Push Back on Price Sales Web Training

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About the Author Marc Wayshak

Marc is is the best-selling author of three books on sales and leadership, including the highly acclaimed titles Game Plan Selling, The High-Velocity Sales Organization and his forthcoming book, Sales Conversations, Mastered.

Marc is a contributor to Inc, HubSpot, Fast Company, Entrepreneur Magazine, and Huffington Post Business. He also hosts a popular YouTube channel on sales strategy with over 103,000 subscribers.

Marc helps thousands of people his data-driven, science-based approach to selling that utilizes all the best tools available to sales organizations today.

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