5 Quick Sales Questions to Get ANY Prospect to Open Up

One aspect that consistently sets top performers apart from others is their ability to ask quick questions that motivate prospects to open up.

The data indicates that the more a salesperson can prompt a prospect to talk, the more likely they are to close the sale successfully.

Having a set of quick sales questions to prompt prospects to open up can significantly enhance success in any sales scenario.

It’s crucial to ask these super-fast sales questions to prompt prospects to reveal their concerns fully. Every prospect may offer a lead issue, but they often withhold the entire challenge unless prompted to share.

In this video, I’ll introduce five quick sales questions to encourage any prospect to open up. Check it out.

Why Prospects Push Back on Price

1. Quick Opening Play.

1. Quick Opening Play.

In the Sales Insights Lab method, we emphasize a concept called the Opening Play. Rather than launching into an elevator pitch or a 30-second commercial, our objective is to use quick sales questions to prompt the prospect to start talking about the challenges they face. A quick Opening Play involves sharing the top three challenges commonly observed among prospects and then engaging them with a sales question like, “Do any of these issues resonate with you?” This approach steers the conversation towards understanding the prospect’s challenges rather than discussing benefits or features.

2. Tell me more about that.

2. Tell me more about that.

While technically not a question, this approach involves encouraging prospects to expand on noteworthy points they’ve shared. By saying something like, “Wow, that’s really interesting. Tell me more about that,” prospects are encouraged to delve deeper into their thoughts and experiences. This sales question allows for richer insights compared to simply acknowledging surface-level statements.

3. Why do you think that is?

3. Why do you think that is?

This straightforward, super-fast sales question prompts the prospect to explain their perspective on why certain situations are unfolding. Rather than immediately launching into a sales pitch in response to a problem, the focus shifts to understanding the prospect’s interpretation of the situation. By asking, “Why do you think that is?,” we inspire prospects to explore their own understanding of the problem, fostering deeper insights.

4. What prompts you to say that?

4. What prompts you to say that?

This quick sales question empowers prospects to articulate the reasons behind their statements or questions. By saying, “Hey, I really appreciate you saying that. What prompts you to say that?” or a similar phrase, we embolden prospects to reflect on their thoughts and motivations. This approach helps to shift the conversation dynamics and prompts prospects to take an active role in the discussion.

5. Why is that?

5. Why is that?

Marc Wayshak is a sales motivational speakerThis simple yet powerful sales question can be used consistently throughout a sales conversation to encourage prospects to elaborate on their objectives, challenges, or goals. By asking, “Why is that?” we invite prospects to delve deeper into their motivations and rationale. This approach allows us to uncover valuable insights that may not have been apparent initially.

So there you have it. Now you know five quick sales questions to get any prospect to open up. Which of these ideas did you find most useful for your own sales conversations with prospects? Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments section below to join the conversation.

As always, if you found this helpful, I would be grateful if you’d please share it with someone else or many others. People can get my weekly emails and free eBook, 25 Tips to Crush Your Sales Goal by clicking here. And be sure to check out the Sales Insights Lab Accelerator.

Why Prospects Push Back on Price

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About the Author Marc Wayshak

Marc is is the best-selling author of three books on sales and leadership, including the highly acclaimed titles Game Plan Selling, The High-Velocity Sales Organization and his forthcoming book, Sales Conversations, Mastered.

Marc is a contributor to Inc, HubSpot, Fast Company, Entrepreneur Magazine, and Huffington Post Business. He also hosts a popular YouTube channel on sales strategy with over 103,000 subscribers.

Marc helps thousands of people his data-driven, science-based approach to selling that utilizes all the best tools available to sales organizations today.

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