Optimizing Go-to-Market Modeling With AI and Clean Data

There’s a growing appetite for artificial intelligence (AI) in business, and for good reason — after years of promise, new AI applications are reshaping how industries operate, from the inside out. 

With new developments surfacing at breakneck speed, it’s more important than ever to remember that diverse and accurate data serves as the backbone for effective AI models. That positions data leaders at the heart of this global transformation, ushering in the next era of AI-ready data. 

Yet as promising as AI looks — Goldman Sachs estimates AI could drive 7% in global GDP growth over 10 years — its application does not come without challenges. 

Historically, it’s been difficult to strike a balance between our technical knowledge of AI’s potential and business leader buy-in, especially when a deep understanding of data modeling is not pervasive across a business. Harnessing AI requires a strong alignment of incentives across departments, coupled with high-quality data and experienced resources to get the job done. 

The good news? With a foundation of the most comprehensive B2B data available, it’s possible to turn those challenges into opportunities with plenty of upside. 

Here’s how adding best-in-class ZoomInfo B2B data to your data supply chain can further optimize your AI models to produce new data insight, create realistic simulations, and design novel solutions.

8 Data Modeling Use Cases

The beauty of high-quality data is that it paves the way for data modeling to deliver on its promise across a number of vital areas of business, including: 

  • Innovation
  • Productivity
  • Personalization
  • Growth 

Consider the following AI use cases, illustrating how high-quality business data drives AI innovation, enabling data professionals for a growing wave of interest in AI applications.

Predict Future Sales Trends

By incorporating accurate firmographic data — industry, company size, location, and revenue — with relevant signals that reflect up-to-date buyer behavior, data teams are able to build AI models that can better predict future sales trends.

Combining historical sales patterns and customer profile data with external signals — economic indicators, news and survey data, and buyer intent — results in improved forecasts grounded in both past performance and current market conditions. 

Identify and Prioritize the Most Promising Leads

With ZoomInfo B2B data and recurring updates — such as ZoomInfo’s WebSights, Intent, and Scoops data — analysts run sophisticated lead-scoring calculations that enable teams to prioritize their sales efforts by custom criteria, such as best-fit accounts. With AI, teams can maximize speed and automation for competitive GTM strategies that are interactive and scalable. 

AI-fueled prospecting platforms, like ZoomInfo Copilot, pull from rich data sources to provide sellers a prioritized list of target accounts ranked by important buying signals, including intent spikes and announcements of major corporate initiatives. 

Hunting down prospects no longer has to be the first thing sellers do in the morning. Instead, Copilot proactively surfaces the accounts and contacts primed to engage — enabling frontline sellers to reach out when their buyers are ready. 

Build More Personalized Marketing Campaigns

Applying AI with a foundation of clean B2B data enables more personalized marketing campaigns, regardless of whether you’re marketing to small businesses or large enterprise buying committees. 

By understanding more about a prospect’s behavior and preferences, AI algorithms recommend content, offers, and outreach methods that are more likely to engage each individual with the right messaging at the right time.

AI-enabled customer modeling with high-quality data opens the way to new upsell opportunities — critical at a time when buyers are increasingly looking to consolidate tech stacks with comprehensive solution providers.

Predict Customer Churn With Precision

AI-powered models apply customer behavior analysis, usage data, and customer support history to identify at-risk accounts and proactively intervene before it’s too late. 

With a data strategy that combines internal customer intelligence with ZoomInfo’s unparalleled account data, teams can create churn models with indicators, which help pinpoint instances like: 

  • Seasonal or one-time buyers
  • Recent installation of a competing technology
  • Recent acquisition

With an additional layer of granular data appended to each account, teams can act quickly with a personalized sales strategy. 

Create Precision Risk Analysis

MarketSpark, a telecom company that helps businesses replace out-of-date copper wire phone systems, used ZoomInfo’s Company Data Cubes to enrich and expand government datasets, allowing customers and prospects to accurately envision their upgrade needs.

MarketSpark and ZoomInfo worked to create a personalized Data Cube built on comprehensive firmographics like company name, address, employee count, and revenue.

Combining that rich, accurate company data with FCC data on phone systems in Amazon S3 allowed MarketSpark to create an interactive map that visualizes a location-based risk assessment for each prospect, transforming passive data into active insights — both for the MarketSpark go-to-market team and the company’s prospects, who would be unlikely to run a sophisticated analysis on their own.

Data teams can use AI-based systems to create their own versions of this predictive risk assessment, combining ZoomInfo data with first- or third-party data sources to generate fresh analysis and insights with unprecedented speed.

Segment Customers Based On Granular Data

By feeding their AI models comprehensive ZoomInfo data, teams can sort businesses into finely tuned segments based on granular details including changes in technology use, the company’s specific industry, its annual revenue, the number of employees, and even nuanced behaviors like past engagement with campaigns or frequency of purchases. 

Leveraging AI models, these data points can be analyzed and synthesized rapidly, ensuring accurate segmentation. By having distinct segments, businesses can further tailor their marketing messages, ensuring they’re especially relevant for each segment.  

Next-level segmentation, powered by AI and high-quality data, enables more efficient and effective go-to-market processes with a more detailed understanding of the customer base. 

Enable Must-Know Competitor Insights

ZoomInfo’s robust B2B data and AI enable businesses to discern market shifts, closely monitor competitor movements, and pinpoint potential growth opportunities. 

ZoomInfo’s technographic data, for example, allows companies to model and identify prospective integration partners quickly and at scale — enabling them to launch strategic campaigns in collaboration with key partners, or in defense of competitive market forces.

Build a Product Recommendation System

AI models can leverage ZoomInfo’s data to build a product recommendation engine that is accurately aligned with customer behaviors, needs, and preferences. The broad array of data assembled by ZoomInfo creates a multifaceted profile of business interests, behaviors, and characteristics that are not readily available from competing data sources. 

Combining a potential buyer’s firmographic data and purchase history, for example, gives product recommendation systems a foundation for understanding where a company is today. Combining that baseline with intent data, company news, and survey responses adds a new layer of data that can help AI models identify where an account is in the buyer’s journey, enabling recommendation systems to be simultaneously proactive and precise.

ZoomInfo Data: the Backbone of AI for Business

A flood of recent attention for generative AI tools has brought an intense focus on the upsides of many AI applications for business. But incomplete, inaccurate, or inconsistent data quickly compromises the integrity of even the most cutting-edge AI apps. 

ZoomInfo’s data provides a critical edge for B2B leaders implementing a wide array of AI solutions — and data leaders who can illustrate the pitfalls of low-quality data will have an important seat at the table when AI strategy is discussed.

Your data team is a vital driver of growth and innovation in the era of AI-enabled business. Speak to a data specialist today to learn how ZoomInfo data can make the difference in your AI strategy.