Is it better to in-source or outsource sales lead generation?

Posted by Dan McDade

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on Oct 20, 2017 10:20:08 AM

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This is the second of a 2-part series that borrows Miller Lite’s super successful Tastes Great, Less Filling campaign theme to make a point about sales lead generation.

Just as the beer pleases two constituencies (those who want their beer full bodied and those who want it light), the outsourced approach to lead generation, qualification and nurturing pleases two kinds of marketing and sales leaders.

Outsourcing teleprospecting offers two, seemingly conflicting advantages: It costs less, and the results are better.

And I have the numbers to show it’s so.

Part 1 of this series covers the Costs Less side of the equation. In that post I walked you through how, if you factor in all the costs, in-house teleprospecting runs about 10% more than outsourcing the same (or superior) services. I also included a link to the data that show you how this is so.

More Effective

This post deals with the counter discussion on how our resources are not only less expensive, but better, completing the Miller Lite analogy.

Just as there are prospects who say they can do sales lead generation for less (and I hope I’ve effectively debunked that argument) there are those who think no one outside could do it as well. Usually that objection has to do with the belief that only their own employees can represent their company.

We’ve done the analysis that shows that PointClear’s outsourced lead generation approach generates 92.35% more revenue. This number is based on compiled, aggregate data from a variety of 3rd-party sources, and it shows that you not only save when you outsource, but you almost double your sales productivity.

That is such a huge difference it seems almost unbelievable, so how can it be?

  • Best practices that make it possible for each member of our team of seasoned sales prospecting associates to make an average of 80 dials a day. (How many do yours make?)
  • Our approach to qualification and nurturing that makes sure only 100% sales-qualified leads are sent to sales (because those are the only kind that get followed up consistently).
  • The supporting services we provide our team (because teleprospecting is the core competency of our entire company) such as list services, data analysis and segregation that add exponential value.

Download More Effective, Less Expensive—a side-by-side, line-by-line cost analysis of inside and outsourced lead generation approaches. Plus, a by-the-numbers view of the “More Effective” side of the equation, showing you how much more revenue you can count on by using a firm fully focused on teleprospecting on your behalf.

Make sure you don’t miss subsequent posts—subscribe to our blog today.

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