29 Minute Read
Posted by SocialSellinator Team on Jul 28, 2023 8:38:24 AM


Here are the Emerging technologies to shape current marketing trends and the digital marketing industry

Informative long-form content marketing will continue its reign.

In the age of fleeting social media posts and snackable videos, many wonder if long-form content still has a place in digital marketing strategies. The answer is a resounding yes. When created skillfully, in-depth written content continues to be one of the best ways for brands to attract and engage audiences.

Why Long-Form Content Works

Compared to short-form videos and posts, long-form content offers a number of advantages:

  • Showcases thought leadership and expertise - By diving deep into topics, brands position themselves as trusted authorities. This builds credibility and loyalty.
  • Improves search engine rankings - Longer, information-rich content performs better with SEO and tends to acquire more backlinks.
  • Provides more opportunities for keywords - With thousands more words, brands can optimize for a more significant number and variety of keywords.
  • Creates a rich user experience - Engaging, multi-media articles keep visitors on site longer, reducing bounce rates.
  • Allows more detailed explanations - Complex topics and detailed product information require more in-depth explanations.
  • Builds brand awareness and affinity - Immersive stories forge stronger connections between readers and brands.

While long-form content requires more work, the return on investment is multiplied.

Best Practices

To maximize the impact of long-form content:

  • Focus on educational, informational content with practical utility for the target audience. Avoid overly promotional pieces.
  • Structure content clearly with descriptive headlines, subheads, bullet points, images, infographics, quotes, and more to aid immobility.
  • Optimize articles for both search engines and real users by balancing keywords with compelling narratives.
  • Promote each piece across multiple channels over extended periods for sustainable traffic growth.
  • Analyze performance data continuously and improve content based on key metrics like time on page, bounce rates, and shares.
  • Explore innovative long-form formats like slideshows, audio articles, animations, and interactive tools.

For brands publishing thoughtfully crafted, informative long-form content tuned to audience interests, the rewards continue to be well worth the effort.

Voice and Visual Search Will Continue To Gain Popularity

Two emerging search trends - voice search and visual search - are transforming the future of digital marketing. Smart brands are already adapting their strategies to leverage these new interfaces and tap into their benefits.


Voice Search Opens New Opportunities

With the popularity of smart speakers like Amazon Echo and Google Home, voice search usage is growing exponentially. Over 50% of searches are expected to be conducted by voice.

Succeeding with voice search requires optimizing for spoken queries. Best practices include:

  • Using natural language and conversational keywords.
  • Focusing on answering users' questions directly.
  • Crafting short, scannable content with key facts upfront.
  • Structuring content into bullet points, steps, or FAQs.
  • Optimizing for long-tail search queries.
  • Investing in rich structured data and schema markup.
  • Building unique voice-only content like audio guides.

As consumers get more comfortable conversing with devices, brands have an opportunity to be part of the discussion and provide helpful voice search results.

Visual Search Creates New Discovery Pathways

Visual search, powered by AI and computer vision, lets users search by uploading or taking a photo. Apps like Google Lens and Pinterest Lens are making this mainstream.

Brands should optimize for visual search by:

  • Using high-quality, consistent product images.
  • Adding image alt text with descriptive keywords.
  • Associating images with structured data.
  • Enabling visual search in their own apps and sites.
  • Creating shoppable image galleries and virtual try-on tools.
  • Leveraging user-generated visual content with branded hashtags.

Visual search opens up new discovery pathways beyond text. Brands that embrace this emerging trend will gain valuable insights and a distinct competitive edge.

With both voice and visual modes of searching rising, digital marketers must take an omnichannel approach - optimizing for each interface to maximize findability and engagement.

Boosting Local SEO with Google Verified Listings

For businesses trying to reach local customers, getting verified on Google My Business is now essential. These free listings display key information across Google searches and maps to drive visibility, trust, and conversions.

Benefits of Verification

Google prominently displays verified listings over non-verified competitors. Key advantages include:

  • Higher local rankings - Verified profiles get prioritized in local search results.
  • Enhanced knowledge panel - Verification unlocks more profile features like images, hours, menus, and virtual tours.
  • Requested reviews - Google will periodically prompt customers to leave reviews for verified businesses.
  • Improved local pack visibility - Verified listings stand out in the 3-pack local results.
  • More traffic - Verified profiles get up to 5X more clicks than non-verified listings.

Clearly, verification provides a significant competitive edge.

Optimizing Your Listing

Once verified, focus on optimizing with:

  • Complete and accurate info - Fill out all profile sections thoroughly with updated business details.
  • Engaging photos and videos - Show off your business and product imagery.
  • Regular posts - Post updates, events, offers, and news to your GMB profile.
  • Responding to reviews - Reply professionally to all customer reviews.
  • Encouraging check-ins - Reward check-ins with deals to increase engagement.
  • Analyzing insights - Use the metrics in your GMB dashboard to refine efforts.

An optimized Google My Business profile serves as a 24/7 digital storefront for local businesses. Make yours stand out and reap the benefits.

AI and Personalized Marketing Strategies

In an increasingly crowded digital landscape, generic messaging just doesn't cut it anymore. Savvy marketers are turning to 

AI-driven personalization to craft tailored brand experiences.

Collecting Crucial Customer Data

AI algorithms are only as good as the data they receive. Robust personalization starts with collecting relevant customer information like:

  • Contact details and demographics
  • Behavior on your website and app
  • Navigation and clicks
  • Purchase history
  • Content engagement
  • Social media activity
  • Location data

Consent and transparency are critical when gathering customer data. Provide clear value in exchange for information.

Building Detailed Customer Profiles

With AI systems, marketers can compile data into holistic customer profiles reflecting interests, pain points, and preferences. Key profile components include:

  • Basic attributes like name, age, location
  • Transactions and purchase patterns
  • Website browsing behavior
  • Content topics engaged with
  • How they interact on social media
  • Communication preferences
  • Any shared personal details

Continuously refine profiles with the latest data.

Delivering Hyper-Personalized Experiences

Armed with rich customer profiles, marketers can now craft highly tailored messaging and experiences:

  • Personalized product recommendations - Suggest relevant products based on interests and purchase history.
  • Customized content - Send each subscriber content tailored to their preferences.
  • Targeted messaging - Adjust messaging to align with what motivates each customer.
  • Relevant cross-selling - Upsell and cross-sell intelligently based on past purchases.
  • Segmented journeys - Create personalized navigational paths and flows.
  • Individualized advertising - Serve ads uniquely matched to each user.

With comprehensive customer data and AI, the possibilities for 1:1 personalization are endless.

Chatbots and AI adoption will gain more traction.

Intelligent chatbots and AI assistants are transforming digital marketing by automating conversations and providing seamless self-service options for more businesses. The adoption of these technologies continues to snowball.

Chatbots Streamline Interactions

Chatbots use NLP and machine learning to understand customer questions and handle routine service and sales conversations automatically via chat. Benefits include:

  • 24/7 availability to engage customers on demand
  • Instant responses instead of wait times
  • Reduced workload for human agents
  • Ability to have multiple concurrent conversations
  • Seamless cross-platform deployment (website, app, messaging)
  • Scalability to support growing traffic

When deployed thoughtfully, chatbots become a valuable self-service channel.


AI Assistants Deliver Personalized Service

More advanced AI assistants add greater personalization and context to conversations. With capabilities like:

  • Recognizing customer identities and profiles
  • Maintaining context and history across sessions
  • Completing complex workflows like purchases
  • Proactively giving notifications and recommendations
  • Integrating with backend systems and data
  • Continuously improving through machine learning

AI assistants feel like fully customized concierges for each customer.

Driving Adoption and Engagement

Getting users to embrace chatbots requires building awareness and trust:

  • Promote availability on your site and in messaging apps.
  • Set expectations with FAQs and tutorials.
  • Start with limited use cases that provide clear value.
  • Ensure human oversight and seamless handoff to agents.
  • Constantly improve based on real conversation data.
  • Survey users regularly and act on feedback.

With thoughtful rollout strategies and continuous improvement, chatbots and AI have become indispensable assistants.

SEO – Remains An Essential Component of Digital Marketing Success

Even with the rise of visual, voice, and social search, SEO remains a foundational pillar of an effective digital marketing strategy. Optimizing content for search engines continues to drive significant website traffic and conversions.

Evolving Nature of SEO

Modern SEO is far more nuanced and user-focused than the keyword stuffing of the past. Key trends include:

  • Increasing impact of machine learning and AI
  • Shift to mobile-first indexing and page experience
  • The growing influence of click-through-rates on rankings
  • Greater emphasis on voice search optimization
  • Importance of high-quality, in-depth content
  • Value of user engagement metrics and behavioral signals
  • Role of page speed and technical site health
  • Utilization of schema markup and structured data

Leading brands recognize SEO as an ever-changing landscape requiring constant tuning.

Core Optimization Essentials

Despite evolutions in algorithms, foundational best practices remain effective:

  • Conduct keyword research to identify high-value target queries.
  • Optimize title tags and meta descriptions for each page.
  • Prioritize keywords in headings, URLs, alt text, and body content.
  • Create content optimized for both search engines and users.
  • Improve page speed and mobile experience.
  • Build high-quality backlinks from authoritative domains.
  • Leverage rich snippets and schema where applicable.
  • Analyze site search analytics and iterate based on insights.

Modern SEO requires both fundamental execution and adaptation to constant change. Agile brands will continue to reap dividends.

Data analytics must be leveraged to get a deeper insight.

In today's digital landscape, data is ubiquitous. But raw data alone provides little value. Savvy brands instead focus on deriving impactful insights from data analytics to optimize marketing efforts further.

Collecting the Right Data

Relevant, high-quality data is the foundation of influential analytics. Key sources include:

  • Customer information and feedback
  • Website analytics like traffic, engagement, and conversions
  • Mobile and app behavioral data
  • Campaign performance metrics
  • Sales and customer lifetime value data
  • Competitor and industry benchmarking data
  • Social media analytics and listening data

Cast a wide net when compiling data from across touchpoints.

Choosing the Right Analytics Tools

With data in hand, investing in powerful data analytics tools is crucial for identifying trends and patterns. Consider solutions for:

  • Data visualization with dashboards and reporting
  • Querying and analyzing large datasets
  • Statistical analysis and machine learning
  • Journey mapping and funnel optimization
  • A/B testing and experimentation
  • Customized analytics integrations

Prioritize scalable tools that serve both strategic and tactical use cases.

Deriving Valuable Insights

Skilled analysts translate analytics into meaningful insights that guide strategy:

  • Where are conversion bottlenecks in our funnel?
  • What content resonates most with each audience?
  • How do new features impact user retention?
  • When and where is our brand being discussed online?
  • What customer segments have the highest lifetime value?

With the right data, tools, and analysts, analytics unlocks a world of potential optimization.

Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) represents a significant leap forward in digital marketing automation and analytics. This overhauled platform replaces the aging Universal Analytics with new capabilities more crucial than ever.

Key Capabilities of GA4

Core improvements in GA4 include:

  • Cross-device tracking - Finally connects user behavior seamlessly across devices.
  • Enhanced attribution - More accurately credits conversions across marketing channels.
  • Streaming data - Sends real-time data to enable instant optimization.
  • Machine learning - Surface insights automatically without queries.
  • Custom funnels - Visualize and optimize complex customer journeys.
  • Augmented data - Incorporate broader first-party data for richer analysis.
  • Simplified setup - Faster and easier implementation with a global site tag.

These features add up to an entirely new level of customer and campaign intelligence.

Multi-Channel Social Media Marketing Strategies

In today's fragmented social media landscape, focusing on just one or two platforms is no longer enough. Savvy brands are taking an omnichannel approach to reach audiences wherever they are most active online.


Choosing the Right Social Platforms

The first step is identifying the core social platforms that your audiences and competitors are on. This mix may include:

  • Facebook and Instagram for visual storytelling
  • Twitter for real-time engagement
  • LinkedIn for professional networks
  • Pinterest and TikTok for content sharing
  • YouTube for video content
  • NextDoor for local communities
  • Emerging platforms like Discord and Reddit

Evaluate each network's user demographics, features, and culture to determine fit.

[Power of social media marketing for small businesses]

Customizing Content and Engagement

With selected platforms in place, tailor content and engagement strategies:

  • Craft visually engaging posts for Instagram and Pinterest.
  • Share key company updates and industry news on LinkedIn.
  • Host AMAs and crowdsource opinions on Reddit.
  • Monitor relevant conversations and respond quickly on Twitter.
  • Upload educational or entertaining videos to YouTube.

Unique platforms call for unique approaches to leveraging customer data while maintaining brand consistency.

Analyzing Performance

Measure the impact on each channel separately:

  • Track engagement, clicks, conversions, and ROI by network.
  • Identify the highest and lowest-performing platforms.
  • Double down on channels showing results.
  • Refine underperforming networks or reevaluate their inclusion.

With the right mix of social media platforms and an omnichannel management strategy, brands can maximize social media reach and effectiveness.

Prioritize Customer Experience

In an increasingly commoditized marketplace, customer experience is becoming the key brand differentiator. Savvy companies are making CX their top priority to drive loyalty and advocacy.

Recognizing the Power of CX

Positive customer experiences lead to:

  • Increased satisfaction and retention
  • Higher willingness to recommend
  • More cross-sales and upselling opportunities
  • Stronger brand affinity and loyalty
  • Powerful word-of-mouth marketing
  • Reduced price sensitivity
  • Lower service costs

Delivering incredible experiences proves more profitable than competing solely on price or product features.

Mapping the Customer Journey

Optimizing CX requires an outside-in view of all touchpoints. Monitor customer journeys across:

  • Awareness - How do customers discover your brand?
  • Consideration - What convinces them to engage further?
  • Purchase - How easy and intuitive is this process?
  • Onboarding - How smooth is the initial setup and use?
  • Usage - How enjoyable is the ongoing product experience?
  • Support - How helpful and empathetic are interactions?
  • Loyalty - How well are customers retained and engaged?

Identify pain points and moments of delight.

Closing Experience Gaps

With customer journey insights, address weak points through:

  • Process improvements to remove friction.
  • Added self-service options to increase convenience.
  • Better agent training for more empathic support.
  • Personalized communication tailored to each customer.
  • Proactive feedback collection and action.

When CX is the true north guiding all decisions, competitive differentiation follows

Influencer Marketing Is Here To Stay

Influencer marketing shows no signs of slowing down. Partnering with popular content creators remains one of the most effective ways for brands to expand reach, drive engagement, move consumer behavior and grow sales.

Why Influencer Marketing Works

Compared to traditional ads, influencer content offers several advantages:

  • High perceived authenticity and trust - Influencers are seen as genuine experts, not paid sponsors.
  • Targeted reach - Influencers have particular, segmented audiences.
  • Powerful social proof - Recommendations from influencers carry more weight.
  • Higher conversion rates - Followers rely on influencers for purchase decisions.
  • Brand safety - Influencers carefully protect their reputation.
  • Multimedia content - Influencers create diverse and engaging content.

These factors make influencer partnerships a lucrative channel.

Best Practices

To maximize influencer program success:

  • Take time to identify suitable influencers who align with your brand and audience. Avoid fake followers.
  • Compensate influencers fairly for their work. Pay in money, products, experiences, or services.
  • Give influencers creative freedom to craft authentic messaging in their unique voice.
  • Develop win-win partnerships for long-term relationships, not just one-off transactions.
  • Track performance diligently and optimize based on results. Focus on engagement and conversions rather than pure reach.

Done right, influencer collaborations deliver ROI while also providing customers with value.

Influencer marketing brings social media influencers and brands into cultural conversations. Smart companies make it a core element of digital strategies moving forward.

Short Video Content Is the Best=

As consumer attention spans keep shrinking, short-form video has become one of the most engaging types of marketing content. Brands able to master bite-sized video storytelling will gain an edge.

Benefits of Short Video Content

When optimized for platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram Stories and more, short videos can:

  • Showcase products quickly with demos and "how it works" explainer content.
  • Communicate key messages in attention-grabbing ways not possible with text.
  • Increase content velocity and keep audiences constantly engaged with new material.
  • Drive higher conversions by moving audiences along the sales funnel.
  • Build brand personality through fun, relatable videos.
  • Enable video marketing at scale by repurposing short content across platforms.

The more creative brands get with sub-60-second videos tailored to each channel, the more significant the impact.

Creating a Video Content Engine

A short-form solid video content and video strategy requires systems and processes for efficient, high-volume production:

  • Invest in video equipment, editing software, and team skills training.
  • Plan a monthly content calendar tied to campaigns, launches, holidays, etc.
  • Leverage both in-house production and creator/influencer partnerships.
  • Establish budgets, resources, and responsibilities across teams.
  • Optimize and test video content quickly based on data and audience feedback.
  • Repurpose top-performing videos through clipping, remixing, and multi-channel distribution.

For today's fast-moving digital landscape, short video provides the perfect bite-sized storytelling format.

Social Media Stories

Beyond their core feeds, social platforms are expanding capabilities through integrated messaging apps. Smart brands are taking advantage to drive more intimate conversations.

Private Messaging Opens New Opportunities

Dedicated messaging features on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat enable:

  • Personalized conversations at scale through chatbots and automation
  • Direct customer support for timely problem resolution
  • Exclusive content and offers are only available through messages
  • Appointment booking and transactions through seamless integrations
  • Hyper-targeted ads based on messaging data signals
  • Closer relationships through more 1:1 connections

Messaging provides a unique way to engage that feels more human than feeds.

Optimizing Messaging Strategies

Best practices for messaging include:

  • Prompt response times - Be readily available to converse just as friends would.
  • Conversational dialogue - Avoid overly formal language. Chat like a real person.
  • Seamless handoffs - Transition smoothly to human agents when needed.
  • Careful segmentation - Customize messaging based on each user's interests and history.
  • Valuable content - Share exclusive deals, sneak peeks, and personalized recommendations.
  • Mobile optimization - Streamline messaging interfaces for easy use on the go.

With messaging adoption rising, brands have new avenues to build relationships - one conversation at a time.

[Top SM trends ]

Mobile-First Video Content

With mobile dominating internet usage, digital marketers must prioritize mobile-friendly video experiences. Formatting video content to maximize engagement on smartphones and tablets is now essential.

Vertical Video Reigns on Mobile

Horizontal videos with 16:9 aspect ratios fail to leverage mobile's vertical form factor. Vertical videos in 9:16 fit mobile screens better. Benefits include:

  • Larger, more immersive feel on small displays
  • No black bars and awkward cropping
  • Higher view completion rates
  • Easier viewing while scrolling feeds
  • Enables flexible video ad formats

Brands maximizing mobile need vertical video capture and editing workflows.

Rethink Video for On-the-Go Users

Consider how mobile devices and environments impact viewing behavior:

  • Favor short videos under 60 seconds over long-form
  • Use captions for soundless context like commutes
  • Include easily readable titles and graphics
  • Make key info stand out quickly before drop-off
  • Use playback controls like looping for brevity
  • Enable one-tap calls-to-action for seamless conversion

With the right mobile-first strategies, video drives engagement rather than passive viewing.

Adapting video content to leverage mobile capabilities remains crucial, significantly, as 5G expands access and consumption. Vertical orientation, bite-sized runtimes, and contextual optimization create standout mobile experiences.

[Promote your business on Snapchat]

The power of UGC in building trust and engagement

User-generated content (UGC) offers an authentic way for brands to engage audiences while building trust and credibility. When leveraged strategically, UGC delivers impressive marketing results.

The Value of User Content

Compared to brand-created content, UGC provides several advantages:

  • Higher perceived authenticity - Content directly from customers feels more genuine.
  • Increased engagement - Audiences pay more attention to real user perspectives.
  • Enhanced word-of-mouth - Users are more likely to share UGC with their own networks.
  • Fresh perspectives - Customers highlight uses, benefits, and angles brands may overlook.
  • Social proof - UGC builds credibility through real customer testimonials.
  • Expanded reach - Brands can repurpose UGC across channels.

UGC tells the brand story through the voice of real experience.

Optimizing UGC Strategies

To maximize UGC impact:

  • Make it easy for customers to submit reviews, photos, videos, and stories.
  • Incentivize UGC with giveaways, discounts, and by featuring submissions.
  • Repost top UGC across website, ads, social media, and email.
  • Use UGC in influencer collaborations for broader spread.
  • Monitor UGC closely to quickly address any negative feedback.
  • Analyze performance data to double down on what resonates.

When featured ethically and strategically, user-generated content becomes a win-win digital marketing trend and channel.


How SocialSellinator can help you with this ever-changing digital marketing landscape to benefit your business!

With this ever-changing digital marketing landscape, SocialSellinator will act as your guide to grow your small business to new heights! Our team of experts provides tailored strategies, data-driven solutions, and ongoing performance optimization to help your business succeed online.

We start with a free consultation to assess your current digital marketing and develop a strategy aligned with your business goals. Our team analyzes your target audience, objectives, and industry trends to create a plan that maximizes your online potential. We implement best practices in content creation, social media, SEO, and paid advertising to attract valuable leads and drive revenue growth.

Throughout your campaigns, we continuously track performance using analytics tools. We make data-driven optimizations to improve efficiency and return on investment. You receive regular progress reports to ensure we're meeting objectives.

Our services include:

In just a few minutes, we can show you how our proven social media and digital marketing strategies will increase brand awareness, align marketing and sales, and create predictable new leads and revenue.

Book a call with us.

As your guide through the online landscape, our goal is simple - help your business succeed. We do this by leveraging the power of social media and implementing strategies tailored specifically to you. Our data-driven approach means you get real, measurable results.

Don't go it alone in the digital world. Partner with the pros at SocialSellinator to elevate your marketing and accomplish your online business goals. Let's talk about how we can make it happen.


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SocialSellinator Team

SocialSellinator is a full-service digital marketing agency for startups, small and mid-size B2B/B2C businesses. Our clients benefit from increased brand awareness and leads, created by our data-driven approach to social media marketing, content marketing, paid social media campaigns, and search engine optimization (SEO).