Omnichannel Marketing for B2B: Strategies for Getting More Customers

Innovation functions as ammunition amid incredibly fierce competition in the active realm of B2B marketing. Successful marketing requires multifaceted and layered solutions to capture attention and convert initial leads into long-term customers.

According to a 2022 Omnisend report, marketers using three or more channels in a campaign earned a 287% higher purchase rate than those using single-channel campaigns.

B2B businesses are rapidly exploring the intricate landscape of omnichannel marketing, utilizing it as a differentiator in the crowded market.

This article aims to discuss the nuances of omnichannel marketing and underscore its vital role for B2B while providing valuable insights on creating omnichannel strategies for smooth customer experiences.

What is Omnichannel Marketing?

Omnichannel marketing is not simply a strategy but also a philosophy that bolsters how businesses interact with their audiences. It’s a marketing methodology that provides an integrated customer experience across multiple channels. That involves crafting a unified journey for users to maintain a consistent and cohesive experience across sources such as websites, social media, emails, etc.

According to a Salesforce report, 89% of customers will likely make more purchases after a positive customer service experience.

By strategically planning marketing efforts across multiple channels, businesses can ensure that customers can transition between online and offline touchpoints smoothly.

Whether customers interact with brands through mobile apps, physical stores, or email newsletters, an omnichannel approach helps maintain a consistent brand image. That enhances customer satisfaction and enables businesses to gather data on customer behavior.

Analyzing and utilizing insights from this data facilitates the creation of more personalized digital marketing strategies, fostering stronger relationships with customers. As the landscape of consumer behavior continues to evolve, embracing omnichannel strategy becomes essential for businesses to retain a sense of agency in the face of the ever-changing dynamics of their respective markets.

In today’s digital era, customers will likely utilize multiple facets of technology for any need. According to Statista Research, the number of global smartphone users is estimated to be 5.25 billion in 2023; imagine this impact on networking!

The ultimate goal of omnichannel marketing is to deliver an environment that builds trust, increases overall satisfaction, and encourages conversions.

Why B2B Businesses Need an Omnichannel Marketing Strategy

Customer Expectations

Customer expectations have risen significantly. An omnichannel presence is more than just excellent; it’s necessary to meet the anticipation of users and eventual customers looking for a convenient and seamless multi-platform experience. Omnisend says customer retention rates are 90% higher for omnichannel experiences.

Increased Engagement

Omnichannel marketing opens multiple lanes for B2B businesses to engage with their audiences.

A Harvard Business Review study revealed that 73% of customers prefer shopping through multiple channels. By utilizing various mediums such as social media, email, and messaging, businesses create multiple touchpoints and increase potential opportunities for engagement.

Data-Driven Insights

According to ResearchLive, 90% of retail leaders believe that integrated omnichannel strategies are essential for business success.

To augment this success, the efficacy of an omnichannel strategy lies in the data it gathers. This data provides insights into customer behaviors, preferences, areas for improvement, and the efficiency of different channels.

Competitive Advantage

As the B2B world becomes increasingly crowded, standing out amongst that population becomes necessary. An omnichannel strategy can position your brand ahead of others by crafting a personalized experience.

For instance, 61% of customers need help to switch between channels quickly when dealing with customer service interactions. In this aspect, within a swamp of options, the convenience of choice can become the deciding factor for potential customers.

How to Build an Omnichannel Experience for B2B

1. Know Your Customers

Recognizing your audience’s preferences and needs is the basic foundation of a successful omnichannel approach. Brands typically find it immensely beneficial to furnish context behind their demographic knowledge by developing detailed buyer profiles. These profiles should encapsulate demographic information and reasons for disengagement, popular channels, and customer purchasing patterns.

The insights obtained from detailed buyer profiles are essential mechanisms for crafting your quintessential omnichannel approach. For example, in 2020, Zendesk reported that after more than one bad experience, about 80% of customers said they would go to a competitor instead.

With comprehensive knowledge about such inclinations, a personalized omnichannel approach can resonate with the audience’s preferences. Learning more about your customers allows you to deliver an experience that aligns with their expectations, even lofty ones.

2. Define the Right Channels

Establishing a well-crafted omnichannel strategy relies on identifying the channels your audience interacts with the most. Your approach should utilize online and offline channels based on audience preferences and behaviors.

For instance, a Salesforce report showed that 75% of customers desire a consistent experience, irrespective of how they engage with a company (social media, in person, by phone, etc.).

Social media platforms and websites, email, in-app messaging, and traditional in-store channels should be able to integrate seamlessly and result in a coherent customer experience.

3. Invest in Email Marketing

Email marketing has persevered through rapid technological advancements and remains essential to solid omnichannel strategies. Crafting personalized campaigns that align with user behavior patterns and preferences encourages a feeling of community and exclusivity.

Integrating marketing automation tools takes email campaigns from spam to expertly crafted lures, enabling the transmission of responsive messages based on user interactions.

You can understand the impact of automation in email marketing by imagining a scenario where a potential customer opens an email and clicks on a product but doesn’t follow through with the purchase.

Marketing automation then triggers a follow-up email to provide additional information about the product and address potential concerns, even offering a discount to encourage a possible sale. This level of interaction and thoughtfulness creates a personalized experience for the user, fostering a sense of individuality within a sea of customers.

4. Integrate Live Chat into Your Website

Real-time communication is the most convenient first option for quickly addressing customer queries. Seeing a live chat feature built into your website provides a suitable place for users to ask questions and receive help.

A live chat option can also function as a tool for gathering real-time insights into customer needs, helping refine omnichannel strategies by relying on actual user information.

For example, if multiple users request information about specific features or require help with certain difficulties, their feedback becomes essential for making strategic adjustments to enhance user satisfaction.

5. Promote on Social Media

To get the best results, you should identify the social media platforms your target audience uses most frequently and start sharing your products there. Besides, paid social media ads can be great for promoting your program. Platforms like Promoted Tweets and Facebook Ads can help you reach your target audience effectively.

Social media bios are an easy and visible way for your customers to access the link to your site. For instance, include the link to your referral program in your Twitter bio. In that case, visitors will instantly see the link to the program every time they land on your profile. Some visitors may even click on it, leading to more referrals. The best thing is that it won’t cost you anything and requires zero effort.

To create stunning images and impactful videos for your B2B, you can use the power of InVideo to stand out from the crowd. With its premade templates and AI tools, you can easily create promotional, educational, or viral Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and TikToks to boost sales and conversions.

6. Offer a Great Mobile Experience

According to a Salesforce report, 82% of customers use mobile apps to communicate with a company. With mobile devices’ booming popularity, optimizing your B2B for an efficient mobile experience is more critical than ever.

Brand websites, apps, and all other channels should be crafted to be mobile-friendly and provide an exceptional user experience. Encourage customers to use any preferred channel and tell them you can help. Use a comprehensive knowledge base and a unified inbox to offer support through multiple channels without overburdening your team.

It’s essential to provide comparable experiences across different channels. Whether they reach out through calling, texting, emailing, or accessing your mobile app, the experience should be equally effortless. By offering consistent and unified communications across all channels, you can enhance customer satisfaction and ensure a seamless transition from a mobile device to a laptop or the other way around.

7. Leverage Automation

The success of automation in omnichannel marketing has nothing to do with replacing human interactions but more with streamlining repetitive and error-prone tasks to increase efficiency and consistency.

You can automate many tasks running in your business, and you should find areas to focus on. For example, for SEO automation, you can use SE Ranking to build automated SEO reports, ranking checks, backlink analysis, and status tracking. HubSpot can help automate your team’s marketing activities, from creating a publication calendar to getting more potential leads.

Using automation tools enables the seamless functioning of onboarding processes and customer segmentation. As the customer base expands, automation ensures that the personalized touches that customers appreciate remain consistent.

8. Train Your Team

Comprehensive training for implementing an omnichannel marketing strategy successfully is a necessity. The marketing, sales, and customer support teams should be well-informed of the complexities involved in omnichannel marketing. They should constantly communicate with each other to be on the same page for all situations.

A practical understanding of buyer profiles, automation tools, and cross-communication across multiple channels becomes crucial. Team members should be trained to look at and understand customer interactions holistically, considering that users prefer interactions on one channel over the other or through a mixture of many.

Teams must navigate these transitions effectively to provide customers with the best and most efficient experience.

9. Provide a Seamless Synchronization

Achieving seamless synchronization across all devices and channels must be the primary objective of an omnichannel marketing strategy. An overwhelming 83% of mobile users consider having a seamless experience across all devices crucial.

Trello serves as a perfect example of immediate synchronization. It provides a web, desktop, and mobile app that easily integrates, ensuring a smooth user experience. All your tasks, comments, notifications, reminders and calendars are consolidated across apps, providing a seamless and consistent user experience.

10. Use Insights and Data to Optimize Your Marketing Campaigns

To create a successful omnichannel marketing campaign, constantly update and refine your strategy until you find one that works. One way to do this is to use the right case management software to track and gather data and insights. You can then use this information to optimize your campaigns for better results.

Follow the latest trends and emerging technologies to receive and analyze data. That will help you identify areas that need to change and adjust your strategy accordingly. That can give you a competitive edge and make your campaign more effective.

If you are opening a new B2B project, you must identify the leading companies in your field. IP geolocation tools can help you analyze basic consumer profiles and better understand competitors in a specific area. They will also allow you to detect users’ locations and help you create personalized content based on geolocation and competitor data.

In the fast-paced, fiery and fluid B2B landscape, mastering omnichannel marketing is necessary for staying relevant and understanding customer wants and needs. B2B businesses can create a seamless customer experience that transcends transactions and builds lasting connections.

The success of omnichannel marketing as a strategic maneuver signifies a shift in how businesses connect with their audiences. The goal is to convert leads into customers and build lasting relationships based on trust, consistency and an enjoyable user experience.


  • Irina Weber

    Irina Weber is a content marketing strategist at SE Ranking, an SEO platform for solving any SEO task. She helps startups and enterprises create, promote and distribute their content and increase their brand awareness.

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