5 Google Ad Manager Features Beginners Should Know

The digital marketing era has reached greater heights and has seen continuous growth in recent years. Companies are adopting more practical ways of streamlining operations and cutting costs.

It only seems like yesterday when Google Ads Manager launched in June 2018 and revolutionized the advertising industry. For huge publishers, this ad management tool is heaven-sent. Small enterprises similarly took advantage of this new service.

Publishers and advertisers found solace in online marketing during the globe’s significant downturn. When the world slowly returns to normal, this digital evolution remains a brand awareness solution.

In fact, online advertisements forecasted an increase in brand awareness by 80% for 2019 and beyond.

Generally, Google Ads Manager helps businesses get more from their ads and eventually see a return on investment. It facilitates ad buying and selling across multiple exchanges and networks, such as Google AdX.

For beginners, this may seem more complex than it sounds. You can start by getting to know the basic, essential features of Google Ads Manager.

Google Ads Manager: What You Are Getting

Other than the ultimate goal of growing your ad revenue, Ads Manager makes advertising easy and cost-effective for businesses. It manages Google Ads display differently now compared to its first version in 2008.

Along with its rebranding a decade later comes a new generation of cutting-edge tools and features. It supports a wide range of networks and third-party exchange channels, such as Google AdX.

Especially for large companies, growing a business with the aid of a Google Adx Provider is icing on the cake. This modern ad revenue optimization platform maintains relevancy in your ads while preserving safety and trust.

Moreover, it supports various networks and devices, including:

  • Desktop and mobile web
  • Connected TV
  • Streaming TV or video service
  • In-app marketing

Google AdX partners also collaborate with Ad Manager 360 to manage multiple customers in one platform.

Ads Manager features offer flexibility and convenient management options to businesses and advertisers regardless of size.

Here are five more Google Ads Manager features for beginners you must know.

Enjoy a User-Friendly Interface

Not to exaggerate, but every second is precious when running a business. You can’t waste a minute navigating a system when it’s supposed to manage your business, not the other way around.

Fortunately, you can’t expect less from Google. Google Ads Manager served its purpose as one of Google ads management tools – interface-wise.

Its unique but simple setup allows experts or beginners to navigate and manage their ad campaigns easily. It certainly transformed how brands and advertisers approach digital marketing.

Before this tool existed, creating and managing internet ads was so complex that only professionals could do it immensely. But now, anyone can create successful advertising campaigns without too much effort or extensive background.

Overall, its intuitive interface makes it easier for beginners to simply get started. Moreover, it presents data and graphics as clearly and concisely as possible for accurate understanding.

Use Advanced Targeting Options and Keyword Planner

Google Ads Manager offers various targeting options. From the use of keywords to demographics, it’s now easier for advertisers to reach their target audience.

In today’s digital age, reaching the right audience is crucial for businesses to succeed. It’s very unlikely that certain people can engage with your brand without Google Ads presence.

With Google Ads Manager’s array of targeting options, it has become easier to make your brand widely seen. Publishers and advertisers can choose from a wide range of demographics like age, gender, location, and even interests.

Subsequently, it allows you to incorporate the right keywords in creating targeted ad campaigns. With your current knowledge, it’s easier to think of search terms to attract potential customers. One skill you may acquire or practice while doing this is thinking alike with users.

With over 5 billion internet users worldwide, you can narrow down a specific target audience and increase your chances of conversions.

Leveraging this powerful feature also gains you the following benefits.

  • Tailor ad campaigns to your specific marketing goals while staying within the budget.
  • Save money from irrelevant clicks.
  • Maximize reach and increase engagement of target audience.
  • Target multiple networks, mobile and desktop devices, and even versions of browsers.

Google Ads Manager makes an excellent resource for businesses of all sizes to access robust analytics tools that provide invaluable insights into campaign performance. It also enables custom targeting based on values or system-defined criteria.

Create Google Ads Campaign From Scratch

Creating impactful Google ads can be overwhelming for beginners. This is what Google Ads Manager is here for.

With little-to-no knowledge of online advertising, this feature alone can help you begin your marketing journey. No need to worry because this part is doable with a bit of guidance and practice. The last thing you want is to stress over realizing your business goals.

Many small to large businesses have found that mastering Google Ads Manager has helped them reach new audiences and grow.

So, where should you start? As previously mentioned, you can start with the essentials, like the target audience and specific channels to create an approach. Everything else will follow smoothly once these have been fully established.

You can also utilize ad networks like Google AdX to optimize the relevancy of your product or service when creating ads.

Naturally, the stages of your ad campaign don’t end here. Make sure you are creating ads from scratch but getting the best return on investment.

Google Ads Manager helps you track your budget and adjust bids when necessary. Like almost all things in life, you will have to deal with experimentation and even trial and error to assess performance.

When done effectively, you’ll soon be close to creating successful ad campaigns that drive traffic and sales.

Access Google Ads Preview and Diagnosis Tools

A glimpse of the bigger picture can help you be more intentional with your marketing goals. With Google Ads Manager’s preview and diagnosis tool, advertisers can see how their ads will appear before launching them. It’s like reading your fortunes from a crystal ball!

When it comes to advertising, first impressions are everything. And these impressions last! This tool allows users to optimize their ads for maximum impact.

It’s a fantastic feature that helps brands ensure their ads look perfectly splendid. If not perfect, at least something that will resonate with potential customers across all devices.

For instance, you may possibly overlook device compatibility when you’re just starting. Note that visuals are as important when creating ads. What looks great on desktops might appear cluttered or difficult to read on mobile devices.

Consequently, your ad is unlikely to arouse interest, hence leading to lower engagement rates and reduced revenue.

Your every move can ripple through far greater impacts, so having an ad management tool is your edge.

Lastly, this feature takes into account real-time previews of ads and diagnoses any potential issues. This means you can quickly make adjustments if you have to before launching them.

Track Conversion

Finally, you’ve launched your ad successfully for the first time and want to know the results. Conversion tracking lets you measure the effectiveness of said ads. Even better, you can make adjustments accordingly for better results.

Conversion tracking is essential if you want to improve the results of your ad campaigns. With this helpful tool, you can see exactly how many people are taking action after clicking on your ads.

Without it, you could be flying blind, putting your efforts to waste. You may be spending a lot of money on ads but have no idea if they’re actually working. It takes away the guesswork and gives you concrete data to work with.

It’s only with this data that you can make informed decisions. For example, where to allocate your ad spending or tactics to use in achieving your goal.

With these features, Google Ads Manager makes advertising accessible and efficient, even for beginners.

You don’t have to get everything to use Google Ads Manager. As you start, you’ll get the hang of it soon enough. However, note that ad features are constantly updating along with technological advances.

One thing you can do is first create a marketing strategy that suits the size and scope of your business. Ads Manager is just a tool to help you realize that goal as conveniently as possible. While it helps optimize ad revenue, it wouldn’t work at its best without a clear business plan.

That is why these easy-to-understand features benefit small to large businesses. Remember, it’s not about being an expert in every aspect of online marketing. It’s about having a clear understanding of your own goals and using Ads Manager as a means to achieve them.

As you continue to use Google Ads Manager and its tools, stay up-to-date on the latest advancements for an even greater advantage.

The secret is approaching technology with confidence and a willingness to learn. As long as you have a solid business strategy in place, this tool will help you take your business to the next level.


  • Dan Martin

    Dan Martin has hands-on experience in digital marketing since 2007. He has been building teams and coaching others to foster innovation and solve real-time problems

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