Building a Strong Sales Pipeline: 6 Mindset Shifts to Drive Revenue Growth and Expand Your Reach

They say the hardest part of writing is starting with a blank slate. In sales, the beginning of the process is often met with a similar sense of dread. In fact, I’ve seen statistics that nearly half of salespeople indicate prospecting is the toughest part of sales.

To be sure, sales prospecting can be daunting. But when implemented well, it can yield tremendous results.

I’m a firm believer in quality over quantity. When you engage in strategic prospecting, your sales teams can uncover hidden gems and build meaningful relationships that drive business growth. Try following these steps to shift your mindset, and you’ll create a strong and healthy sales pipeline as a result.

1. Embrace Discomfort

Jeb Blount, in his book “Fanatical Prospecting,” aptly describes prospecting as an interruption to someone’s day – a harsh reality that often triggers fear of rejection. Let’s be honest, that fear doesn’t magically disappear. However, acknowledging it and recognizing that discomfort is temporary is key. Remember, it’s all part of the job, and dwelling on the negative won’t get us far. Instead, adopt a positive mindset, learn from each experience, and keep moving forward.

2. Find Your Balance

We all have our preferred methods of uncovering opportunities, based on our individual strengths. Personally, I excel in writing, so I naturally gravitate toward email and social selling. Yet, I’ve discovered that a well-rounded approach yields the best results. By embracing a balance between outbound and inbound strategies, we maximize our potential for success. In the early days of my firm, it was all about outbound efforts to build relationships. Nowadays, it’s crucial to embrace inbound marketing alongside outbound initiatives, ensuring a harmonious blend of communication approaches and sourcing methods.

3. Nurture Connections In High-Value Forums

In my experience, one strategy has consistently delivered an exceptional return on investment and fostered fruitful relationships. Hosting quarterly forums for thought leaders and decision makers in my industry has proven invaluable. These gatherings offer a platform for discussing challenges, sharing bet practices, and exploring industry trends over a satisfying lunch. By orchestrating such forums, I position myself as a thought leader and cultivate strong connections that often lead to high-value opportunities.

4. Establish Routines

It’s easy to get consumed by the excitement of pursuing hot opportunities in the present, neglecting the long-term perspective. Striking a balance between current and future prospects is paramount. To future-proof my pipeline, I’ve developed a consistent routine for prospecting. In my personal experience, setting aside an hour or two for three days a week to prospect has worked wonders. This approach keeps future opportunities at the forefront of my mind while also allowing time to nurture existing opportunities and maintain relationships with current clients.

5. Make Your First Meeting or Phone Call Impactful

Securing that initial meeting or phone call is a significant milestone, and it’s crucial to make a lasting impression during this crucial interaction. Sadly, many sales professionals struggle in this aspect due to lack of preparation and the wrong mindset. Avoid the pitfall of winging it. Conduct thorough research beforehand to lay the groundwork for productive conversations that lead to further commitments and propel opportunities forward.

6. Break Free from the Chase

As a competitive, type-A personality, the thrill of new opportunities fuels my drive. However, I’ve learned the importance of not getting too caught up in the chase. Continuously pursuing avenues that don’t serve me or my clients becomes counterproductive. Gradually, I’ve embraced a more measured approach, allowing me to lower stress levels, dedicate more time to cultivating higher-value opportunities, and ultimately close deals with higher margins. Remember, sometimes taking a step back can propel us forward in the right direction.

Remember, prospecting is not just about reaching quotas; it’s about building genuine relationships, providing value, and creating opportunities that benefit both you and your clients. So embrace the challenge, and embark on a journey of success in sales prospecting.

Learn More In a Free Webinar

Would you like to learn more about prospecting strategies and skillsets? Join us at SMM Connect for a special masterclass (free webinar) on Tuesday, August 1: 5 Prospecting Strategies for Stronger Sales Results. This session will help you learn the strategies of elite sellers.  


  • Amy Franko

    Amy Franko is a sales strategist for growth-oriented, mid-market organizations. She works with a variety of sectors to grow sales results, through both sales strategy and skill development programs. She is the author of "The Modern Seller," and she is recognized by LinkedIn as a Top Sales Voice. Learn more at

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