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selling with confidence
August 27, 2021

5 Strategies to Boost Your Sales Confidence

selling with confidence

What do you believe you are capable of when you feel confident? If you’re like most people, your world of possibilities is greatly expanded when you feel sure of yourself.

The connection between self-belief and success is at the core of Elyse Archer’s mission. Her work is centered on helping people believe in themselves enough to earn higher incomes and to make their greatest impact in the world.

Archer is the founder of She Sells, a sales coaching program and community that empowers women to leverage their natural gifts and help them build wealth along the way. Archer is also a team member of Brand Builders Group, a personal branding strategy firm with a list of leading authors, podcast hosts, and entrepreneurs.

On a recent episode of The Adapter’s Advantage, I talked to Archer about her work and the connection between personal development and sales excellence.

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5 Ways to Boost Selling Confidence

Here are the top takeaways from our conversation and five key strategies for boosting confidence in sales.

1. Build Your Personal Brand

After building a wealth of sales and marketing knowledge, Archer left a six-figure sales job to go out on her own as a sales coach. She went all in, branding and marketing herself as the best sales coach in town—despite not having been a sales coach: “I knew that when I got customers, I could actually help them. It was a matter of getting out of my own way and realizing someone needs what I do. To someone else, I am the expert. I might as well show up that way.”

Video played a key role in helping Archer establish herself as a coach. She posted a series of leadership videos on LinkedIn. Within a couple of months, people were reaching out, saying they saw the video and were impressed with her knowledge.

After she established her brand, she was able to replace her consulting firm income and went on to double and triple it. She continued to grow her income and her brand, and she eventually became a partner with an even bigger sales coaching organization.

Some of her colleagues ask her how she has been able to accomplish so much in such a short time: “It’s brand, it’s reputation, and it’s being known,” says Archer. “For all of us, regardless of our role, being intentional about our reputation is critically important.”

2. Know That Success Is a Daily Practice

Archer believes true success can start only when people expect more from themselves.

To create this type of self-belief, Archer recommends starting each day with a morning routine based on a person’s highest and best self: “For me, it comes down to that daily practice. Start every single morning with a routine that gets you in that peak state of confidence. That can be looking at goals, reading, working out—whatever gets you motivated.”

Archer also recommends that people manage their own schedule and emphasizes that not every minute needs to be booked solid: “To avoid burnout, carve out space on your calendar to do nothing. This is terrifying for many successful people,” confesses Archer. “But making time to just sit and write often generates your best ideas.”

3. Embrace What Makes You Unique

Many people think they have an original idea. But then they think again, and that is when self-doubt creeps in. We end up wondering whether anyone wants to hear our suggestions. We question our own perspective.

Instead of worrying about how people will hear your ideas, Archer says to focus on the value of what you have to offer: “You think what you do is normal because you do it all day long,” notes Archer. “But for a lot of people, it’s not normal. They really need your skill set, your talents, your technology, and what you’re offering. So, if you feel driven to write, to launch a podcast, or to talk about a certain topic, then take it as a signal that there’s somebody who needs to hear it from you in your way.”

4. Tap into Your Natural Talents

All too often, people—especially women—tend to think that because they approach something differently, it is wrong. But Archer says tapping into your abilities and instincts is the best way to unlock success: “I ran into this a lot in corporate selling. I would have intuitions and hunches that said, ‘I should build a relationship with this client, but it’s not time for them to close yet.’ But management was telling me, ‘You’ve got to close now; we’ve got to hit our numbers.’ So of course, the relationship never lasted,” recalls Archer.

She acknowledges there is value in having sales processes and scripts, but she believes the true value lies in defining an approach that feels right for you.

“Tapping into your own natural gifts and talents and trusting the way you do things means you can be really successful. You can still accomplish your goals, even if it’s a little bit different than what you’ve seen modeled,” says Archer.

5. Embrace Change

Having survived a series of losses, Archer never takes anything for granted. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, she knew what mattered was not the event but our response to it.

“You get to have a moment of, ‘Oh, crap, what am I going to do?’ You get to be human,” notes Archer. “And then it’s time to rise up and keep that mindset of ‘everything is always working for me.’ With a lot of my clients, specifically the speaker clients, we had to define a new set of possibilities.”

Archer says taking advantage of the pause opened up creativity and provided the time people need to put systems and new ideas into place.

For example, one client speaks in the corporate space. Working with Archer, he created a workshop and delivered it virtually to clients who otherwise would have attended in person. The workshops were a success, and the client ended up having one of his most successful months ever.

Other clients are focusing on processes, tuning up their online presence, preparing their speaker kit, working on a demo video, and building their sales funnel.

If we let it, a crisis can be a time of transformation.

Learn More

Hear the complete episode of The Adapter’s Advantage. For more valuable advice on boosting sales confidence, subscribe now: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | TuneIn

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