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March 19, 2020

How Virtual Training Helps Maintain Momentum in the Face of Travel Restrictions

As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread in the U.S. and across the globe, I want to take a moment to let you know what Allego is doing to respond to this public health emergency and to offer some helpful suggestions.

The challenges of the current situation may feel overwhelming, but there are steps you can take to get new hires up to speed and maintain productivity in uncertain times. Allego works with many global customers who are actively dealing with the threat of coronavirus. These long-time customers are experienced at using mobile and video to onboard, collaborate and coach. They wanted to know how they could adapt to these new and unexpected disruptions.

Allego is uniquely poised to provide support and guidance as companies respond to this emergency. We tapped into our internal subject matter experts to create a Virtual Training Quick-Launch Kit to help organizations maintain productivity. I wanted to share the ways that companies can maintain momentum so that others in this same situation can be proactive.

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Download our Virtual Training Quick-Launch Kit to find out how you can maintain productivity in the face of travel restrictions.

3 Ways to Succeed When Your Team is Remote

There are several proven tactics that managers can use to lead their remote teams with the help of technology. Here are three specific recommendations for how to accelerate and increase virtual collaboration and training of your workforce.

1. Go Virtual

Replace in-person classroom sessions and live video with virtual sales meetings and training. Training via Zoom, Skype or other live video may not be enough. Research shows that 65% of learners get distracted when viewing live video and pre-recorded training sessions typically aren’t watched. With travel restrictions in place, presenters must “stand and deliver” for the camera. But instead of simply hoping in-person presentations will translate well when delivered on video, equip your presenters with the ability to practice, watch their recorded takes to self-correct, and receive coaching and feedback to perfect their delivery on camera. Package sessions into content that reps can access on-demand and interact with through point-in-time video discussions.

2. Automate

Our customers are taking advantage of virtual learning and automation in a big way. Use mobile access and video sharing technology to extend managers’ reach, maximize time, and accomplish as much or more as they normally could during a ride-along. Automate account reviews and brainstorming. Share regular check-in videos and have reps give daily pipeline updates via video. Use video to share prospect stories, bounce ideas off of colleagues, and brainstorm asynchronously across space and time.

3. Connect Via Video

Leverage video to close the “human distance” between teams when they’re separated. If your team is working from home, they’re probably feeling cooped up and anxious about what’s ahead. There is something reassuring about seeing a human face rather than reading an email. Checking in with a short video can be a source of comfort and a great way to let your far-flung colleagues know that you care about them, personally and professionally, across geography and time zones.

Deliver Learning, Collaboration and Content When Your Team Needs it the Most

The “new normal” is remote work. Many companies around the globe are facing disruptions and asking employees to work from home to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Yet many global firms are not prepared for a remote workforce. Sales teams in particular face additional barriers to productivity. Corporate travel restrictions mean less contact with prospects, with the industry, and with the market.

Managing a remote team of sales reps is a unique challenge but with the right strategy, managers can succeed. Don’t let meeting cancelations and geographically dispersed teams slow your momentum. Even when your sales force is working remotely and can’t travel or meet with prospects, there are still ways you can keep your goals on track.

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Contact Us if there is any way we can help.

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