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how to evolve sales enablement to revenue enablement
August 2, 2023

Unlocking Growth: Transitioning from Sales Enablement to Revenue Enablement

how to evolve sales enablement to revenue enablement

This blog post originally appeared on the Roderick Jefferson & Associates website.

I’m seeing two growing, trending (no, not more layoffs) conversations across my social media channels recently. BIG shoutout to Jonathan Kvarfordt for the incredible LinkedIn post that compelled me to share my thoughts and experience around this topic!

  1. How to Leverage AI to Optimize Sales & Drive Increased Revenue. If you want to know my thoughts on this topic, check out my latest blog here.
  2. The Difference Between Sales Enablement & Revenue Enablement

I want to begin by saying that my blog is based upon my “set of lenses” and experience as an enablement practitioner, consultant, and leader for the past 2-plus decades, not a theorist or someone who has “heard” about the topic! The transition from sales enablement to revenue enablement has been a long time coming and marks another evolutionary milestone in how organizations approach revenue growth. By adopting a holistic and integrated approach that aligns sales, marketing, customer success, and other revenue-focused functions, organizations can unlock new levels of growth and achieve sustained success in today’s macroeconomic environment. Buckle in and let’s dive in. …

The Evolution of Enablement

Sales enablement has long been recognized as a crucial, yet often misunderstood function within organizations. As I said in my book, Sales Enablement 3.0: The Blueprint To Sales Enablement Excellence, “If you ask 10 people for their definition of sales enablement, you’ll get 12 different answers.” Therein lies the root of the problem with sales enablement for founders, sales, and go-to-market leaders. At its core, sales enablement has traditionally been tied to equipping sales teams with the tools, training, and resources they need to effectively engage prospects and close deals.

In some cases, it’s been misaligned with HR Learning & Development, and in others, it has been relegated to being viewed as the fixers of broken things and people with little to no real revenue-focused metrics and measurements! In today’s dynamic business landscape, where customer expectations are constantly evolving and revenue growth is paramount, a broader and more holistic approach is required. This is where revenue enablement enters the stage.

What EXACTLY Is Revenue Enablement?

Revenue enablement expands beyond the traditional scope of sales enablement and encompasses all revenue-generating functions within an organization. It aligns sales, marketing, operations, customer success, and other revenue-focused teams towards a common goal: driving sustainable revenue growth! Revenue enablement integrates strategies, processes, and technologies to optimize the entire customer lifecycle, from lead generation to post-sales expansion and retention. In order for companies to recognize true success, I believe there are five driving factors that I call:

The 5 Values of Transitioning

  1. Enhancing Collaboration: Revenue enablement breaks down silos and fosters collaboration across revenue-focused teams. By aligning everyone towards a unified revenue strategy, organizations can optimize their efforts, leverage cross-functional expertise, and create a seamless customer experience throughout the buyer’s journey.
  2. Improving Customer Insights: Revenue enablement emphasizes the collection and analysis of customer data from multiple touchpoints. This enables organizations to gain deeper insights into ideal customer (ICP)’s behavior, preferences, and needs, which allows sellers to tailor their pitches, anticipate challenges and objections, and deliver personalized experiences that drive customer loyalty and revenue growth.
  3. Aligning Sales and Marketing: In revenue enablement, sales and marketing are no longer seen as separate entities but as interdependent functions working towards a common objective. By aligning sales and marketing strategies, messaging, and goals, organizations can optimize lead generation, conversion rates, and revenue attribution, resulting in increased sales effectiveness and revenue generation.
  4. Empowered Customer Success: Revenue enablement extends its reach beyond the sales cycle and focuses on customer success and expansion. By providing customer success teams with the necessary tools, training, and resources, organizations can drive upsell, cross-sell, and renewal opportunities, ultimately maximizing customer lifetime value and revenue growth.
  5. Data-Driven Decision Making: Finally, revenue enablement embraces data analytics and insights to drive informed decision-making vs. the adage of “I feel, I think or from what I’ve seen.” By leveraging key performance indicators (KPIs), predictive analytics, and revenue attribution models, organizations can identify trends, measure the impact of enablement initiatives, and make data-backed adjustments to optimize revenue outcomes. If you really want to take it to the next level, focus on integrating artificial intelligence (AI) as a productivity tool to scale and automate each of these activities.

Communication, Collaboration, Orchestration

As a seasoned executive sales enablement leader, I have seen the transformative impact of revenue enablement firsthand. It empowers organizations to optimize their revenue generation efforts, create exceptional customer experiences, and drive long-term business success.

If you’re looking to take your sales organization to the next level and achieve exponential growth, I strongly encourage you to embrace the concept of revenue enablement. It’s a strategic investment that will yield significant returns, empower your teams, and position your organization for success in the ever-evolving business landscape.

About the author: Roderick Jefferson is a senior executive with 20-plus years of sales leadership. He is the author of the Amazon bestselling book, Sales Enablement 3.0: The Blueprint to Sales Enablement Excellence. Roderick is also an acknowledged practitioner and keynote speaker in the sales enablement space who understands how to create bridges between internal organizations to empower sales to exceed expectations.

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