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best sales webinars 2022
January 20, 2022

Top 5 Sales Enablement Webinars for 2022

best sales webinars 2022

2022—It’s a new year with new sales goals, resolutions, quotas, and expectations. Hope, but also questions, fill the air.

  • What sales tech trends can we expect?
  • What new tools and technology will be released this year?
  • Do our sales reps have the right skills to succeed in this continuing remote-work world?
  • Do our sales reps have the right content to help them win deals?
  • Are employees happy? Or will they be among those leaving as part of the Great Resignation?

To help you answer those questions, develop solutions, and begin implementing sales success strategies, we pulled together five of Allego’s top sales enablement webinars. In them, our guests offer some predictions but also give you proven strategies to ensure 2022 is a record-breaking year.

Top 5 Sales Webinars

The State of Sales Enablement Technology: What’s in Store for 2022

Not surprising, top on people’s minds as we head into 2022 is what they can expect from sales enablement technology this year. Allego’s chief product officer, Andre Black, joined us for this insightful webinar in which he revealed the most important trends in sales enablement today, and how you can stay a step ahead as we enter the new year.

First and foremost, “remote and hybrid teams are going to be with us for years to come,” Black said. “And that has to influence how we think about building a team culture and making personal connections and providing insightful, personalized coaching.”

That means B2B buyer journeys require smarter virtual selling, he said. True, buyers do more of their own information gathering during their journey, but they still want to partner with salespeople to get in-depth answers to their questions.

“Basically, your buyers will want a personalized experience and specifically [they want] digital touchpoints that answer their questions or demonstrate insight into their business. And they’ll expect to work with confident informed and agile sellers that they can trust,” Black said.

>> Watch the webinar to learn more, plus learn the other sales enablement trends to watch for in 2022.

A Marketer’s Guide to Creating Content Sales Will Love (and Actually Use!)

Sales uses only 20% of the content marketers create, according to recent research. So, it’s no wonder our webinar about creating content sales will actually use got lots of attention. Top on people’ minds:

  • How do you improve sales and marketing alignment?
  • Why is it so hard for the two to get on the same page?
  • What do sellers really want?

Allego’s chief marketing officer, Wayne St. Amand, and the company’s senior product marketing manager, Jake Miller, joined us for this webinar to answer those questions and provide advice to ensure the sales content that marketers create gets used in the most impactful ways.

During their event, they identified four steps to address the problem and increase sales’ use of sales enablement content:

  1. Co-creating content: How sales can be involved in content creation
  2. Distributing content: How to get content into reps’ hands at exactly the right time
  3. Content activation: How to combine learning, content, and collaboration to ensure sellers know how to use the content properly
  4. Tracking content: How to get a qualitative view of how sales content is being used

“Content has to be available and valuable in the moment of need for the seller,” St. Amand said. “And you not only have to deliver the content but also provide the context surrounding how to use it and why it’s valuable. If you can nail those things in addition to all the table stakes items, you’re really going to be in a position where you are creating content sales will love and that they will use.”

In addition, you should deliver content to sales in a way that’s easy for them to consume, Miller said.

>> Watch the webinar to learn more and get started creating content sales reps love and will use.

The Sales Employee Experience: Driving Learning and Collaboration for Best Results

Salespeople have very different needs than, say, engineers, scientists, or retail workers. The key is creating a learning experience that is custom to them. And in today’s quickly changing world, the experience must be agile and adjusted continually. Set it and leave it is not an option.

The question is: How do you design the sales employee experience so it is optimized for that role?

To help you do that, two industry experts from the Josh Bersin Company—Josh Bersin, founder, and Kathi Enderes, VP of research—shared their insights about how to create the optimal sales experience for learning, skills development, communication, and collaboration.

Key criteria for creating a strong sales employee experience, according to their research:

  • Easy to use tools and processes
  • A culture of people helping one another: good internal relationships and ability to leverage the expertise of others, for example
  • Strong sense of purpose
  • Opportunities for personal and professional growth

“When you focus on management development and creating a more supportive team, you get better business results,” Bersin said.

If you’re in sales, that team support and sales enablement will make it easier for you to close deals.

>> Watch the webinar to learn more about how to create a sales employee experience that drives results.

The State of Virtual Sales Coaching: 5 Tips to Help You Adapt this Quarter

Not only has selling gone virtual, but so has sales coaching. For many sales leaders, adapting their approach has been a challenge that has impacted sales reps and revenue generated.

According to recent Allego research, 67% of sales leaders say it’s harder for them to observe remote reps during calls to give them feedback. And 60% say it’s harder for them to keep remote team members current on new products, features, and pricing.

There is hope, though. Sales professionals in that same study said having the right tools helps with those issues. Ninety-one percent said having video-based training helps them become more successful working remotely.

In this webinar, Allego’s Jonathan Carlson, senior director of marketing, and Jake Miller, senior product marketing manager, provide specific tips to help sales leaders adapt their coaching to a virtual platform. Plus, they dive into the power of asynchronous video and how to use it to improve coaching.

“Video is so powerful and so important for communicating sales knowledge, how to handle an objection, and how to speak to a competitive weakness in a product,” said Miller. “It allows you to capture body language and things you can’t capture through text. And it’s easier to capture the information.”

>> Watch the webinar to learn more about the power of asynchronous video for sales coaching.

Are You Ready? Best Practices for Mastering Virtual Selling in a Hybrid World

B2B sales have changed forever. Some may wishfully believe things will “snap back,” but industry analysts and watchers say that’s not happening. Health concerns because of the pandemic continue to limit in-person interactions, plus 80% of buyers prefer virtual meetings, according to recent research from McKinsey.

With virtual selling here to stay, sales reps need to master their virtual selling skills. Recently, two of the authors of Mastering Virtual Selling: Orchestrating Sales Success—Mark Magnacca, President and Co-Founder of Allego, and Tony Jeary, The RESULTS Guy™—joined us to explain this new way to sell.

People may say you can’t deliver a personal, compelling buying experience virtually, but Magnacca and Jeary disagree. You can absolutely do it if you have the right skills, tools, and confidence, they said.

“When you are confident, what are you capable of? When you’re not confident—even though you’re very skilled—you might not be able to pull it off,” Magnacca said.

>> Watch the webinar to learn essential virtual selling skills and how to master them for today’s remote situation, as well as for our future hybrid world.

Learn More

Visit our Webinars page to see what webinars we have planned, plus watch other on-demand events.

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