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the role of AI in sales
April 18, 2024

10 Creative Examples of How to Use AI in Sales

the role of AI in sales

Just a short while ago, AI was all the buzz as the next big thing. Well, it’s no longer just a promise—AI is actively reshaping the way we manage our day-to-day tasks and how we conduct business, particularly in sales. With its rapid adoption, everyone’s on the hunt to use this technology for a competitive edge.

In fact, consulting firm McKinsey & Company says, “AI is poised to disrupt marketing and sales in every sector.” Their research also shows that “90% of commercial leaders expect to utilize gen AI solutions ‘often’ over the next two years.”

Not only that, but McKinsey’s research shows that organizations that invest in AI are seeing an increase in revenue of 13-15% and a sales ROI increase of 10-20%.

Organizations that invest in AI are seeing an increase in revenue of 13-15% and a sales ROI increase of 10-20%. — McKinsey & Company

Sales leaders understand the value of AI; what they need now is to identify the right tools and understand how to apply them to boost sales performance. To help you, I dug deeper to see how sales teams can use AI. Continue reading to learn what AI-powered sales tools are available, how they function, and how they can turn up the dial on your team’s performance.

7 Top Ways to Use AI in Sales

AI is reshaping sales by turning traditional activities on their head and creating fresh opportunities for growth. Here’s how:

  • Sales Prospecting: AI streamlines the way sales teams identify and score potential leads. By analyzing large sets of data, AI algorithms can quickly identify patterns and characteristics of ideal customers to make the prospecting process more accurate and less time-consuming. This enables sales teams to focus their efforts on leads with the highest conversion potential.
  • Sales Forecasting: AI-driven sales forecasting uses historical data and machine learning to predict future sales trends. This predictive capability allows businesses to make informed decisions on inventory, staffing, and budget allocations, ensuring they’re prepared to meet demand and capitalize on upcoming opportunities.
  • Lead Generation: Automating the lead generation process, AI tools can sift through data across digital platforms to identify potential customers. By targeting users based on specific behaviors and preferences, AI enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of lead generation campaigns so that marketing efforts are directed toward individuals who are most likely to convert.
  • Sales Automation: AI takes over repetitive and administrative tasks, such as scheduling meetings, sending follow-up emails, and updating CRM entries. This frees up sales professionals to concentrate on more strategic activities, like negotiating deals and building relationships with clients—areas where human skills are irreplaceable.
  • Personalization: AI excels at creating personalized communication for customers at scale. By analyzing customer data, AI can tailor messages, recommendations, and content to individual preferences and behaviors, which can significantly impact customer engagement and satisfaction.
  • Sales Enablement: AI plays a crucial role in sales enablement by automating repetitive tasks, providing personalized insights, and improving the overall efficiency of sales processes. For example, AI can make personalized content recommendations, assess sales calls and provide feedback, and provide valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences.
  • Analytics and Reporting: AI-powered analytics and reporting tools offer deep insights into sales activities, customer behavior, and market trends. These insights help sales leaders understand what strategies are working, where improvements are needed, and how to better target customers. By continually learning from new data, AI helps businesses stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing marketplace.

sales with generative AI

How Generative AI Is Impacting Sales

AI expert Sam Richter shares his insights on the rapid evolution of genAI tools for sales and their ability to transform sales practices. Listen to the interview.

5 Types of Generative AI Technology in Sales

Building on the transformative impact AI has on sales activities, generative AI (genAI) technologies introduce specialized tools that further refine and enhance sales operations. Each type of genAI technology has its own applications that support the broader efforts of AI to transform sales strategies:

  • Chatbots: Acting as the front line of customer service, AI-powered chatbots give instant, round-the-clock interaction with customers. These advanced tools can handle inquiries, resolve common issues, and even guide customers through the sales funnel without human intervention. By automating these interactions, customers receive timely support and human agents have more time to tackle complex tasks. This seamless integration of chatbots complements the overarching goal of sales automation which is to provide a consistent and efficient customer service experience.
  • Natural Language Generation (NLG) Tools: NLG tools take the personalization aspect of AI in sales to new heights. By analyzing customer data and insights, these tools generate personalized email content, engaging product descriptions, and tailored sales copy at scale. This enhances lead generation efforts by creating content that resonates with the target audience and also supports sales enablement by equipping sales teams with customized materials to engage potential buyers effectively.
  • Predictive Analytics Tools: These tools extend the capabilities of sales forecasting by analyzing historical data, market conditions, and customer behavior to predict future sales trends and customer needs. Predictive analytics can identify potential hot leads, optimize pricing strategies, and foresee market shifts, allowing sales teams to strategize proactively. This foresight is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge and aligns with the analytical aspect of AI’s impact on sales.
  • Sales Prospecting Tools: AI-driven sales prospecting tools streamline the process of identifying and prioritizing potential leads based on predefined criteria such as engagement level, purchase history, and demographic information. This efficient prioritization ensures that sales teams focus their efforts on leads most likely to convert, enhancing the overall efficiency of sales prospecting. By leveraging AI to sift through data and highlight opportunities, these tools embody the transformative potential of AI in optimizing sales processes.
  • Sales Enablement Tools: These tools leverage AI to enhance sales processes and improve outcomes. Top features include personalized content generation, virtual coaches that simulate sale scenarios, content recommendations, and sales call analysis.

Together, these genAI-enhanced sales tools form a comprehensive ecosystem. By automating routine tasks, generating personalized content, and providing actionable insights, these tools empower sales teams to focus on what they do best—building relationships and closing sales.

Top 4 Generative AI Tools for Sales

When looking to leverage genAI in sales, four tools stand out. From streamlining customer interactions to crafting compelling prospecting emails, each tool offers unique capabilities that help sales teams advance their strategies.

  • ChatGPT: ChatGPT from OpenAI is part of a family of large language models (LLM). It is a conversational AI chatbot that can be used for customer service, lead generation, and sales support. Salespeople can use ChatGPT to create sales content, generate personalized and engaging sales scripts, answer questions, and provide training and support. You can also find custom GPTs specifically tailored for sales.
  • Regie: Regie is a sales-specific genAI agent that executes top of funnel prospecting. It combines your CRM, sales engagement, and intent data with genAI to continuously identify who to contact, when, and with what tailored message.
  • Gemini (formerly Bard): Google’s Gemini, also a LLM, leverages AI to generate high-quality content that resonates with target audiences. Sales teams can use the conversational chatbot to generate personalized outreach emails, social media posts, and sales pitches tailored to specific leads and customers.
  • Jasper: Generating engaging sales content is time-consuming and resource-intensive. Jasper simplifies this process by using AI to create high-quality content in minutes. Whether it’s blog posts, social media updates, or promotional materials, Jasper is yet another tool that delivers content that captures attention and drives engagement.

10 Creative Examples of AI in Sales

After exploring how foundational genAI tools can transform sales processes and customer interactions, let’s look at 10 innovative applications of AI that are reshaping sales. These examples showcase the versatility and power of AI in enhancing every aspect of the sales process.

1. 24/7 Lead Qualification Chatbots
Use Case: A manufacturing company implements an AI chatbot to engage website visitors, asking qualifying questions to identify potential leads based on predefined criteria such as company size, industry, and specific needs. It can also provide information about products or services, gather contact details, and schedule follow-up meetings or demos with sales reps.

2. NLG for Customized Sales Presentations:
Use Case: A financial services firm uses NLG tools to automatically generate personalized sales presentations. By analyzing client data, investment preferences, risk tolerance, and financial goals, the NLG tool can generate tailored presentations that resonate with each prospect, showcasing how the firm’s services align with their needs.

3. Automated Follow-Ups with Buyers:
Use Case: A software company uses AI-powered chatbots to handle routine follow-up tasks, such as scheduling meetings, sending follow-up emails, and answering common prospect inquiries. This automation streamlines the sales process, frees up sales reps’ time, and ensures timely responses to leads.

4. Predictive Analytics for Sales Performance Optimization:
Use Case: A medical device manufacturer uses predictive analytics to analyze sales performance metrics such as win rates, sales cycle length, and deal size. By identifying patterns and correlations in sales data, the team can uncover insights to improve sales processes, identify areas for training and coaching, and optimize sales strategies for better outcomes.

5. Lead Scoring with AI:
Use Case: A software company uses AI to score leads by implementing predictive lead scoring models. By leveraging AI for lead scoring, the sales team can streamline lead qualification processes, focus efforts on high-potential leads, and improve overall sales effectiveness and efficiency.

6. Sales Coaching via AI-powered Dialog Simulators
Use Case: A life sciences company uses an AI-generated virtual actor to simulate sales scenarios and provide real-time coaching to sales reps. These simulators can analyze conversations, identify areas for improvement, and offer personalized feedback to enhance sales skills.

7. Voice Analysis for Enhanced Sales Conversations
Use Case: A freight company uses an AI-powered Conversation Intelligence tool to analyze successful sales conversations. The tool can identify patterns and best practices that lead to conversions. Sales teams can then use this data to replicate successful strategies across the team, leading to more consistent and effective sales outcomes.

8. Content Recommendations for Sales Reps
Use Case: A biotechnology firm uses an AI-powered revenue enablement platform to analyze buyer data and preferences to recommend relevant content to sales reps. This includes suggesting case studies, white papers, and product demos that align with the prospect’s interests and stage in the buying journey.

9. Competitive Analysis
Use Case: A financial advisory firm employs AI tools to gather and analyze competitor data from various sources to provide insights into competitors’ strategies, market positioning, and pricing. This information helps sales teams tailor their approach and address competitive challenges effectively.

10. Automatic Translation of Videos in Multiple Languages:
Use Case: A manufacturer based in the United States uses an AI-powered video tool to enable sales reps to automatically convert an English-speaking video to the languages of their customers. Doing so helps sales teams expand their reach, provide personalized communication, and enhance engagement with customers.

The Future of AI in Sales

As AI technologies advance, the world of sales will continue to change, demanding both adaptability and a readiness to embrace new tools. The future promises even more sophisticated AI solutions that will enable sales teams to customize their approaches with exceptional precision. While the pace of change may feel overwhelming, ignoring the power of AI is not an option—rest assured, your competitors won’t.

sales with generative AI

How Generative AI Is Impacting Sales

AI expert Sam Richter shares his insights on the rapid evolution of genAI tools for sales and their ability to transform sales practices. Listen to the interview.

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