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Illustration depicting generative AI for sales content creation and management. Multiple computers and devices displaying futuristic code.
January 10, 2024

Gen AI Ushers In a New Era in Sales Content Creation, Access

Illustration depicting generative AI for sales content creation and management. Multiple computers and devices displaying futuristic code.

The era of AI is upon us. And like technology before it, artificial intelligence (AI) has the power to make our lives easier and more productive.

The new darling in this arena is generative AI (gen AI), and it is transforming how revenue enablement teams do their jobs and elevating their performance. Sales and marketing teams are reaping the benefits of this technology, as vendors add generative AI capabilities to their sales enablement platforms.

For example, at the top of the funnel, gen AI can analyze customer data to identify segments and target specific audiences with more personalized and relevant marketing messages. And within the sales process, gen AI provides continuous support, offering tailored content recommendations, offering up answers to key seller questions based on institutional knowledge, and offering next-step recommendations—to name just a few things.

Not only does gen AI streamline tasks and increase productivity, but research from McKinsey & Company shows “players that invest in AI are seeing a revenue uplift of 3 to 15% and a sales ROI uplift of 10 to 20%.”

One area where gen AI is having a profound impact is sales content creation, organization, and access.

“Players that invest in AI are seeing a revenue uplift of 3 to 15% and a sales ROI uplift of 10 to 20%.”
— McKinsey and Company

Content Chaos

For many organizations, crafting compelling sales content feels like running a marathon in slow motion. It’s a time-consuming slog, demanding hours from stretched teams to research, write, and personalize every piece. With each product brochure, presentation deck, and email, it feels like you’re reinventing the wheel, with limited resources and bandwidth to keep content fresh and targeted. Often this leads to inconsistency and mixed messaging among your many documents.

Then there’s the challenge of accessing and finding content. Without a content management system, files are stored in multiple locations and emailed across the company. That makes it extremely hard to find what you’re looking for, and you have no sense if what you find are the most current versions.

Having a content management system reduces the chaos, but managing and organizing the content is often manual and time consuming. And if not done well, you will still struggle to find content quickly. That delay can disrupt and slow down the sales process. It may also lead to your sales reps creating their own content, running the risk of giving buyers something that is incorrect or off message.

Without the right technology, the whole content process is frustrating, inefficient, and ultimately ineffective, leading to smaller win rates and less revenue generated.

Deliver Modern B2B Buying Experiences

Modern Revenue Enablement ebook cover. White text on black background.Download Modern Revenue Enablement: A Buyer-Centric Approach to Win Sales and Grow Revenue and learn how Modern Revenue Enablement helps go-to-market teams reach, engage, and win over more buyers.

Here Comes the Gen AI Cavalry

Gen AI entered the mainstream with a splash in 2022, and since then has taken the world by storm. It is a type of artificial intelligence that can create and generate new content, such as text, images, or even music. It works by learning patterns and styles from existing data and then generating new, original content based on that knowledge.

Traditional AI, on the other hand, excels at specific tasks it’s been trained for. Examples include machine learning algorithms used for tasks such as spam filtering, image recognition, and predictive analytics.

Think of gen AI as a smart new partner on your revenue enablement team. This technology takes the heavy lifting out of content creation, organization, and search. Your marketing team can focus on strategy and create more high-quality content. Enablement can better organize content and make it easily discoverable. And your sellers are free to focus on what they do best—connecting with customers and closing deals.

Do you need to quickly add content descriptions to new assets for easier access by sales? Gen AI can whip it up in seconds. Are sellers brainstorming persuasive proposal points? Gen AI can provide multiple options based on real-time data. Searching for the perfect stat from a case study? Gen AI’s natural language search gives instant answers to key sales questions unique to the organization, and recommendation engines guide you to the right asset for the situation at hand.

Generative AI helps sellers personalize their approach, crafting content that resonates with individual buyers.

It isn’t just about speed, though. Gen AI helps sellers personalize their approach, crafting content that resonates with individual buyers. Imagine sending emails that speak directly to a buyer’s needs and challenges, or tailoring presentation decks to their unique pain points. This laser-focus boosts engagement and increases sellers’ chances of sealing the deal.

And because AI loves organization, the technology can transform your content library from a dusty attic into a sleek, searchable palace. Forget long, desperate searches for sales content and collateral. Gen AI lets you serve up relevant materials seamlessly, so your sellers can get them into buyers’ hands quickly.

With generative AI, you’re not just saving time, you’re building momentum. Your sales team will be armed with the most impactful content, empowered to deliver personalized presentations, and close deals with unwavering confidence.

AI-Powered Solutions for Revenue Enablement

Content Creation

Think of gen AI as a content alchemist. It takes your raw materials (customer information, product details, competitor analysis, etc.), adds powerful algorithms that understand language, trends, and your organization’s goals, and creates tailored content for every member of your revenue enablement team.

Several generative AI tools are available to help you create sales and marketing content, including the following. As many of the tools note, however, generative AI tools can make mistakes. Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s onetime lawyer, discovered this recently when he “unwittingly passed along to his attorney bogus artificial intelligence-generated legal case citations he got online,” NPR reported. It’s imperative, therefore, that you check important information before sharing or publishing anything.

ChatGPT: ChatGPT is a conversational AI chatbot that sales and marketing teams can use to create content, develop strategies, and conduct competitive analysis.

Regie: Regie is a content creation platform that helps salespeople produce sales emails and automate sequences for lead generation, sales prospecting, and customer relationship management.

Bard: The Bard AI chatbot is an experimental conversational AI service and content creation platform from Google. Among many things, it helps businesses create high-quality content for their marketing campaigns.

Jasper: Jasper helps go-to-market teams create content, including blog posts, marketing copy, and AI-generated images tailored for your brand.

Content Marketing GPT: This GPT is available within the paid version of ChatGPT. It serves up the latest insights on audience psychology, content formats, and marketing strategies.

Taskade AI Sales GPT Agents: Taskade has created several GPT agents to help sales teams, including bots to write emails, craft winning slide decks, and write sales scripts.

Gen AI Use Cases for Marketing Content

  • Analyze audience data and generate personalized marketing content, such as emails, ad copy, and landing pages, tailored to individual preferences, buyer personas, and needs. This increases engagement and conversion rates.
  • Automate tedious tasks like writing product descriptions, generating blog posts, and creating social media posts, freeing up marketers’ time for strategic initiatives.
  • Adapt marketing materials to real-time data, such as trending topics, making campaigns more relevant and timelier.

Gen AI Use Cases for Sales Content

  • Create targeted talking points and social media messages with key information and stats based on the messaging within sales content pieces, increasing response rates and building rapport.
  • Analyze sales calls and provide feedback to reps, suggesting talking points, addressing objections, and optimizing their approach for each interaction. Tools such as Allego’s Conversation Intelligence do this. The tool can also identify good practices that trainers can clip and add to the content library.

Gen AI Use Cases for Enablement Content

  • Create personalized training modules, tutorials, and simulations based on each sales rep’s strengths and weaknesses, accelerating their learning and performance.
  • Build quizzes based on videos in your sales content library. Enablement decides how many questions, what style, topics, and where to place the questions within the training video based on suggestions by AI using adult learning best practices. Allego includes this in its Modern Revenue Enablement platform, streamlining the process and improving productivity.
  • Automatically create a description for a content item to make it more accessible. Content curators can quickly create descriptions for content that explain what the piece of content is, how to use it, and when to use it. By providing context, sellers can quickly glean what the content is and know precisely how and when to use it.

Content Organization

When it comes to organizing your sales content, gen AI is your digital librarian. It can automatically sort your content, making it easy for sales reps to find and share.

  • AI can help sellers create personalized content packages. Allego has incorporated the technology into its Digital Sales Rooms, recommending the most impactful materials for each prospect based on the sales scenario.
  • Gen AI is also powerful enough to dynamically update document collections based on new data and market trends. This ensures reps always present the freshest, most effective messages to close deals.

Content Access and Insights

Gen AI acts as a powerful bridge between information and understanding. Its ability to process massive amounts of data allows it to surface relevant content quickly. But it doesn’t stop there. AI can also analyze and synthesize what it finds, drawing connections and revealing patterns invisible to the human eye. As such, AI becomes your personal curator and analyst, guiding your teams through the maze of content and data and enabling them to make informed decisions.

Allego leads the pack when it comes to AI for sales enablement. Here’s a sampling of gen AI features you can find in the company’s modern revenue enablement platform:

Automatic content recommendations — AI automatically recommends content in the revenue enablement platform, as well as in your CRM.

Voice commands for mobile devices — Your sales reps and marketers can use Apple’s Siri to quickly find content in the Allego mobile app, providing an easy hands-free experience. “Hey Siri, search Allego …”

Generative AI answers — When your sellers need a quick answer reflecting the latest messaging, content, or best practices, they can type that question in the search bar and get a natural and accurate answer, exclusively from your top content matches.

Generative AI Powers Revenue Enablement

Gen AI’s powers go far beyond sales content creation, organization, and access. Revenue enablement teams can use the technology to optimize skill training and product knowledge, as well as improve sales coaching. I’ll delve into those topics in the coming weeks. Overall, though, gen AI is set to become a game-changer in revenue enablement. Companies that embrace this technology and utilize it ethically will gain a significant advantage in the competitive marketplace.

Deliver Modern B2B Buying Experiences

Modern Revenue Enablement ebook cover. White text on black background.Download Modern Revenue Enablement: A Buyer-Centric Approach to Win Sales and Grow Revenue and learn how Modern Revenue Enablement helps go-to-market teams reach, engage, and win over more buyers.

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Allego Stands Alone

Allego is the only one of Forrester sales readiness leaders also leading in sales content.