Wed.Oct 27, 2021

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Six Key Themes for CEOs to Win the Growth Battle in 2022

SBI Growth

What sets CEOs of high-growth companies apart in 2021? Much of it comes down to focus and conviction.

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Podcast 221: The Art of Closing A Deal With Danny Read (Replay) Copy

John Barrows

Thank you for 1 million downloads of Make It Happen Mondays Podcast! We are incredibly grateful for your listenership and couldn’t be more proud of this milestone. Let’s countdown the top 5 episodes of all time! Episode #2: This week we’re pleased to have an award winning sales rep on the podcast. You may remember back at Dreamforce, Chili Piper threw a competition judged by John Barrows and other sales leaders.

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How to stop chasing symptoms and get to the root of your sales problems


When I ask sales leaders to talk about problems they’re experiencing with their sales, they all seem to have different ideas about what’s in the way of higher performance. For some, it’s poor forecasting. For others, it’s low win rates. Many invest in training only to be disappointed when it's quickly forgotten.

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Reduce Company Silos in a WFH Business Environment

Force Management

The remote work environment is forcing sales leaders to motivate their teams and increase collaboration within groups and cross-functionally. Building alignment around how to best serve your customers can be a force multiplier that drives significant company-wide improvements, even when it comes to motivating employees and improving collaboration in work-from-home environments.

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The New GTM Playbook: 18 Ways to Future-Proof Your Sales Team

Longer sales cycles. Increasingly discerning buyers. More meetings. Intensifying competition. Economic uncertainty. Go-to-market teams of every size, in every industry, are grappling with these challenges firsthand. Thankfully, there’s an answer. We’ve developed an entirely new way for GTM leaders to identify and execute proven, data-driven strategies that drive revenue.

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Close Quicker: 8 Smart Ways to Shorten Deal Cycles


Shortening the deal cycle is one of the most effective ways to increase revenue. When deal cycles shrink, account executives can meet with more prospects, generate more leads for account managers, and ultimately, close more sales. But it’s not easy to shorten cycle times without compromising on the sales experience or overlooking your prospects’ needs.

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How to Measure the ROI of Your Sales Kickoff Event (SKO)


To measure the ROI of your sales kickoff event (SKO), it is necessary to list out all the costs and then weigh these against the direct and indirect benefits of the event. Our formulas and cost factors show you how to calculate the ROI of your SKO.

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The Pandemic, What Buyers Discovered

Partners in Excellence

As sellers, the pandemic has forced us to rethink our work and how we engage our customers. We’ve seen customers cancel “high priority/committed projects,” and shift funding to “ad hoc” projects that were more important. This creates both opportunity and threats. BTW, this isn’t really a new insight, Hank Barnes has been doing very thoughtful research for years.

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#WomenInSales Month with Guests Lori Clark and Dana Nagel

The Center for Sales Strategy

Continuing season 5 of the Improving Sales Performance Series, host Matt Sunshine and co-host Stephanie Downs, continue to focuses on celebrating #WomenInSales for the month of October. Guests Lori Clark, Director of Local Sales at KHOU-TV; TEGNA - HOUSTON, and Dana Nagel, Director of Sales, TEGNA/WKYC Media join the show to share their insight, tips, and knowledge on various topics that help companies improve sales performance.

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4 Ways to Prepare for AI-Assisted Sales

Sales Hacker

Artificial intelligence (AI) for sales – buzzword or solution? It’s here, and it’s real. AI-driven sales tech is emerging as a practical answer for many of the challenges facing sales leaders, trainers, managers, coaches, and sales enablement pros. B2B sales is evolving, and the Zoom boom of 2020 has only accelerated those changes. AI simply helps you make better business decisions.

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Redefining the CDP: 8 Data-Driven Designs for Successful Customer Journeys

In this guide, discover 8 use cases for how a customer data platform can tackle common challenges faced by marketing, commerce, service, and sales teams. With helpful diagrams and simple explanations in each use case, see how Salesforce’s CDP, Data Cloud for Marketing, powers personalized, real-time experiences across marketing, with capabilities that include: Optimizing ad spend Powering dynamic website content Increasing upselling and cross-selling Resolving service cases with marketing data B

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3 Ways to Keep Your Customers Happy & Improve Retention


In sales, there’s a well-known cliché that states, “It costs five times more to acquire a new customer than it does to retain one,” and while that number may fluctuate depending on the industry you’re in, retaining customers is indeed easier than finding new ones. In the Harvard Business Review, one study even showed that increasing customer retention by only 5 percent will increase profit margin by 25 to 95 percent.

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Are You JEDI Ready?

Smooth Sale

Photo by Sonika Agarwal via Unsplash. Attract The Right Job Or Clientele: . Nirupa Netram provides today’s guest Blog that asks, ‘Are You JEDI Ready?’ Netram is the CEO of Lotus Solutions, LLC. Netram states, “Most employers still struggle with having tough conversations about diversity and inclusion. We offer custom solutions to help them overcome these challenges.” Nirupa Netram the ‘JEDI Model.’ Nirupa’s story below is highly compelling and gives reason for us to se

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One Simple Way to Get Salespeople to Stop Flogging Products


Flogging products is disgusting pretty well sums up how I feel about salespeople who try to push the wares of their organization down my throat when I’m looking to get my needs satisfied. The flogging process is a one-way street where the sales person’s sole objective is to sell the product or service inventory they’ve got. It’s a supply-dominated process that has little room for customer input; the engagement profile lacks a conversational element with sales listening skills not required.

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The 10 Best Banks for Small Businesses

Hubspot Sales

There are many reasons for even the smallest businesses to have business bank accounts. For one, separating your business and personal finances can protect your personal assets. Plus, come tax time, tracking down expenses and deductions is easier with a business bank account. But depending on the bank, you can also access important services for your company, such as business credit cards and loans.

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3 Sizzling Ways to Warm up Cold Calls

Even in today’s data-driven sales world, cold calling remains a fact of life for many go-to-market professionals. Fortunately, today’s sales leaders have a crucial advantage over their predecessors: market intelligence and outreach platforms that can warm up virtually any introduction.

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Fundamentals of Sign Sales Part II

Adaptive Business Services

My background happens to be in the electric sign industry and I will be introducing a series of posts on this site that relate directly to that market. However, the principles discussed will be applicable to any business! Pitch Book, Sample Case, and Tools . Show. Don’t tell – It is incredibly important to be able to show your customer what their options are when investing in an on-premise sign.

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Sales Talk for CEOs: Integrating Sales and Marketing to Better Serve Customers with Bronwyn Allen (S1:E13)

Alice Heiman

Integrating sales and marketing is a key strategy to boost customer satisfaction in any business or industry. Do your departments still work in silos? Are they doing different things, being measured in different ways, and have visibility to only their own piece of the overall operations? If you said yes, then it’s time to reorganize your structure and unify your team.

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What Is Sales Ops? Roles, Metrics, and Tech Stack

Let’s take a page from the book of sales operations (sales ops) and give you an answer as efficiently as possible. Here’s the answer to “ What is sales ops ,” in a nutshell: You have a sales strategy and you have people on the ground to execute it. Sales operations make that plan a reality in the most friction-free and efficient way possible. . And here’s the bigger nutshell version: Sales ops improves a slew of activities and processes, such as sales strategy, business analytics, sales workflow

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Faster Onboarding = Faster Results

Sales Hacker

Learn how to customize the onboarding experience for your new hires based on their unique skills while still reducing ramp time for faster results. The post Faster Onboarding = Faster Results appeared first on Sales Hacker.

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Salesforce’s 8th State of Marketing Report

Discover today’s biggest marketing trends in the 8th edition of Salesforce’s “State of Marketing” report. Salesforce surveyed 6,000 marketing leaders worldwide to discover how marketers are: Embracing AI to operate more efficiently Removing silos and leveraging AI to enhance the customer experience Innovating to meet evolving customer needs Preparing for the retirement of third-party cookies By submitting this form, you agree to have your contact information, including email, passed on to the sp

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6 Bad Habits of Communication

Selling Energy

Communication is essential for a sales professional to build rapport and close sales. In order to do that, here are some habits you need to avoid.

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Poor, Better, Best: The 5 (Real) Pillars of Sales and Marketing Alignment

Sales Hacker

Relationships require a little TLC — and this is especially true for sales and marketing. Join this webinar and learn the 5 crucial pillars to any revenue team’s success (spoiler: it all starts with your audience). The post Poor, Better, Best: The 5 (Real) Pillars of Sales and Marketing Alignment appeared first on Sales Hacker.

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Excellent Customer Service Is Your Company’s Secret Weapon

Sell Integrity

Differentiating on service isn’t just a smart strategy for growth; increasingly, it’s a survival strategy. In a world where customers have more options available to them — and more ways to vent frustrations publicly — you can’t afford to drop the ball on excellent customer service. Last week was National Customer Service Week , an annual — and now global — event devoted to celebrating the people who make customer service happen.

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Highspot + Salesforce + Slack: Elevate Your Conversations and Collaboration


At Highspot, we are obsessed with making customer-facing teams more efficient and effective. That’s why we integrate deeply with Salesforce and Slack — two solutions that enable organizations to build their digital HQs and improve collaboration from wherever and whenever they’re working. This enables these teams to provide high-value Highspot content that they can share both internally and externally without ever leaving these applications.

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Outrun Your Competition: Best Practices for Accelerating Sales Processes

Longer sales cycles. Larger buying committees. Slow-moving compliance reviews. Every go-to-market team knows the frustrations that come from a drawn-out sales process. How can you speed it up? By building a modern GTM motion that uses data, automation, and proven best practices to unlock insights, engage customers, and win faster.

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Is Sales Management for You?

KLA Group

It’s not uncommon for successful sales professionals to be offered promotions into sales management jobs. And because it’s considered a “promotion,” it’s easy to think the seller should take it. But should she… or he? Promote From Sales Rep To Sales Manager I’ve seen a lot of people make this move and many end up […].

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Sales Vs. Marketing: What’s the Difference?


At most organizations there is significant overlap and integration between marketing and sales teams. This may leave you wondering: What is the difference between sales and marketing? . Sales and marketing teams ultimately function with one shared goal in mind: to generate conversions. Here are some important insights that can help you understand how each team functions so you can better understand sales vs. marketing.

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The Importance Of Narrative with Guillaume Wiatr by Hilmon Sorey


ClozeLoop's B2B Sales blog keeps you up to date with the latest in sales management, sales techniques, and sales enablement. View our amazing post "The Importance Of Narrative with Guillaume Wiatr" by Hilmon Sorey.

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Highspot + Salesforce + Slack: Elevate Your Conversations and Collaboration


At Highspot, we are obsessed with making customer-facing teams more efficient and effective. That’s why we integrate deeply with Salesforce and Slack – two solutions that enable organizations to build their digital HQs and improve collaboration from wherever and whenever they’re working. This enables these teams to provide high-value Highspot content that they can share both internally and externally without ever leaving these applications.

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Customizing for Every Customer: How 1:1 Personalization Drives ROI

Personalization has moved beyond segmentation. It’s now a proven strategy to transform customer relationships, drive business growth, and increase marketing ROI. In this eBook, Salesforce explores why it’s important to communicate with your customer as an individual and how you can: Create personalized experiences across channels with data, AI, and machine learning Increase the ROI of every site visit Build customer loyalty with trust By submitting this form, you agree to have your contact infor

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How Can You Run Python Scripts? How Will Python Training ® Be?


The idea of installing and running a Python script from a web server for use in applications that require some computer-programming knowledge is nothing new, but there is a new technology in today’s world that simplifies this exercise to a large degree. The Internet can now be used as the interface for installing and running nearly any type of program, and the Python code is embedded into an HTML page and is executed in the context of that web server.

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Modern Selling Needs Personality and Connection. For That, It Needs Video.


To quote Bob Dylan: The times they are a-changin’, and everybody’s on Zoom. . (OK, he didn’t say that last part.). But B2B buyers aren’t just changing—they’re taking on new habits and expectations at lightning speed. Gone are the days of the simple gatekeeper-sales rep relationship. Today’s buyers are self-directed and self-educated, spending just 17% of their time with vendors , according to research from Garnter.

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Ditching Your 9-to-5 and Build Your Own Business (video)


In this Expert Insight Interview, Chris Michael Harris discusses ditching your nine-to-five and building your own business. Chris Michael Harris, entrepreneur, business owner, author, start-up business coach, and founder of StartupU. This Expert Insight Interview discusses: Why people fail to start their own businesses. The reason this is the best time in history to become an entrepreneur.

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