Thu.May 12, 2022

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Leading a Sales Team: 10 Keys to Success- Part 1

Anthony Cole Training

In our sales management training, we have developed 10 keys and a framework of activities that provide a new or tenured sales leader with a roadmap they need to put in place to help lead their team to greater sales success.

Leads 230
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SEO Isn’t Always a Required Marketing Channel

Sales and Marketing Management

SEO is an investment that should only be undertaken if it adds value and impact to your acquisition efforts. The post SEO Isn’t Always a Required Marketing Channel appeared first on Sales & Marketing Management.

Channels 177

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2 Examples of How Sales Confidence Kills Price Objections

Shari Levitin

If you’re like most sellers, you get price objections – lots of them. It’s easy to take the path of least resistance, let your nervousness get the best of you, lower the price, and cheapen your offer. But do you stop to think of the effort, time and resources that went into perfecting the product or service you’re selling? Here are two stories that perfectly illustrate how having confidence in your offering and standing firm on your price can get prospects to see the true value of your off

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Innovative Strategies to Close the Sales Performance Gap and Boost Revenue

The Center for Sales Strategy

The Pareto principle has been applied to everything from farming and land ownership to productivity and employee performance since the Italian economist Vincent Pareto first coined it in 1896.

Revenue 114
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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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How an industry-by-industry approach revolutionized Panasonic’s sales enablement | Maestros of Modern Selling Blog Series


Rachael Pugh and Nathalie Vervaet have never met in person. Yet, working together, they’ve built a high-performance sales enablement function at TOUGHBOOK Europe—the European Mobile Solutions Business Division of electronics giant Panasonic. They designed new industry research methods that include both customers and sales reps. They overhauled their sales enablement platform, building resource hubs around specific industries.

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How CXO Searches can be Tricky & Impact Lead Generation


Are you building lists with Sales Navigator? Expect 10% wrong companies because of this LinkedIn bug. Example – If you perform a CXO search for C-Level executives in companies more than 500 employees, LinkedIn can return an Accountant as a valid result. You end up adding the wrong person to your marketing list. Here is the logic flaw that causes LinkedIn to provide false results: Why does the CXO Search go wrong.

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“People Buy From People….”

Partners in Excellence

I don’t know how many times I’ve read this mantra about selling. I don’t know how many times I’ve repeated it, myself. Somehow, today, I read it in some post, and the irony caused me to burst out laughing! We constantly talk about people buying from people. We talk about the importance of building relationships, or caring, or understanding.

Data 88
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Sales Talk for CEOs: Building Your First Professional Sales Team with Lars Grønnegaard (S2:E14)

Alice Heiman

Lars Grønnegaard is the CEO of Dreamdata , a SAAS company that gathers, joins, and cleans revenue-related data to help B2B businesses understand what is driving sales so they can focus on what works. Like most new companies, Dreamdata started with founder-led sales to get their first customers, but within 18 months Lars realized he needed a professional sales team.

Hiring 76
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Returning to the office? Not so fast. The case for remote sales

Your team has been working remotely for 2+ years, and you are ready to bring them back to the office. But are they ready? Do you have a plan? Do you know what your staff is really thinking? Do they want to come back in person? And if so, every day or more of a flex/hybrid? It may be time to pause, take a step back, and rethink your strategy to bring the sales team back to the office before returning to “how things have always been done.”.

Hiring 62
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The New GTM Playbook: 18 Ways to Future-Proof Your Sales Team

Longer sales cycles. Increasingly discerning buyers. More meetings. Intensifying competition. Economic uncertainty. Go-to-market teams of every size, in every industry, are grappling with these challenges firsthand. Thankfully, there’s an answer. We’ve developed an entirely new way for GTM leaders to identify and execute proven, data-driven strategies that drive revenue.

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New Allego Research: Stress of Onboarding Causes New Sales Reps to Quit


If you’re involved in recruiting, interviewing, and onboarding new sales reps, you know how challenging it is these days. You might even say challenging is an understatement. The tight labor market and increasing competition make it harder than ever to hire and hold onto new employees. While onboarding remains a lengthy, costly, and stressful process for both sales leaders and new hires, new Allego research shows.

Hiring 62
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B2B Sales Training Video Examples

The Digital Sales Institute

A free series of B2B sales training video examples to help any business or salesperson improve their sales knowledge. We know that salespeople need regular access to sales training and there are a lot of options available online. But before you hand over any more of your hard-earned revenue on sales training, check out these free sales training videos.

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Restoring Purpose to Sales


Nikolaus Kimla’s ebook covers restoring purpose to sales in today’s world. Once in a great while, you observe people in a particular profession who truly represent that profession with honesty and integrity. One standout example is a profession whose people act as one would expect, from how they dress to how they execute their jobs. If they don’t behave this way, it can become life-threatening.

eBook 52
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Top 4 Attributes to Look for in Data Management Software


Data is your company’s most valuable asset. How you manage your data plays a big role in determining its quality?—and ultimately, its value. While many CRM users manage their data manually, investing in data management software can significantly benefit your business by saving time, preventing errors, and encouraging users to prioritize data quality.

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Supercharge Your Sales: 5 Steps to Effortless Selling

Sales teams often lose precious time hunting for updated sales materials, while marketing struggles to keep these assets accessible and current. It's not just about managing; it's about seamlessly finding, presenting, and sharing critical sales content. All of this takes place within an intuitive, unified platform. Dive into Showell's groundbreaking content management realm.

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#CustomerSpotlight: Gayle Charach from vArmour Networks


This week for our #CustomerSpotlight series, vArmour ‘s Global Head of Sales Enablement Gayle Charach takes the stage to share her story. What does vArmour do? Imagine you have to carry a clipboard around your house and manually figure out how every outlet, breaker, appliance and everything in your house is interconnected and who’s touching them.

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What is Marketing Automation?


All About Marketing Automation. 1. Marketing automation Definition. 2. What is the need for marketing automation? 3. Benefits of marketing automation. 4. How does marketing automation work? 5. Core areas of focus in marketing automation. 6. What are marketing automation platforms? 7. How are marketing automation platforms different from other similar systems?

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What's Your Niche?

Selling Energy

I believe that no niche is too small if you own it. You’re better off initially narrowing your focus to a couple of market segments that you deeply understand for a couple of reasons.

Segment 52
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Best Real Estate Lead Generation Strategies In 2022


All About Lead generation. 1. Opt For Virtual Staging Service. 2. Use CRM software & Other Latest Technologies (NPS). 3. Leverage Social Media for Branding. 4. Personalized Customer Service Facets. 5. User-friendly Website Makes a Difference. 6. Final thoughts. Lead generation is an integral part of every business. So nothing is different even when we talk about the real estate realm.

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3 Sizzling Ways to Warm up Cold Calls

Even in today’s data-driven sales world, cold calling remains a fact of life for many go-to-market professionals. Fortunately, today’s sales leaders have a crucial advantage over their predecessors: market intelligence and outreach platforms that can warm up virtually any introduction.

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ERP Digital Transformations That Support Buyers

Vendor Neutral

How do you digitally transform to enhance your customers’ experience? Through technologies that automate processes, focusing on marketing, sales, and e-commerce.

Buyer 52
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Should Sales Leaders Let In-Person Sales Training Programs ‘RIP’?


Many in the B2B industry are buzzing about the death of in-person sales training programs. But my team at Mereo has been witnessing and navigating the evolution of these in real-time over the past couple years, and right now we are starting to see a marked shift that tells a different story for the future of training. Just last month, I joined a fellow Mereo principal for an in-person sales enablement session — this client’s second in-person engagement in 2022, with many bi-weekly virtual coachi

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How to Achieve High-Definition Marketing Segmentation


We know that message relevance is key to building and maintaining a marketing audience. We compete for attention in our customers’ inboxes, and we need to be smart about delivering content. Here at Sugar, HD-CX (High-Definition Customer Experience) is one of our core value pillars. Let us explore how we translate that into a valuable tool for marketers using our Sugar Platform.

Segment 26
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5 Things to Consider When Choosing Your Next B2B Data Provider

LeadIQ B2B Sales Prospecting

Data 52
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Redefining the CDP: 8 Data-Driven Designs for Successful Customer Journeys

In this guide, discover 8 use cases for how a customer data platform can tackle common challenges faced by marketing, commerce, service, and sales teams. With helpful diagrams and simple explanations in each use case, see how Salesforce’s CDP, Data Cloud for Marketing, powers personalized, real-time experiences across marketing, with capabilities that include: Optimizing ad spend Powering dynamic website content Increasing upselling and cross-selling Resolving service cases with marketing data B

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WEBINAR: James Buckley hosts “Top Video Selling Strategies To Boost Stalled Deals”

John Barrows

The post WEBINAR: James Buckley hosts “Top Video Selling Strategies To Boost Stalled Deals” appeared first on JB Sales.

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The Ultimate Guide to Personal Branding

Hubspot Sales

Everyone who's active online has some sort of personal brand established. Social media accounts, websites, digital portfolios, blog articles, and the various ways you communicate all contribute to your unique identity and image. Unaware of your personal brand? Take a few seconds to Google yourself. Whatever content mentions you is part of your brand.

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Gaining Consensus, “Yes?” “Meh.” “No?”

Partners in Excellence

We know that complex B2B decisions are driven by consensus. The days of “the decisionmaker,” influencers, and financial buyers, technical buyers, and so forth are gone — even though achieving consensus requires many of those players. Likewise, we know the number of people involved in the buying process continues to increase. In the 10+ years since Challenger was originally published, the number of people involved in the buying process have more than doubled.

B2C 78