Sat.Dec 15, 2012 - Fri.Dec 21, 2012

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Excellence Accelerator – Unlock the Potential of Your Marketing Team

SBI Growth

Acquiring new customers is a marathon event made up of quarterly sprints. Strong demand generation effort is required throughout the year to maintain a steady flow of leads to the sales field. Marketing leaders need a proven framework to unlock the potential of your marketing team. The Marketing Implementation Assessment Tool provides the following benefits: Maximize Feasibility of Success.

Lead Rank 326
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The Twelve Social Media Days of Christmas

The Sales Heretic

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my Facebook “friends” gave to me…… Twelve bloggers ranting Eleven Pinterest repins Ten #FollowFridays Nine Instagram pics Eight Foursquare check-ins Seven viral hoaxes Six LinkedIn invites Five…YouTube…streams… Four Yelp reviews Three +1’s Two Facebook likes And a Klout score of 63.


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Who Is a Better Closer? – Sales eXchange 179

The Pipeline

Don’t look around in your office for the answer, look at your prospects. Who is a better closer, you or the buyer you are facing? In most cases the argument can easily be made that the buyer is a better closer. In more cases than not, they end up achieving their objective more than you do. In the case of active buyers, those in the market, reaching out directly to sellers, or actively seeking input from their peer network; or passive buyers – those buyers who are not actively looking but are n

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Cold Calling Techniques That Really Work

MTD Sales Training

Are you sick of all of the wonderful pitches, tips and magical scripts you’ve heard on cold calling? Are you also tired of listening to the naysayers that cold calling is impossible, useless and has. [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]].

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The New GTM Playbook: 18 Ways to Future-Proof Your Sales Team

Longer sales cycles. Increasingly discerning buyers. More meetings. Intensifying competition. Economic uncertainty. Go-to-market teams of every size, in every industry, are grappling with these challenges firsthand. Thankfully, there’s an answer. We’ve developed an entirely new way for GTM leaders to identify and execute proven, data-driven strategies that drive revenue.

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The Key to Terminating Sales Operations Stress

SBI Growth

Last week, Alex and I are sitting in a swanky bar enjoying a round of Macallen 18 year old scotch. (Single ice cube) Alex says to me: “I am buried right now. My VP of Sales wants me to research trends in inside sales and conduct account segmentation. The sales managers are yelling for updated dashboards and territories. HR is on my back about finalizing the updated compensation plan.

More Trending

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Collective Connective No. 2

The Pipeline

In November I had the pleasure of being a presenter at The Bauhub’s Collective Connective No. 2. The Bauhub is a new way to connect creative and strategic thinkers with the visionary clients that need their expertise. At The Bauhub you’ll find an experienced team of senior members from all marketing disciplines, working everywhere, anytime. This translates into the right person, with the right skills on the right project.

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Best of 2012: My Top 10 Most Popular Sales Tips

MTD Sales Training

With 2012 drawing to a close, I wanted to share with you the top 10 blog posts from the MTD Sales Training blog in 2012. All of these posts have been voted for by you as being the most interesting, [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]].

Closing 273
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3 Emerging Metrics for Today’s Sales Manager

SBI Growth

Buyers are more self-directed and demand a different sales person. And this requires a different sales manager. CEOs that have terminated Sales VPs recently state performance is only part of the reason. The other is the inability to get consistent performance from sales managers. Sales VPs pressed for time ask what an ‘A’ Sales Managers look like today.

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Sales and Marketing: Partner or Perish

Sales and Marketing Management

Issue Date: 2012-12-16. Author: Sandra Zoratti. Teaser: The relationship between sales and marketing has always been as adversarial as it has been cooperative. How do we bridge this gap? First, by admitting there is a problem, and second, by taking action to resolve it. The relationship between sales and marketing has always been as adversarial as it has been cooperative.

Marketing 234
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Supercharge Your Sales: 5 Steps to Effortless Selling

Sales teams often lose precious time hunting for updated sales materials, while marketing struggles to keep these assets accessible and current. It's not just about managing; it's about seamlessly finding, presenting, and sharing critical sales content. All of this takes place within an intuitive, unified platform. Dive into Showell's groundbreaking content management realm.

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Online Sales and New Sales Tax Regulations

The Pipeline

Guest Post – Megan Totka. Some Internet sales regulations, and subsequently sales tactics, may be about to change. Is this a good change or a bad change? It really depends on who you ask. For quite some time now, most online retailers have been able to avoid charging sales tax to customers that are located outside of the state that the company’s headquarters are located in.

Retail 239
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3 Powerful Sales Coaching Tips

MTD Sales Training

You know the feeling. It seems that after all of the training, the teaching, the sales contests, rewards and prize money; still there are too many on your sales team who routinely turn in lacklustre. [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]].

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All You Need To Know to Create A Great Blog Post

SBI Growth

In 2012 marketing leaders spent 25% of their program budget on blogging. Why? Leads from blog readers convert 10X more times than tele-prospecting leads. No wonder marketers are rushing to get active on the blogosphere. There are a lot of bloggers out there, but not so many good ones. So what makes for a good blog? In this post, I’ll walk you through the framework of a great blog.

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Sales Incentives, Awards, Lead Follow Up and Sales Effectiveness

Understanding the Sales Force

Understanding the Sales Force by Dave Kurlan Today I had the following email exchange: Subject: Question on Comp. Dave, I have a question on comp and I need help. We have "appointment setters" that have a quota of 16 appointments per quarter. If they get above that # they get a bonus of $250 per meeting. This incentivizes them to book meetings that are probably not the best qualified.

Follow-up 228
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Redefining the CDP: 8 Data-Driven Designs for Successful Customer Journeys

In this guide, discover 8 use cases for how a customer data platform can tackle common challenges faced by marketing, commerce, service, and sales teams. With helpful diagrams and simple explanations in each use case, see how Salesforce’s CDP, Data Cloud for Marketing, powers personalized, real-time experiences across marketing, with capabilities that include: Optimizing ad spend Powering dynamic website content Increasing upselling and cross-selling Resolving service cases with marketing data B

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Yes, You Can Make Prospecting Calls Between Now and Dec. 31

The Sales Hunter

I’ve found the last two weeks of the year can be great for prospecting if you do it with the right attitude. For most companies, the time around the holidays always winds up being a little more laid back, as many people take vacations. The typical rush of meetings and reports just seems to go into suspended animation. What this means is many people are going to be willing to talk who don’t normally make the time to talk with people who call them.

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A sales principle that leads to wealth: It’s all about them.

Jeffrey Gitomer

Tweet The key to mastering any kind of sales is switching statements about you, how great you are, and what you do, to statements about them, and how great they are, and how they will produce more and profit more from ownership of your product or service. HERE’S THE SECRET: Take the word “we” and delete it. Delete it from your slides, your literature, and ESPECIALLY from your sales presentation.

Lead Rank 218
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How to Quickly Uncover Customer Wants and Needs

SBI Growth

Have you ever wanted to know a prospect’s budget figure, but been unable to find out? How often have you needed deeper insight into their preferences, but not had it? Perhaps just a little more information could get you over the edge and help you close the deal. SBI sought to solve this problem with the Solutions Options Framework. This tool ( Download it free here ) is specifically designed to help you uncover customer wants and needs.

Customer 282
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3 Ways Antarctica is Like Sales

Score More Sales

How The Antarctic is Like Sales. This year I met Mike Pierce, also known as “Antarctic Mike” when we were both speaking at a sales industry conference. Mike has the distinction of having run back-to back marathons and a 100km “ultra” marathon in Antarctica. Before going to Antarctica, he trained in a huge freezer. I’ve been fascinated with Mike’s stories and how they relate to the mental part of selling so we had a discussion about the mental aspects of selling and how it relates to the tr

Outbound 212
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Retail Tech: Empower Associates, Optimize CX, and Boost Productivity

Speaker: Andrew Regan, Managing Partner at BlueSeed Retail Ltd.

Did you know that 70% of new retail technology fails to deliver expected benefits and can often decrease customer value, service, and experience? With that in mind, how can we empower our store associates to leverage new technology to optimize the customer experience and boost productivity? This exclusive webinar with Andrew Regan will dive into strategies to empower retail associates for success with new technology.

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The Negative Salesperson and Your Sales Motivation

The Sales Hunter

Just saying the words “negative salesperson” almost sounds strange. The problem is there are far too many negative salespeople out there each and every day competing against you — and worse yet, doing a huge amount of damage to the sales community. Let’s assume everyone reading this is not what they would call a “negative salesperson.” I will buy that to an extent, but not 100%.

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Prepare to Succeed in Sales, Sales Management, Business

Anthony Cole Training

Are you prepared to succeed today in Sales, Sales Management, Business and Life? As I am asking you that question I am forced to answer it for myself as well. Let me take a minute to answer for myself and then I'll get on with the rest of the post: Sales - yes, Sales management - kind of, Business - yes. What is required so that we can say we are prepared to succeed?

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How to Avoid The Impossible Quota

SBI Growth

It’s that time of year again. Last minute deals are being pushed through with discounts. Prospects aren’t responding to phone calls. And Sales Leaders are handed their 2013 goals by the CEO. If you’re like many CSOs, the last issue is particularly painful. “How did they come up with this? ” We hear. At SBI, our findings indicate that over 65% of Sales Goals are driven by Executive and Corparate expectations.

Quota 282
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Know Your Customer

Score More Sales

Earlier this year, IBM published the results of a study that was done by Forrester Research about how today’s empowered customers are thinking, and the importance of really knowing your customer. The study was called Empowered Customers Drive Collaborative Business Evolution. We often talk here at Score More Sales about acquiring new customers, and probably don’t do enough talking about retaining and growing the good existing business we have.

Customer 196
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3 Sizzling Ways to Warm up Cold Calls

Even in today’s data-driven sales world, cold calling remains a fact of life for many go-to-market professionals. Fortunately, today’s sales leaders have a crucial advantage over their predecessors: market intelligence and outreach platforms that can warm up virtually any introduction.

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PowerViews with Anthony Iannarino: Changing Business Models


My guest today is Anthony Iannarino, President and CSO for SOLUTIONS Staffing. Anthony is also the Managing Director of B2B Sales Coach & Consultancy, a boutique sales coaching and consulting company. In addition, he is author of The Sales Blog , where he writes about sales and selling, sales management, the sales process, and what it takes to succeed.

Lead Rank 201
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Writing is not a mystery. It’s your best chance to achieve mastery.

Jeffrey Gitomer

Tweet My secret to writing is not complex: I write like I talk. Writing in “speak” makes several things easy: 1. As long as you can think, or have an idea, or want to expand a thought, you will never be at a loss for words. Think about it. When you’re on the phone you never say to a friend, “Hold on, I’m trying to think of something to say.” You just say it!

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VP-Sales: Optimize AEs Time to Make Your 2013 Number

SBI Growth

At this point in the year, you are prepping for SKO 2013. We all know what happens at SKO every year: President Club Awards are given. New Product Launches are announced. Product Training sessions are conducted. The New 2013 sales strategies are presented. Sales Quota and Sales Compensation Plans are passed out. And your AEs likely do some grumbling.

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Caution: Beware of Salespeople Posing as Salespeople

The Sales Hunter

There should be a law against salespeople calling themselves a salesperson when they’re anything but a salesperson. It’s time for another one of my rants about salespeople. I’ve been holding back but here it goes. If you’re a salesperson, then what are you doing sitting around the office thinking about everything you need to do or, worse yet, doing everything else but selling?

Sports 195
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Connect, Care, Convert: Secrets to Establishing Trust with Niche Markets and Turning Them Into Clients

Speaker: Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, The Money Coach®

Niche markets represent a huge opportunity for the financial services industry in America. From college students and women to communities of color and low-to-moderate-income households, niche populations have specialized financial needs – but they often underutilize many valuable financial products and services. How can you better connect with these consumers?

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Top 10 Tips for E-Mail Success in Sales

Score More Sales

Just one shift in the words you choose can cause a new connection with your potential buyer today through email conversation. If you believe that, then you should become a student of communication if you are an inside or outside sales professional. With the great success, re-tweeting, and re-posting of our Top 10 Tips for Voice Mail Success in Sales , we are now posting our top tips for E-Mail success.

Outbound 179
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Here are the elements, totally based on authority, that give real leaders the ability to influence:

Jeffrey Gitomer

Tweet Respect. If respect for the leader is lost, the power of influence AND authority are weak at the foundation of any mission. Leaders make the mistake of commanding respect when, in fact, respect is earned. Clarity of message. If leaders are to be followed, it starts with clarity of message. Positive attitude that sets an example for others to adopt.

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Grab Your Chance to Win the Referral Contest of 2012

No More Cold Calling

What’s your best referral story of 2012? If you’ve been taking my referral advice and you’ve stopped cold calling, you have more than one great referral story to share. That’s way I created my referral contest, The Best Referral Story of 2012. I want to showcase you and the unchartered possibilities that come from a commitment to referral selling. You deserve the spotlight.

Referrals 176