August, 2023

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5 Biggest Stressors for B2B Sales and Marketing Professionals

Sales and Marketing Management

Sales can be a stressful profession for beginners and 20-year veterans alike. Here are the five biggest stressors affecting sales employees and how to alleviate them. The post 5 Biggest Stressors for B2B Sales and Marketing Professionals appeared first on Sales & Marketing Management.

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Building an Effective Sales Coaching Program in a High-Tech World

Anthony Cole Training

To compete in the marketplace today, companies must first, identify the sales coaching needs of their managers and the strengths and weaknesses of the salespeople they coach. We know that in order to differentiate in business today, salespeople must be consultative, have great interactions with clients, provide solutions that solve their problems, and also create revenue for the company.


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How to Establish Rapport In 15 Seconds

Mr. Inside Sales

Establishing rapport with a prospect in the very beginning is perhaps the most important first step to earning the right to have a conversation that might eventually lead to a sale. Get it wrong, and that could mean the end of your call—and your chance to make a sale. Given how important this step is, it’s sad to hear so many sales people get it wrong: They either rush into their pitch; talk over prospects; or use other ineffective techniques.

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My New Perspective on Sales Process and Methodology

Understanding the Sales Force

We were at the Zoo when we came upon this particular monkey. He was holding on to the chainlink fence with both hands and both feet – probably not very unusual for a monkey, but he was sitting on a basketball! So the monkey is following a traditional methodology for hanging on, but being authentic, allowing his silly personality to come through, and getting those who were interacting with him to laugh.

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How to Optimize Call Monitoring: Automate QA and Elevate Customer Experience

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 It's time for a change! The traditional method of manual call monitoring is no longer cutting it in today's fast-paced call center environment. Industry experts Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions are here to explore the power of innovative automation to revolutionize outdated call review processes!

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Identifying and Addressing Common Reasons for Sales Talent Attrition

The Center for Sales Strategy

You did it! You finally built a great sales team! They are destroying their budgets, the team challenges each other but gets along beautifully and they are a delight to manage. And then… someone quits. Maybe more than one. What happened?! According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of May 31, 2023, there were 9.8 million job openings across industries, and the number of people voluntarily quitting their jobs rose to 4 million.

More Trending

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5 Winning Uses of AI for Sales Readiness


This article originally appeared in Training magazine. B2B sales has changed. Today’s B2B buyers prefer to navigate the purchasing process themselves instead of being guided by a salesperson, choosing “rep-less” interactions whenever possible. They demand convenience and ease of purchase and want the freedom to research vendors, read reviews, and compare products online on their own time.

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Do You Realize the Power of Promotional Materials?

Smooth Sale

Photo by Mary1826 vis Unsplash Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Do You Realize the Power of Promotional Materials Success in today’s highly competitive corporate environment depends on a solid marketing strategy. Promotional items are essential for attracting potential clients’ attention and raising brand awareness. These materials, whether printed flyers, electronic brochures, eye-catching banners, or cutting-edge promotional products, can significantly improve your marketing eff

Promotion 105
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Top 3 Habits of Sales Teams that Consistently Win High-Value Deals

Force Management

The sales landscape has changed more rapidly in the past few years than ever before. From a worldwide pandemic to emerging technologies and fluctuating economic factors, the way that buyers make a purchase decision has evolved. In some ways, these changes require new sales approaches. More likely, these changes have created a stark disparity in the skills of teams who succeed and those who fall behind.

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The Secret To Selling Success

Partners in Excellence

After rigorous research and discussion with many expert colleagues, I’ve discovered the universal secret to Selling Success. Before getting into, it’s important to understand the methodology underlying the research. I did a rigorous scan of the literature, mostly the articles and discussions in my feed in LinkedIn. I assessed likes, comments, reposts the articles by the experts produced.

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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Why Your Sales Team Should Be Part of Your Marketing Strategy

Sales and Marketing Management

It may seem like marketing and sales teams operate in silos, but the truth is they need to lean on each other to do their best work. The post Why Your Sales Team Should Be Part of Your Marketing Strategy appeared first on Sales & Marketing Management.

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Life Quotes To Enjoy

Mr. Inside Sales

Here are some of my favorite life quotes you may enjoy: “A friendship founded on business is better than a business founded it on friendship.” —John D. Rockefeller “To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan, and not quite enough time.” —Leonard Bernstein “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”—Winston Churchill “Talent is cheaper than table salt.

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How Building a Stone Walkway Makes the Case for Sales Process

Understanding the Sales Force

I was watching a crew install a walkway made up of very large stepping stones. The finished walkway would consist of around 30 such stones that measure an average of 3′ x 2′ x 4″ thick and will have grass around and between each step. It’s quite a process for the crew to complete this project. For example, they must: Pull up the old walkway which, in this case was pavers Install, level and compress new stone dust because the pavers were thicker than the stones Operate

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Elevate Your Bank's Performance with One-on-One Sales Coaching

Anthony Cole Training

In the fast-paced world of banking sales, staying ahead of the competition requires continuous improvement. While group training sessions have many benefits, there's no denying the unique benefits of personalized one-on-one sales coaching. With over 30 years of experience working with banks, we have found that tailored coaching can be the key to unlocking your team's full potential.

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The New GTM Playbook: 18 Ways to Future-Proof Your Sales Team

Longer sales cycles. Increasingly discerning buyers. More meetings. Intensifying competition. Economic uncertainty. Go-to-market teams of every size, in every industry, are grappling with these challenges firsthand. Thankfully, there’s an answer. We’ve developed an entirely new way for GTM leaders to identify and execute proven, data-driven strategies that drive revenue.

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3 Steps to Develop Your Channel Partner Program

Force Management

Channel organizations are an often overlooked, but critical component to increasing market share for complex B2B sales organizations. During my time as VP of PTC’s Worldwide Channel Program, I leaned on a core formula : Productivity x Capacity = Growth. In this article, we will focus on capacity, but stay tuned for part two in this series for the other side of the equation: How to Increase Channel Partner Productivity.

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The Joy Of Selling……

Partners in Excellence

With smaller groups or one on one’s, I frequently talk about “The Joy of Selling… ” To some this concept may seem a little too soft and abstract. Some react, “Dave, we’ve got to focus on hitting the numbers, achieving our growth goals! It’s tough work and sellers need to be tough minded!” Increasingly, I don’t encounter many people, at all levels, that are proud of being sellers.

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How Is AI Changing Procurement Contract Negotiations?

Sales and Marketing Management

Companies can get a valuable competitive edge by leveraging artificial intelligence's versatile capabilities. Here are the top ways AI is changing procurement contract negotiations. The post How Is AI Changing Procurement Contract Negotiations? appeared first on Sales & Marketing Management.

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Day 101: 3 Ways to Develop New Sales Reps

The Center for Sales Strategy

Every sales manager has an onboarding procedure for new reps, beginning with day 1. Do paperwork, have lunch with the boss, shadow some veteran salespeople, start building a prospect list, etc. The first 30, 60, and 90 days of onboarding new sales reps are pretty standard. (Of course, we recommend that you follow the CSS Onboarding Checklist ). However, what are your plans on Day 101 for your new sales reps?

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Supercharge Your Sales: 5 Steps to Effortless Selling

Sales teams often lose precious time hunting for updated sales materials, while marketing struggles to keep these assets accessible and current. It's not just about managing; it's about seamlessly finding, presenting, and sharing critical sales content. All of this takes place within an intuitive, unified platform. Dive into Showell's groundbreaking content management realm.

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Do You Believe Customer Care To Be Top Priority for Your Business?

Smooth Sale

Photo by E.S. Attract the Right Job Or Clientele: Do You Believe Customer Care To Be Top Priority for Your Business? For those serious about business, today’s blog question, ‘Do you believe customer care to be the top priority for your business?’ may sound ridiculous. However, recent experiences with several companies representing varying industries should never have occurred.

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7 Activities for Your Sales Team Success

Anthony Cole Training

In analyzing those salespeople who are successful year after year, we have found significant consistencies in behavior, sales skills, and practice management. We call these The 7 Activities for Sales Success. If your sales team can adopt these 7 habits, you will be amazed at how your sales will improve.

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Latest Podcasts: Habits of Great Leaders

Force Management

There's no one recipe for success. Every leader has their own unique strategies and practices that they swear by. And yet, there are some great habits that are undeniably shared between many great leaders, including the ones who join us on Revenue Builders. Some of the most common themes in our discussions with the sales greats are a learning mindset, a focus on people, and a willingness to push on through hardship and failures.

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How to Build a Sales Process: The Complete Guide


Creating a structured sales process is one of the most effective ways to boost your sales teams’ efficiency and results. With a formal sales process in place, your sales team has a framework to follow, and it’s much easier to stay on the same page, track results, and onboard new team members. Even if your sales team is already driving good results, establishing a sales process or improving your existing one can take your business to the next level of growth.

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Redefining the CDP: 8 Data-Driven Designs for Successful Customer Journeys

In this guide, discover 8 use cases for how a customer data platform can tackle common challenges faced by marketing, commerce, service, and sales teams. With helpful diagrams and simple explanations in each use case, see how Salesforce’s CDP, Data Cloud for Marketing, powers personalized, real-time experiences across marketing, with capabilities that include: Optimizing ad spend Powering dynamic website content Increasing upselling and cross-selling Resolving service cases with marketing data B

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Advocacy Marketing: 5 Steps to Do It Right

Sales and Marketing Management

The most trusted voices for your product or service are your customers. Advocacy marketing promotes products or services through satisfied customers who are ready and willing to vouch for your brand. The post Advocacy Marketing: 5 Steps to Do It Right appeared first on Sales & Marketing Management.

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Back to Work: How to Recharge Your Sales Team After Summer Vacation


In Sweden, we take our summer vacation seriously. We only get about two months of warm weather each year, and we all take advantage of it by setting “out of office” replies and disappearing. This is wonderful for us, but coming back to work after a month of vacation can feel a little like jet lag! And if you’re managing a sales team , that jet lag can look like lagging performance.

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The Inefficiency Of Human Interaction

Partners in Excellence

Human interaction is remarkably inefficient. It’s downright sloppy. We come into conversations with our own biases, hopes, dreams, beliefs, values, fears, experiences, points of view, and goals. We engage others, each with their own biases, hopes, dreams, beliefs, values, fears, experiences, points of view, and goals. And each person in a conversation brings these factors into the conversation… As conversations progress, things change.

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Data and Analytics for Sales

Anthony Cole Training

If you look beyond the surface and dissect the performance of your team, it is often an eye- opening experience. but uncovering the data and analytics for your sales team is an essential practice in building a high performing sales team. Most sales leaders report on year over year results, sales YTD against plan, how their team is doing against other sales divisions or peers in the industry, and new business.

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Connect, Care, Convert: Secrets to Establishing Trust with Niche Markets and Turning Them Into Clients

Speaker: Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, The Money Coach®

Niche markets represent a huge opportunity for the financial services industry in America. From college students and women to communities of color and low-to-moderate-income households, niche populations have specialized financial needs – but they often underutilize many valuable financial products and services. How can you better connect with these consumers?

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Six Questions to Test Your Prospect's Decision Process

Force Management

The buying committee is changing. The average buying committee is now between 8 and 10 decision-makers. This means the sales process is more complex than ever, and ongoing budget concerns add another layer of challenges for your sales team. When you're putting time and resources into sales cycles that last an entire quarter or much longer, the last thing you want is for an unexpected requirement, budget allocation or a last-minute stakeholder interjection to throw a wrench in your plan and stall

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How to Manage a Sales Pipeline for a Manufacturing Company


Every business’s sales pipeline is different, but one thing they all have in common is that they take people from prospective leads to paying customers. As a manufacturing company, a steady customer base is key to your business’s growth, and the best way to maintain that customer base is through sales pipeline management. Today we’re discussing how to manage a sales pipeline for a manufacturing company by looking at five management tactics you can employ today.

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Take Control of Your Sales Results: Prioritize Territory Planning

Sales and Marketing Management

Recent sales management research shows that the best sales managers – those whose teams achieve targets, have higher win rates, and get premium pricing – are 52% more likely to excel at planning and analyzing how sellers should manage their territories. The post Take Control of Your Sales Results: Prioritize Territory Planning appeared first on Sales & Marketing Management.