Thu.Feb 08, 2024

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Mastering the Art of Overcoming Cold Call Objections in Sales


Mastering the Art of Overcoming Cold Call Objections in Sales Cold calling can be a daunting task for many sales professionals. It’s an essential part of the sales process, but it often comes with its fair share of objections. From “I’m not interested” to “I don’t have time,” these objections can be discouraging.

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Leaders: Here’s How to Drive Seller Productivity in 2024

SBI Growth

Sellers today have an unenviable job: buyers are increasingly conservative, and deals are taking longer to close. A survey from SBI in Q3 2023 shows that commercial leaders are feeling the effects, with a staggering 69% of CEOs seeing lower seller productivity. For sales leaders seeking to escalate growth projections in 2024, it’s time to rethink how sales enablement should be done.

Survey 317

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The Way Things Are, The Way Things Might Be (Seduced By The Sounds Of Our Own Voices)

Partners in Excellence

Every day I think we have reached bottom with the level of stupid advice I see in my social feeds. Every day, I’m surprised that we can find new depths of stupidity. Sadly, too much of this is from smart people who should know better. Yet, somehow they are seduced by the sounds of their own voices reinforced by countless, “100% man…… Such great insight… Wow brilliant… !

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How to Make a Follow-Up Call That Gets Sales Meetings

Marc Wayshak

In a world filled with various methods to reach prospects, the follow-up call remains the gold standard for setting appointments. Repeatedly, we’ve witnessed that calls can consistently outperform cold emails. However, the key to success lies in having the right process and approach when making follow-up calls. This distinction can make all the difference between making 200 calls and securing zero appointments or making 200 calls and securing five appointments.

Follow-up 120
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Cracking the Code: Turning Intent Data into Go-to-Market Success

Speaker: Steven Bryerton, SVP of Sales at ZoomInfo & Robin Izsak-Tseng, VP of Revenue Marketing at G2

Join Steven Bryerton, SVP of Sales at ZoomInfo, and Robin Izsak-Tseng, VP of Revenue Marketing at G2 in this webinar where you're guaranteed to walk away with a fresh understanding of and a new perspective on intent data! Turn your go-to-market motions around with intent data! Instead of searching for ways to showcase your products, reach out to the customers that are searching for your solutions — then build your messaging around their needs to set you apart from the competition. 🚀 With

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5 Quality Sales Activities Other Than Pitching and Closing

The Center for Sales Strategy

Spending time observing salespeople is something all leaders should do occasionally. You can learn so much more by observing first-hand how your salespeople interact with clients and customers. This can work by physically accompanying a salesperson in the field or translating to online sales by listening to sales calls or observing emails and chats.

Closing 106

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The Complete Guide to Crafting a Social Media Marketing Strategy


Discover how to master your social media marketing strategy with our comprehensive guide, covering goals, audience insights, content, and analytics.

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Eliminate Self-Doubt ONCE AND FOR ALL

Grant Cardone

The biggest obstacle you will have to confront throughout your life is self-doubt. Doubt in any form has the potential to undo any and all of your hard work, but it’s even worse when it comes from yourself. Trust me… self-doubt has certainly been the biggest problem in my life. Self-Doubt Is The Thief Of […] The post Eliminate Self-Doubt ONCE AND FOR ALL appeared first on GCTV.

Trends 97
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Eight Ways to Get More Out of Ascender Plus

Force Management

If you want to lead a top-performing organization, you need a way to equip the daily grind of sales. Training programs are effective, but what happens after the training stops? You need an enablement engine with content, curriculum and community. That's the power of our platform Ascender™. Right now, we’re working with sales leaders who have seen measurable improvements in quota attainment and forecast accuracy leveraging Ascender.

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Thrive in Your Career When Moving to a New City

Smooth Sale

Photo by chenhengyu Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Thrive in Your Career When Moving to a New City Relocating to a new city is an exhilarating chapter in one’s professional journey, filled with opportunities and challenges. It’s about more than unpacking boxes; it’s about planting roots in uncharted territory and fostering growth in your career.

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Buyer & Customer Engagement: A Digital Exhaust Methodology

Unlock growth through customer-centric campaigns that deeply understand buyer journeys from awareness to post-purchase. This eBook shows how aligning marketing, sales, and customer service via an "outside-in" approach resonates with audiences, fosters trust, and drives loyalty - outperforming "inside-out" product-focused tactics. Gain a competitive edge through customer insights!

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Next-Level Sales Coaching: How AI Tools Are Changing the Game


Effective sales coaching can lead to a 28% increase in quota attainment and a 32% increase in win rates, Korn Ferry research revealed. And from a team perspective, organizations that provide consistent coaching reported 2x seller engagement and almost 30% reduced voluntary turnover. However, a poll conducted by the firm found 80% of sales leaders said they have no formal, or have inconsistent, sales coaching processes.

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Deep Dive into Capital, Passive Income, and Long-Term Wealth (video)


As the host of the Expert Insight Interview from Sales POP! Online Sales Magazine and Pipeline CRM, I’ve had the privilege of speaking with some of the most knowledgeable professionals in the business world. In a recent episode, I sat down with Sugey Piedra. She is a seasoned certified tax preparer and co-founder of Prominent Business and Wealth Management.

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How to Use Email Marketing to Generate Leads for a Small Business?


Understanding the Role of Email Marketing in Lead Generation for Small Business In today’s highly digital world, small businesses often find it challenging to stand out amidst the stiff competition. However, email marketing can provide a robust solution. Considered a critical tool for small business lead generation, email marketing helps remove obstacles on the path to attracting, retaining, and converting potential customers.

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For Want of an Upgrade

Rob Jolles

The “Vinnie-Mobile” getting ready for its trip back to Albany Airport. I’ve never been one for big cars. At 5’ 10”, or at least that’s how I was listed in my high school basketball program, I just don’t feel right in a big car. There’s also a fuel cost, and from a cost perspective, they’re more expensive to rent. No, when it comes to renting a car, it’s an open and shut case for me.

Travel 52
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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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What’s the Best Way to Network With Local Business Owners?


Effective networking with local business owners is crucial for salespeople at digital marketing agencies. Cultivating these relationships can lead to opportunities, insights and collaborations further down the line. This process starts with understanding the key techniques of networking and utilizing available resources, including local mixers and the chamber of commerce.

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What Every SI Partner Wants You to Know About the RFP Process


RFPs are a common strategy for organizations hoping to choose vendors in an impartial and thorough way. As is true with any complex project, the RFP process can be susceptible to pitfalls, oversights, and errors.

Vendor 52
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How to Use Social Media Listening to Monitor and Respond to Customer Feedback for a Small Business?


Understanding the Concept of Social Media Listening in Small Business In the rapidly evolving digital realm, social media listening is a tool every small business owner should be aware of. This methodology moves beyond merely tracking likes and shares; it strategically captures, interprets, and responds to customer feedback and discussions about your business across various social platforms.

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Empowering Comp Admins: Mastering Xactly for In-House Management


A common concern from organizations implementing Xactly is whether or not it can be independently managed. Comp admins have jobs, and managing a platform cannot reasonably be another full-time job.

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How B2B Buying Has Changed – And How Sales Teams Must Adapt

A dramatic shift has occurred in the B2B landscape. Buying has transformed radically in the last half-decade, causing growth rates to plummet, customer acquisition costs to skyrocket, and churn rates to surge. For SaaS companies relying on traditional sales strategies to grow revenue, these trends will only become worse, as they now falter in the face of modern purchasing paradigms.

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How to Use Influencer Marketing to Increase Brand Awareness for a Small Business?


Exploring the Impact of Influencer Marketing on Small Businesses Understanding the dynamics of the evolving digital landscape, many small businesses are embracing innovative strategies to boost brand awareness. Influencer marketing, which involves collaborations with popular social media users, is one such strategy gaining traction. By leveraging authenticity and trust, businesses can reach a wider audience and form deeper connections with potential customers.

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? Deep Dive into Capital, Passive Income, and Long-Term Wealth


Financial expert Sugey Piedra shares invaluable lessons on building capital, generating passive income streams, and establishing long-term wealth for business owners. Learn key strategies, including securing funding, minimizing taxes , monitoring expenses, transitioning from self-employed to investor, and leveraging professional expertise. Gain insights into overcoming capital challenges, market fluctuations, delegating tasks, and introspecting before making major entrepreneurial decisions.

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What’s the Best Way to Manage Small Business Clients?


How to Effectively Manage Small Business Clients Managing small business clients is crucial to the success of your digital marketing agency. It begins with exceptional account management, aiming to ensure clients feel appreciated, understood, and see tangible results. Recognizing the distinct needs of each small business client is imperative. These businesses, despite their smaller scale, often have intricate requirements that call for a bespoke approach.

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Developing a Social Media Strategy: The Definitive Guide for Agencies


Master your digital marketing agency's growth with our definitive guide to developing a social media strategy, packed with actionable tips and insights.

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Sales & Marketing Alignment: How to Synergize for Success

Speaker: Carlos Hidalgo, Co-Founder & CEO of Digital Exhaust, Author, International Keynote & TEDx Speaker

Recent research shows that only 50% of B2B organizations state that they have good alignment between their marketing and sales teams. This lack of alignment tremendously impacts the ability to meet business goals, and is a limiting factor for building and maintaining customer relationships. While many B2B organizations continue to struggle with aligning their marketing and sales teams, they can take practical steps to unify both teams and simplify their overall approach.

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What’s the Best Way to Convince a Local Business Client to Implement Social Media Marketing?


Revealing the power of social media marketing for local businesses In an era dominated by digital connectivity, the power of social media marketing is undeniable. Harnessing its vast potential can prove advantageous for any local business willing to move beyond traditional marketing strategies and delve into unexplored areas. As a salesperson, understanding the relationship between social media and an expanded customer base can help you pitch your services more effectively to small and local bus

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The Ultimate Guide to Business-to-Business Sales Leads Generation


Unlock the secrets to successful business-to-business sales leads generation with our ultimate guide, featuring expert strategies, tools, and tips.

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What Digital Marketing Certifications Should I Have to Sell to Small Business?


Top Digital Marketing Certifications to Target Local Businesses In today’s highly interconnected era, promoting your local business goes beyond traditional advertising. It demands the tactical use of digital marketing. For salespeople at digital marketing agencies serving small and local enterprises, obtaining digital marketing certifications can augment your credentials and efficiency.

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Attrition Assumptions for the 2024 SDR Plan

The Bridge Group

Last month, I just put together a presentation for a handful of VC-backed portfolio companies on building attrition into SDR planning. The broader topic was what happens to your 2024 SDR pipeline number if your quit rate spikes. You can watch a shorter video version of the talk here. For many companies in the audience, the SDR operating plan was built off of 2023.

Hiring 49
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How to Improve Email Deliverability and Optimize Each Send

Learn how to optimize email deliverability and drive greater email ROI. What lands your email in the customer’s inbox? Understanding those factors, otherwise known as email deliverability, is critical to getting the most return on your campaign investments. But the “rules” around which factors land you in the spam folder aren’t always easy to keep up with.

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How to Use Video Marketing to Showcase a Small Business’s Products or Services?


In today’s digital landscape, video marketing is a powerful tool that small businesses can use to break through the noise and connect with their customers. For salespeople in digital marketing agencies, a firm grasp and effective use of online video marketing can dramatically boost the outreach and success of your clients, particularly those running small businesses.

Video 52
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Show Some Love to Your Salespeople


Appreciation goes a long way in life and in the office. For example, Mereo recently had the opportunity to work with a $100+ million software as a service (SaaS) company that wanted to grow at least 20% in 2024, a healthy up-tick on previous trends and also an objective following a recent infusion of capital and energy from new ownership. While this company was growing on its own despite the lack of investment, their teams were struggling.

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How to find and qualify leads for digital marketing services for small businesses?


Understanding the Process of Finding and Qualifying Leads for Small Businesses Sales professionals at digital marketing agencies specializing in small and local businesses often grapple with the process of finding and qualifying leads. Lead sourcing and generation are vital for business growth, but mastering the methods can prove challenging. The journey to finding potential customers begins with lead sourcing, which entails the use of contemporary tools and traditional methods.