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How to Create and Execute Marketing Strategies to Hit Business Goals

Sales and Marketing Management

it's vital that CMOs be able to draw a direct line between marketing activities and business outcomes. They can do that by using the three P’s of marketing strategic planning. The post How to Create and Execute Marketing Strategies to Hit Business Goals appeared first on Sales & Marketing Management.

Strategy 156
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Why White Space Analysis is Critical to Account Growth

SBI Growth

Boost revenue by using white space analysis to identify unmet demand in existing accounts. Selling to current customers has a 60-70% success rate.

Analysis 177

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Time for Closing Arguments

Understanding the Sales Force

In case you have been vacationing in a cave, there has been a controversial trial taking place in Manhattan and earlier this week the Jury heard closing arguments. In a jury trial, closing arguments can take several hours or even days! You would think that Closing Arguments would have much in common with the Closing competency in sales but that’s not the case.

Closing 203
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Raising the Bar - Take Responsibility

Anthony Cole Training

“Did I hire my salespeople this way or did I make them this way?” This is the question every sales manager must ask. Fixing performance problems always starts with Standards and Accountability.Accountability means taking responsibility for outcomes – good or bad. A sales leader’s primary responsibility is to put the BEST team into the marketplace.Much like a general manager in sports, a director of a theatre company or an orchestra leader of a symphony, you have a job and a responsibility to hir

Hiring 179
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The New GTM Playbook: 18 Ways to Future-Proof Your Sales Team

Longer sales cycles. Increasingly discerning buyers. More meetings. Intensifying competition. Economic uncertainty. Go-to-market teams of every size, in every industry, are grappling with these challenges firsthand. Thankfully, there’s an answer. We’ve developed an entirely new way for GTM leaders to identify and execute proven, data-driven strategies that drive revenue.

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Leadership is The Key to Succeed

Steven Rosen

In markets where competition is fierce, and evolution is rapid, the demands on sales teams to not only meet but exceed expectations are greater than ever. While daunting, these challenges offer a unique opportunity to redefine leadership strategies that are crucial for staying ahead. Adopting a new leadership approach – specifically BOLD leadership – becomes essential as organizations experience significant shifts in structure, product lines, or leadership roles.

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Stop Scrolling! How to Make Your Thumbnails Stand Out in a Crowded Marketplace

Sales and Marketing Management

In the world of digital marketing, thumbnail images serve as mini billboards for your content. Elevating your thumbnail game is not just about getting noticed; it's about conveying your message compellingly and succinctly at first glance. The post Stop Scrolling! How to Make Your Thumbnails Stand Out in a Crowded Marketplace appeared first on Sales & Marketing Management.

How To 156
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Celestial Navigation And Sales Leadership

Partners in Excellence

When I was a kid, my father taught me how to sail. At first I sailed in racing dinghy’s never far from the shore. In high school, we graduated to cruising boats. While we never intended to do oceanic cruising, but the shoreline was beyond sight, and one of the challenges was knowing where we were and if we were going in the right direction. My dad’s solution to this was to teach me celestial navigation.

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Growth Risks 2024: B2B Buying Behaviors are Evolving

SBI Growth

An improving economic outlook for 2024 presents a golden opportunity for CEOs to capitalize on rising demand: 87% of surveyed CEOs see growth as a core element of their value creation strategy this year. However, buying behaviors are also changing, and not all companies are prepared to overcome the new challenges created by a dynamic buying environment, slowing growth and potential revenue capture.

B2B 177
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Everyone is an Expert in Something: Embracing Your Unique Knowledge

Fill the Funnel

In today’s fast-paced world, the value of experience and expertise is more significant than ever. Each of us has a unique journey filled with experiences, challenges, and lessons learned. Whether it’s a professional skill, a hobby, or a life lesson, we all possess knowledge that others can benefit from. This idea—that everyone is an expert […] The post Everyone is an Expert in Something: Embracing Your Unique Knowledge appeared first on Fill the Funnel com.

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Supercharge Your Sales: 5 Steps to Effortless Selling

Sales teams often lose precious time hunting for updated sales materials, while marketing struggles to keep these assets accessible and current. It's not just about managing; it's about seamlessly finding, presenting, and sharing critical sales content. All of this takes place within an intuitive, unified platform. Dive into Showell's groundbreaking content management realm.

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From Stagnant to Stellar: A B2B Sales Leader's Guide to Growth

The Center for Sales Strategy

As a B2B senior sales leader, you know the pressure of driving consistent growth. But what happens when your once-thriving sales organization stalls? Stagnant sales pipelines and flat revenue can be a symptom of deeper issues. This is a roadmap that equips you with insights, action items, and a clear path to transform your team into a growth machine.

B2B 82
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The 7 Types of Content That Navigate the Buyer’s Journey

Sales and Marketing Management

Marketing content is more effective when it's created with a specific goal in mind. Each of these types of marketing content serves a unique purpose, addressing different stages of the journey and the buyer's needs. The post The 7 Types of Content That Navigate the Buyer’s Journey appeared first on Sales & Marketing Management.

Buyer 156
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Partners in Excellence

This morning, clearing my inbox and feeds, I noticed a headline. It referred to the average tenure of GTM executives being 17 months… The article offered sound advice on how to deal with a career living in 17 month increments. My thought, in reading this was, “Why do we settle for this? Why do we consider this acceptable? Wouldn’t we and the organizations we lead achieve much more with longer tenures?

Education 113
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Managing Positive Churn is Not the Answer to Improving Commercial Productivity

SBI Growth

CEOs have set the stage for success in 2024 with a solid growth strategy, but they need their talent to be ready to execute on revenue capture opportunities. They think they have the secret to improving commercial productivity: managing positive churn. However, our surveys reveal that there is more to managing our hires and getting the experts on board; CEOs must also overcome longer ramp times and create sustainable growth for the road ahead.

Churn 177
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Redefining the CDP: 8 Data-Driven Designs for Successful Customer Journeys

In this guide, discover 8 use cases for how a customer data platform can tackle common challenges faced by marketing, commerce, service, and sales teams. With helpful diagrams and simple explanations in each use case, see how Salesforce’s CDP, Data Cloud for Marketing, powers personalized, real-time experiences across marketing, with capabilities that include: Optimizing ad spend Powering dynamic website content Increasing upselling and cross-selling Resolving service cases with marketing data B

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Mastering Conversation Starters is One of the Best Sales Strategies


What do you want out of your first conversation with a potential customer? One of the best sales strategies is to structure a relationship. Additionally, you can gain valuable insight or instill a sense of trust. Whatever your goal, you must realize that conversation is not a competition. However, improving your skill at initiating a conversation is.

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How to Develop Farmers and Hunters to be More Effective

The Center for Sales Strategy

There is a hierarchy in the sales world. Most sales leaders come from the days when salespeople were responsible for every step in the sales process. You had to find your leads, get an appointment, and ultimately close the deal. You only ate what you killed. We were hunters, so we tend to favor and even value hunters more than farmers. When I say farmers, I mean salespeople who spend most of their time nurturing clients, building relationships, and growing them.

How To 83
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Is The CosMc’s Hype Over?

Grant Cardone

At the end of 2023, McDonald’s CEO, Chris Kempczinski, surprised customers and shareholders alike by announcing a new restaurant chain. The spinoff brand, CosMc’s, is a beverage focused restaurant and when it opened… It took the country by storm. But how is the location holding up six months later? And is the success they received […] The post Is The CosMc’s Hype Over?

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“That Guest” At The Get-Together….

Partners in Excellence

I hate being trite with this analogy, but I will. My post “Cold Calling Was Never ‘Alive'” generated a lot of interesting questions and conversation. They were variations on the same theme, “I need to get to these people to tell them how we can help them… I need to share our experience in working with customers like them… I need to schedule a demo of what we do……” Repeating myself: Customers don’t care about it until they do!

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Retail Tech: Empower Associates, Optimize CX, and Boost Productivity

Speaker: Andrew Regan, Managing Partner at BlueSeed Retail Ltd.

Did you know that 70% of new retail technology fails to deliver expected benefits and can often decrease customer value, service, and experience? With that in mind, how can we empower our store associates to leverage new technology to optimize the customer experience and boost productivity? This exclusive webinar with Andrew Regan will dive into strategies to empower retail associates for success with new technology.

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What Exactly Is AI? Here’s What You Need to Know


You don’t have to work in the world of technology to know that technology is undergoing a massive shift thanks to recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI). Almost every major platform, from Google to Microsoft to Facebook has launched multiple new AI-powered tools, and many smaller technology companies have followed suit.

Exact 81
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How to Update Your Transactional Selling Strategy


While a popular strategy, transactional selling shouldn’t be a seller’s sole approach. It can be successful, but it doesn’t always align with today's buyers. And it isn't very sustainable. Still, some elements of this style can have a place in modern sales, but sellers need to do more. Combining this type of selling with a more consultative approach will win over prospects and lead to new business.

Strategy 105
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Gamification in Hiring: 5 Creative Ways to Make Recruitment Fun and Engaging

The Center for Sales Strategy

Attracting the brightest minds and best talent has become a fierce competition for organizations across all industries. However, conventional recruitment methods often fail to captivate potential candidates, leaving them disengaged and unmotivated. It's time to shake things up and inject some excitement into the hiring process. Enter gamification—the art of blending game-like elements into the recruitment experience.

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How to ELIMINATE Barriers to Success

Grant Cardone

One realization can changed your life — that you are the one creating the barriers to your success. Obviously, it’s hard pill to swallow. No one likes to be wrong. But on the other hand, this also means that you have the power to turn it around. This article maps out how… Self-Imposed Barriers to […] The post How to ELIMINATE Barriers to Success appeared first on GCTV.

How To 83
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Connect, Care, Convert: Secrets to Establishing Trust with Niche Markets and Turning Them Into Clients

Speaker: Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, The Money Coach®

Niche markets represent a huge opportunity for the financial services industry in America. From college students and women to communities of color and low-to-moderate-income households, niche populations have specialized financial needs – but they often underutilize many valuable financial products and services. How can you better connect with these consumers?

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Cross-Selling and Upselling to Boost B2B Deal Size

Janek Performance Group

In B2B sales, cross-selling and upselling are pivotal to maximizing growth and profitability. They also increase revenue per customer, making them vital to sustained success. Further, these activities can strengthen customer relationships and create loyalty. However, cross-selling and upselling can present challenges. For example, Fluent Support notes 37% of marketers shy away from cross-selling.

B2B 62
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“We Are Human Beings First, ….

Partners in Excellence

One of my favorite musicians is Yo Yo Ma. I was listening to an interview of him, he was reflecting on his mentor, Pablo Casals. Casals was probably the best cellist of his time. Yo Yo Ma quoted Casals, “I think of myself as a human being first, a musician second, a cellist third.” It’s something we must reflect on and constantly remind ourselves of.

Scale 73
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Develop Emotional Intelligence In Sales To Stand Out From the Crowd


Sellers who develop emotional intelligence can stand out from competitors to close more deals with buyers. It allows them to nurture deeper engagement with prospects and clients. They can also communicate more efficiently to demonstrate the value of their solution. And these benefits aren’t just anecdotal; research has shown the powerful effect emotional intelligence (EI) has on sales.

Hiring 85
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The Art and Science of Complex Sales Podcast


With over three decades of breaking barriers in B2B sales, Heidi Solomon-Orlick , CEO and founder of GirlzWhoSell , joins us to share her passion for empowering the next generation of female sales leaders. Heidi highlights sales as a collaborative, problem-solving process that goes beyond mere transactions, emphasizing the importance of a servant selling mindset for success.

B2B 70
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3 Sizzling Ways to Warm up Cold Calls

Even in today’s data-driven sales world, cold calling remains a fact of life for many go-to-market professionals. Fortunately, today’s sales leaders have a crucial advantage over their predecessors: market intelligence and outreach platforms that can warm up virtually any introduction.

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GTM 97: The Neural Network Training Approach to Enterprise Sales Process with Robert Brooks

Sales Hacker

Robert Brooks IV has spent 12 years leading sales, marketing and customer success at early-stage startups. Typically, he has served as the first sales (and first non-technical) hire reporting directly to a technical founder. Robert started his career at Charles Schwab but joined Stack Overflow ($1.8B exit), then Tempo Automation ($900M IPO) and is now part of the founding team and VP of Revenue at Lambda ($1.5B valuation).

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How I Use Behavior Assessments in Sales Hiring

Adaptive Business Services

While I don’t do this often (I did it constantly when I was in management), I recently hired a salesperson for a local company and I am now involved with the training of that individual. I’m not sure why companies want me to be involved in the hiring process. Well, yes I do. It’s PAINFUL and it’s a GRIND! I also secretly suspect that, if this salesperson fails, they can blame me instead of themselves.

Hiring 77
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“Rearranging The Deck Chairs”

Partners in Excellence

Yesterday, I was privileged to sit in a discussion with a number of SaaS founders and sales executives. We were talking about organizing the GTM functions to maximize performance. It was a fascinating discussion. It’s also like so many discussions I see, with all sorts of organizations. These discussions focus on how we structure and organize to drive higher levels of performance.